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Charles Bukowski

Henry Charles Bukowski (born as Heinrich Karl Bukowski) was a German-born American poet, novelist and short story writer. His writing was influenced by the social, cultural and economic ambience of his home city of Los Angeles.It is marked by an emphasis on the ordinary lives of poor Americans, the act of writing, alcohol, relationships with women and the drudgery of work. Bukowski wrote thousands of poems, hundreds of short stories and six novels, eventually publishing over sixty books

Charles Bukowski was the only child of an American soldier and a German mother. At the age of three, he came with his family to the United States and grew up in Los Angeles. He attended Los Angeles City College from 1939 to 1941, then left school and moved to New York City to become a writer. His lack of publishing success at this time caused him to give up writing in 1946 and spurred a ten-year stint of heavy drinking. After he developed a bleeding ulcer, he decided to take up writing again. He worked a wide range of jobs to support his writing, including dishwasher, truck driver and loader, mail carrier, guard, gas station attendant, stock boy, warehouse worker, shipping clerk, post office clerk, parking lot attendant, Red Cross orderly, and elevator operator. He also worked in a dog biscuit factory, a slaughterhouse, a cake and cookie factory, and he hung posters in New York City subways.

Bukowski published his first story when he was twenty-four and began writing poetry at the age of thirty-five. His first book of poetry was published in 1959; he went on to publish more than forty-five books of poetry and prose, including Pulp (1994), Screams from the Balcony (1993), and The Last Night of the Earth Poems (1992).

He died of leukemia in San Pedro on March 9, 1994.

“(Non è divertente?)Quando eravamo ragazzi distesi sull’erba a pancia in giù parlavamo spesso di come ci sarebbe piaciuto morire. Ed eravamo tutti d’accordo su una cosa: ci sarebbe piaciuto morir scopando(E nessuno di noi aveva mai scopato fino allora). Ora che non siamo più bambini pensiamo di più a come non morire. E anche se siamo pronti molti di noi preferirebbero farlo da soli sotto le lenzuola. Ora che la maggior parte di noi ha fottuto via la propria vita.”
Charles Bukowski
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“I would be married, but I'd have no wife, I would be married to a single life.”
Charles Bukowski
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“I just want a hot cup of coffee,black,and I don’t want to hear about your troubles.”
Charles Bukowski
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“Humanity, you never had it from the beginning." That was my motto.”
Charles Bukowski
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“t was almost disappointing because it seemed when stress and madness were eliminated from my daily life there wasn't much left you could depend on.”
Charles Bukowski
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“Human relationships were strange. I mean, you were with one person a while, eating and sleeping and living with them, loving them, talking to them, going places together, and then it stopped. Then there was a short period when you weren't with anybody, then another woman arrived, and you ate with her and fucked her, and it all seemed so normal, as if you had been waiting just for her and she had been waiting for you. I never felt right being alone; sometimes it felt good but it never felt right.”
Charles Bukowski
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“I don't know if this is true to you but for mesometimes it gets so badthat anything elsesay likelooking at a bird on an overheadpower lineseems as great as a Beethoven symphony.then you forget it and you're backagain.”
Charles Bukowski
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“I wasn’t going anywhere and neither was the rest of the world. We were all just hanging around waiting to die and meanwhile doing little things to fill the space. Some of use weren’t even doing little things. We were vegetables.”
Charles Bukowski
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“La gente la sera è in libertà provvisoria dalle fabbriche, dai magazzini, dalle stazioni di servizio, dai macelli. Il giorno dopo tornano dentro, ma adesso sono fuori, ubriachi di libertà. Non pensano alla schiavitù della povertà. I ricchi staranno bene finché i poveri non impareranno a costruire bombe atomiche nei loro seminterrati”
Charles Bukowski
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“Frankly, I was horrified by life, at what a man had to do simply in order to eat, sleep, and keep himself clothed. So I stayed in bed and drank. When you drank the world was still out there, but for the moment it didn’t have you by the throat.”
Charles Bukowski
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“It’s the order of things: each one gets a taste of honey then the knife.”
Charles Bukowski
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“I don't remember going to bed, but in the morning, there I was.”
Charles Bukowski
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“It wasn’t my day. My week. My month. My year. My life. God damn it.”
Charles Bukowski
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“It was hard for me to believe. When recess was over I sat in class and thought about it. My mother had a hole and my father had a dong that shot juice. How could they have things like that and walk around as if everything was normal, and talk about things, and then do it and not tell anybody?”
Charles Bukowski
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Charles Bukowski
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“My body gnaws at me from one side and my spirit gnaws at me from the other.”
Charles Bukowski
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“There's nothing unusual about love.”
Charles Bukowski
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“Censorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actualities from themselves and from others. Their fear is only their inability to face what is real, and I can't vent any anger against them. I only feel this appalling sadness. Somewhere, in their upbringing, they were shielded against the total facts of our existence. They were only taught to look one way when many ways exist.”
Charles Bukowski
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“Sometimes you have to take the whole concept of Art and throw it out on its whore ass.”
Charles Bukowski
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“It will rain all this night and we will sleep transfixed by the dark water as our blood runs through our fragile life.”
Charles Bukowski
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“I met Betty on the street. "I saw you with that bitch a while back. She's not your kind of woman.""None of them are.”
Charles Bukowski
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“the soul has no skin; the soul only has insides that want to sing, finally, can't you hear it, brothers? softly, can't you hear it, brothers? a hot piece of ass and a new Cadillac ain't going to solve a god-damned thing.”
Charles Bukowski
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“I've found out why men sign their names to their works- not that they created them but more than the others did not.”
Charles Bukowski
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“Oh, I don’t mean you’re handsome, not the way people think of handsome. Your face seems kind. But your eyes - they’re beautiful. They’re wild, crazy, like some animal peering out of a forest on fire.”
Charles Bukowski
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“The park grass looked greener, the park benches looked better and the flowers were trying harder.”
Charles Bukowski
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“there was something aboutthat city, thoughit didn't let me feel guiltythat I had no feeling for thethings so many let me alone.”
Charles Bukowski
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“Do some living and get yourself a typewriter.”
Charles Bukowski
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“now look, she said, stretched out on the bed, I don’t want anything personal, let’s just do it, I don’t want to get involved, got it? she kicked off her high-heeled shoes… sure, he said, standing there, let’s just pretend that we’ve already done it, there’s nothing less involved than that, is there? what the hell do you mean? she asked. I mean, he said, I’d rather drink anyhow. and he poured himself one. it was a lousy night in Vegas and he walked to the window and looked out at the dumb lights. you a fag? she asked, you a god damned fag? no, he said. you don’t have to get shitty,...”
Charles Bukowski
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“yes, Wagner and the storm intermix with the wine as nights like this run up my wrists and up into my head and back down into the gut”
Charles Bukowski
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“If there are junk yards in hell, love is the dog that guards the gates.”
Charles Bukowski
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“There is a time to stop reading, there is a time to STOP trying to WRITE, there is a time to kick the whole bloated sensation of ART out on its whore-ass.”
Charles Bukowski
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“I went over to see Marina two or three or four times a week. I knew as long as I could see the girl I would be all right…. Soon after, I got a letter from Fay. She and the child were living in a hippie commune in New Mexico. It was a nice place, she said. Marina would be able to breathe there. She enclosed a little drawing the girl had made for me.”
Charles Bukowski
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“Fay had a spot of blood on the left side of her mouth and I took a wet cloth and wiped it off. Women were meant to suffer; no wonder they asked for constant declarations of love.”
Charles Bukowski
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Charles Bukowski
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“Why do you insist upon destroying yourself?”
Charles Bukowski
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“Some nights I knew that if I slept I would die.”
Charles Bukowski
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“The world had somehow gone too far, and spontaneous kindness could never be so easy.”
Charles Bukowski
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“Are you becoming what you've always hated?”
Charles Bukowski
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“And I said to myself that he was the first thing that I had ever missed in my life.”
Charles Bukowski
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“I pretend to understand because I don't want anybody to be hurt”
Charles Bukowski
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“I lost almost all the blood in my body in 1957”
Charles Bukowski
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“There is a place in the heart that will never be filled; a space. And even during the best moments, and the greatest times, we will know it.”
Charles Bukowski
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“the best often die by their own hand just to get away, and those left behindcan never quite understand why anybodywould ever want to get away from them”
Charles Bukowski
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“cuando estaba en buena forma espiritual, después de comer lavaba el plato inmediatamente".”
Charles Bukowski
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“Jos et keksi mitä tekisit, niin ole kiltisti. (Auringonvalo, tässä olen, s. 217)”
Charles Bukowski
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“I mean, say that you figure that everything is senseless, then it can't be quite senseless because you are aware that it's senseless and your awareness of senselessness almost gives it sense. You know what I mean?”
Charles Bukowski
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“True revolution comes from true revulsion; when things get bad enough the kitten will kill the lion.”
Charles Bukowski
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“people run from rain butsitin bathtubs full ofwater.”
Charles Bukowski
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“the last cigarettes are smoked, the loaves are sliced,and lest this be taken for wry sorrow,drown the spider in are much more than simply dead:I am a dish for your ashes,I am a fist for your vanished air.the most terrible thing about lifeis finding it gone.”
Charles Bukowski
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“bad writing's like bad women: there's just not much you can do about it”
Charles Bukowski
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