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Chad Judice

Chad Judice is a teacher of civics and American History at St. Thomas More Catholic High School in Lafayette, Louisiana. He is a winner of the 2010 Lafayette Education Foundation Teacher of the Year Award in the Inspirational Category. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education Social Studies from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. He and his wife Ashley make thier home in Lafayette, and they have two young children.

"In Waiting for Eli, Chad Judice chronicles in spiritual journey from fear of one's own personal limitations to self-abandonment to the divine mercy of God's providence. The story of his spiritual progression, as he prepares for the birth of his son Eli, functions as a profound testimony to the Gospel of Life and to the underlying truth that faith is perfected through trial and suffering.

The author takes the universal pro - life message of the sanctity of human life and uses it to illustrate how the life of one child can sanctify the lives of the community of believers who witness to the power of prayer.

It is always a singular grace when God inspires us to be courageous and hopeful through the lives and sacrifices of others who persevere, especially one as young as Eli Judice."

Daniel Cardinal DiNardo

Chair for Committee of Pro - Life Activities, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

“Any man has the capability of making a baby, but the responsibility of fatherhood is a gift bestowed upon those wise enough to realize that it is a lifelong commitment that will bring one a joy no amount of money on this earth can buy. One cannot fully understand the unconditional love of Jesus Christ until they can love something greater than themselves. There is no better teacher of this lesson than fatherhood. -Chad Judice”
Chad Judice
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