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Charles Sheehan-Miles

Charles Sheehan-Miles has been a soldier, computer programmer, short-order cook and non-profit executive, and is the author of several fiction and non-fiction books, including the indie bestsellers Just Remember to Breathe and Republic: A Novel of America's Future. Charles and his wife Andrea Randall live and write together in South Hadley, Massachusetts.

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“It wasn’t. Ray was too alive, too vital, too much of everything. Everything about him was real, solid. He couldn’t be these things the doctor described. Not breathing on his own. No brain activity. Not Ray. “I don’t have home without him”, Carrie said when doctor asked her to go home. “I won’t give up on him. Do you hear me, Doctor? Don’t you give up on him!”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I rested my hand on hers. Actually, when I wasn’t paying attention, it was in hers. I don’t know if it helped. I don’t know if it made any difference at all, if she had even the vaguest sense that I was there, that I was thinking about her and hurting for her and praying for her. All I could do was try. All I could do was be here. All I could give her was my love, even if she never knew.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I’ll go to hell with him”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Next time we meet again, let’s play doctor”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Someday you going to make some man very happyI hope its going to be Ray...Your soldier? I nodded, a half smile in my faceYou love him?Yes....Yes I do...”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Anger gone as quick as it had come, now I just felt like an idiot. Not that this was the first time, and probably wouldn’t be the last. (Ray)”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“She stopped, then finally turned around, and looked at me. “Just because you’ve been in a war doesn’t mean you’ve got a monopoly on shitty situations. And this is a shitty situation. So back to what I said before. Don’t tell me what to do.”(Sarah)”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I don’t have home without him”, Carrie said when doctor asked her to go home.“I won’t give up on him. Do you hear me, Doctor? Don’t you give up on him!”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“that feeling that I could touch the sky? That’s exactly how you make me feel.” (Ray)”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I should go. My date...""Screw him.""That wasn't on the agenda for tonight."He gave me a wicked grin."I'm glad.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I stood there for a few more seconds, watching her go. And I couldn’t do anything but admire her courage, her compassion. I wanted her. I wanted her so badly I was shaking.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Sometimes … I think parents work so hard to keep us from making their mistakes, they won’t allow us to make our own.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“What are you afraid of?” he asked.“Losing control,” I replied.“Sometimes losing control can be wicked awesome,” he said.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“What I learned was this: letting myself be at the mercy of hormones and brain chemicals and emotions can be deadly.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I’m afraid she’s going to grow right past me and end up falling in love with some asshole who has it all together.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I love you, and I want you to be happy, I want you to have the life you deserve. And if that means … if that means I have to stand here and watch you walk away, then I’ll do it. I won’t be happy about it. It’ll break my heart. But … if that’s what you really need, then we’re done.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Alex, you're so beautiful, sometimes just looking in our eyes makes my heart stop. Even if I never see you again after today...even if I get to be ninety nine years old, and have a life that goes on without you...I will never, ever forget our first kiss.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Alex, I don't need to keep myself safe from you. I don't want to keep myself safe from you. You mean too much to me. I'd rather have a lifetime of heartache, from you breaking my heart, than even imagine my life without you at all. Because a life without you wouldn't be a life at all.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Alex, I don't want to date you. I don't want you to be my girlfriend. I don't want us to be together for just a little while. I want you forever. I want us to look at each other, and say we love each other, and decide to be together forever. Alex...I want to spend our lives together. If we ever decided we want to have kids, I want it to be me and you.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I can imagine a life without you, but it seems impossible dreary, imperfect, unhappy.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I never stopped loving you,” he whispered. “Not even for a second. Even when I hated you.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Don't you get it? Can you imagine the...the heroism? That's what grace is all about. He didn't even think for one second about himself. All he thought about was that little girl, and saving her life.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Seriously, what the hell does playing the field mean anyway? Am I like some sports metaphor for you? You made it to home base, so now it's time to go to the Superbowl or whatever?”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“You and me...its our job to try to bring him back, okay? I don't know if we can but...well...I love that guy. And I'm not gonna let him go off the edge if I can help it.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“You don't get to decide what's to big a risk for me. You don't decide what's good for me and what isn't. That's my decision, Dylan. If you care about me so much, then how dare you do this all by yourself? I choose not to destroy my present because of the risk of a future that might or might not happen.You should think about that.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“You're crazy, Dylan. Oh, my God, you proposed marriage with index cards? No one else in the world would do that. Yes. Yes, Yes! If you ask me a thousand times, then every single time I'll say yes.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“When I'm ninety, I want you to tell me that it's my turn to ask you a question, and if that miracle happens, then my question is going to be, 'Do you still love me?' and I hope that answer will still be yes.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“If you send me on my way today," I whispered "If you tell me to get the hell out of your life and never come back...I'll accept it. But it will be the one and only permanent regret of my life: that we never made love.That we lost our future together.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Home's where the people you love are. It's about finding the things that matter to you, and holding on to them and taking care of them.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Alex… I love you. I’ll go where you lead me. I won’t ask for more.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“There’s a side benefit to this. We get to learn about each other, get to know each other, all over again.” His voice dropped to a husky near whisper, and he leaned close and said next to my ear, “We get to fall in love all over again, for the second time. How cool is that?”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“You still smell like strawberries, and it’s breaking my heart.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“What do you want from me, Crank?” Her voice was raw, desperate. I looked at her. She was so close, but might as well have been a thousand miles away. I said, “I want you to love me.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Sometimes things aren't what they appear. We all have hurts that we don't show.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“The things you rebel against are the things that define you. (Crank)”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“And you won't write any more stupid songs about me?""Can't promise that. In fact, that may be all I do for the rest of my life.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Before you go, you need to know - I'd do anything for you. Even kis you goodbye and watch you go.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I don't understand you. Is this how you get girls in bed?""No." "So what's different?" "I'm not trying to get you in bed. Well...I am. But not just temporarily.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I want you to love me.""I don't even know you.""Then I'll settle for a date. Bowling?”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“That's why you love me." "I do not love you. I don't even like you." "You will," he said, his voice low and luscious.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“It's true, I love you, and I want you to be happy, I want you to have the life you deserve. And if that means... if that means I have to stand here and watch you walk away, then I'll do it. I won't be happy about it. It'll break my heart. But... if that's what you really need, then we're done.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Because you make me better. You make me-you make me feel like I matter. Like my life matters. I feel like, with you, I can do anything in the world. That we can do anything in the world. And we will.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I don't have room for serious in my life."He stepped close and brushed my lips with his, then spoke in a low tone. "I want you to be serious about me,”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Love meant a lot, it meant everything, and it meant nothing.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I’d say you’re worth falling in love with twice.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“I wonder if that’s why it was so painful when we split up? Because we’d fallen so hard, so fast. I lost myself in him.”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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“Before you think I'm a complete pig.. never mind. I am." - Crank”
Charles Sheehan-Miles
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