chandrakirti photo


[A] khenpo of Nālandā Mahāvihāra and a disciple of Nāgārjuna and a commentator on his works and those of his main disciple, Āryadeva. Candrakīrti was the most famous member of what the Tibetans came to call the dbU-ma thal-'gyur, an approach to the interpretation of Madhyamaka philosophy sometimes back-translated into Sanskrit as Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka or rendered in English as the "Consequentialist" or "Dialecticist" school.


“because things are not produced causelessly, of from ishvara and so forth, or from other, from self, or both, they are dependently produced.”
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“extreme conceptions arise with the conception of inherently existent phenomena. it has been thoroughly analyzed how phenomena do not inherently exist; when the conception of an inherently existent phenomenon does not exist, these extreme conceptions do not arise, just as there is no fire when there is no fuel.”
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“it is not because they run out of sky that birds turn back, it is because they lack the strength to keep on flying. just so, the sravaka disciples and the bodhisattvas, can not express buddha’s qualities, as infinite as space.”
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