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Charles Baxter

“At least with pets, and for all I know , people too, intelligence and quick-wittiness have nothing to do with a talent for being loved, or being kind, nothing at all, less than nothing.”
Charles Baxter
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“intelligence and quick-wittedness have nothing to do with a talent for being loved, or being kind, nothing at all, less than nothing.”
Charles Baxter
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“You can not figure out love without figuring out death, too, but the effort it takes can knock the wind out of you. Love is the first cousin of death, they're acquainted with each other, they go to the same family reunions.”
Charles Baxter
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“If you're smart, you keep happiness to yourself.”
Charles Baxter
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“When you break the heart of the philosopher, you must apply great force and cunning strategy, but when the deed is completed, the heart lies in great stony ruin at your feet. If you succeed in breaking it, the job is done once and for all. It will not be repaired.”
Charles Baxter
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“Because it is the Midwest, no one really glitters because no one has to, it's more of a dull shine, like frequently used silverware.”
Charles Baxter
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“Making love to him was like going through a car wash, except you came out dirtier and more alive at the other end.”
Charles Baxter
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“To his great relief she recommended no course of action. She listened. She didn't believe in giving advice, even when asked.”
Charles Baxter
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“Men have strength, Miss Ferenczi said, but no true magic. That is why men fall in love with women but women do not fall in love with men: they just love being loved.”
Charles Baxter
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“Every day became an epic of endurance.”
Charles Baxter
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“Their imaginations put the scene on a film loop. Guiltily, they watched it until their mental screens began to wash the rest of the past away.”
Charles Baxter
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“Against the odds, they refuse to succeed.”
Charles Baxter
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“Experience and disappointments had made us methodical.”
Charles Baxter
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“I felt as though I were in the presence of one of God's more complicated pranks.”
Charles Baxter
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“Of course they were children, he knew that, and that wasn't it. They gave off a terrible glow. They had the blank glow of angels. They lived smack in the middle of reality and never gave it a minute's thought. They'd never felt like actors. They'd never been sick with irony. The long tunnel of their thoughts had never swallowed them. They'd never had restless sleepless nights, the urgent wordless unexplainable wrestling matches with the shadowy bands of soul-thieves. God damn it, Sault thought. Everybody gets to be happy except me. Saul heard Anne's cries. The sun was sweating all over his forehead. He felt faint, and Jewish, as usual. He turned on the radio. It happened to be tuned to a religious station and some choir was singing "When Jesus Wept.”
Charles Baxter
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“At least with pets, and for all I know, people too, intelligence and quick-wittedness have nothing to do with a talent for being loved, or being kind, nothing at all, less than nothing.”
Charles Baxter
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“An unthinkable thought is not one that hasn't occurred to somebody, nor is it a thought that somebody considers to be wrong. An unthinkable thought threatens a person's entire existence and is therefore subversive and consequently can be thought of and has been thought of, but has been pushed out of the mind's currency and subsumed into its margins where it festers. Dark nights of the soul are lit by inconceivable ideas. Any story may draw its source from the power of an unthinkable thought.”
Charles Baxter
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“Charm sometimes has a habit of taking its leave of you. (p.256)”
Charles Baxter
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“My God, the corruptions of literature. It put all these notions into our heads.”
Charles Baxter
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“As the poet says, all happy couples are alike, it's the unhappy ones who create the stories. I'm no longer a story. Happiness has made me fade into real life.”
Charles Baxter
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“Anyway, what I've just told you was what prompted the chair incident. I had grown big, and he was trying to belittle me.”
Charles Baxter
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“Art is not a sack race.”
Charles Baxter
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“She has a winning smile. She wins, she always wins.”
Charles Baxter
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“I don't think that most women have to prove that they're real women. You live long enough, you graduate to being real.”
Charles Baxter
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“Savor the imminent weirdness of the day.”
Charles Baxter
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“His was the kind of beauty for which you would pay the price of a lifetime of sorrow and all the varieties of rage. Eventually, you would have to go to church to get rid of him.”
Charles Baxter
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“If you want to see the consequences of ideas, write a story. If you want to see the consequences of belief, write a story in which somebody is acting on the ideas or beliefs that she has. ”
Charles Baxter
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“When you’re in love you don’t have to do a damn thing. You can just be. You can just stay quiet in the world. You don’t have to move an inch.”
Charles Baxter
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“The point is that although love may die, what is said on its behalf cannot be consumed by the passage of time, and forgiveness is everything.”
Charles Baxter
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“On the first floor near the foot of the stairs, we have placed on the wall an antique mirror so old that it can't reflect anything anymore. Its surface, worn down to nubbled grainy gray stubs, has lost one of its dimensions. like me, its glimmerless. You can't see into it now, just past it. Depth has been replace by texture. The mirror gives back nothing and makes no productive claim upon anyone. The mirror has been so completely worn away that you have to learn to live with what it refuses to do. That's its beauty.”
Charles Baxter
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“When I'm writing, I'm waiting to see somebody, and I'm waiting to hear them. It's almost like conjuring spirits out of the air, using your own imaginative instability.”
Charles Baxter
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“You know, there's something heartsick about parties like this. Look at us. We're all pretending to be smart, as if intelligence were the cure for our anguish.”
Charles Baxter
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“The worst mistakes I've made have been the ones directed by sweet-natured hopefulness.”
Charles Baxter
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“As my mother once said to me, ‘They’re quite crazy, dear – men are. What you look for is one of them whose insanity is large enough, and calm and generous enough, to include you.”
Charles Baxter
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“Oh”, he said. He was trying to smile, but it was a brave smile, a sickroom smile, and I was sorry I had caused it. I had apparently taken the wind out of his sails. His discouragement wasn’t a good sign. Men should stand up to me more than that. They have to fight back to satisfy me. They have to face me down.”
Charles Baxter
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“In February, the overcast sky isn’t gloomy so much as neutral and vague. It’s a significant factor in the common experience of depression among the locals. The snow crunches under your boots and clings to your trousers, to the cuffs, and once you’re inside, the snow clings to you psyche, and eventually you have to go to the doctor. The past soaks into you in this weather because the present is missing almost entirely.”
Charles Baxter
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“There's nothing to talk about to strangers anymore, if you know what I mean. Everything I want to say, I say to her.”
Charles Baxter
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“[T]he astonishing purity of pain, how it will not be mixed with any other sensation.”
Charles Baxter
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“Everybody should customize their names.”
Charles Baxter
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“There is no weather in malls.”
Charles Baxter
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“In truth, there are only two realities: the one for people who are in love or love each other, and the one for people who are standing outside all that.”
Charles Baxter
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“Gainfully unemployed, very proud of it, too.”
Charles Baxter
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“Ethics is a dream.”
Charles Baxter
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“Forget art. Put your trust in ice cream.”
Charles Baxter
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“You are a real find and you keep me satisfied, up to a point. After all, I'm a malcontent and you can't change that.”
Charles Baxter
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“You think that what I've told you is an anecdote. But really it isn't. It's my whole life. It's the only story I have.”
Charles Baxter
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“What's agitating about solitude is the inner voice telling you that you should be mated to somebody, that solitude is a mistake. The inner voice doesn't care about who you find. It just keeps pestering you, tormenting you--if you happen to be me--with homecoming queens first, then girls next door, and finally anybody who might be pleased to see you now and then at the dinner table and in bed on occasion. You look up from reading the newspaper and realize that no one loves you, and no one burns for you.”
Charles Baxter
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“it helps that in michigan everyone goes inside from november through april. but from may until october they are outside, on display, and all of a sudden if you are single, you have a window to heaven and no way at all to get in.”
Charles Baxter
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“The twentieth century has built up a powerful set of intellectual shortcuts and devices that help us defend ourselves against moments when clouds suddenly appear to think.”
Charles Baxter
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“Literature is not an instruction manual.”
Charles Baxter
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