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Charity Parkerson

Charity Parkerson is an award winning and multi-published author with several companies. Born with no filter from her brain to her mouth, she decided to take this odd quirk and insert it in her characters.

*Eight-time winner of Readers' Favorite Awards

*2014 Golden Ankh nominee

*2013 Readers' Favorite Award Winner

*2013 Reviewers' Choice Award Winner

*2012 ARRA Finalist for Favorite Paranormal Romance

*Five-time winner of The Mistress of the Darkpath

**Connect with her online:




“I'm often asked which author I am most inspired by, but I'm inspired by all authors. It takes a great deal of courage to pour your onto paper and watch silently as the world judges it loudly.”
Charity Parkerson
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“If I never received a bad review then I wouldn't be a real writer, but I much prefer the good ones”
Charity Parkerson
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“Maybe I could interest you in a Vodka sour instead. It causes the same effects as having a husband. First you get a rush of euphoria only to be replaced by regret in the morning.”
Charity Parkerson
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“Evil lives in the dark. We instinctively know it as children, but as we grow older we allow reason to cloud our judgement”
Charity Parkerson
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“It wasn't a conscious decision nor was it only one bad choice that led him here. It was anger, pure unadulterated fury”
Charity Parkerson
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“Hope is the most evil of all emotions”
Charity Parkerson
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“Yep, that's me, making all of America uncomfortable one person at a time”
Charity Parkerson
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“How foolish we can be in life when driven by righteousness”
Charity Parkerson
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“Why couldn't life be like the movies where the women faint when they get overwhelmed?”
Charity Parkerson
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“Why can't life be like the movies where where the women faint when they get overwhelmed?”
Charity Parkerson
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“None of us are truly good. There are those of us that want to be good, and maybe even try to be, but life will not allow you to be”
Charity Parkerson
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“Nobody ever thinks about the flame. It always ends up alone, and surrounded by a bunch of dead moths.”
Charity Parkerson
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