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Charlie Courtland

I graduated with honors from the University of Washington with a B.A. in English Literature with an emphasis on Creative Writing and a minor in Criminology, but apparently I can't spell or edit. I know, it's a mystery! However, I'm terribly gifted when it comes to critiquing works of fiction, writing reviews, promoting and making other writers famous. It's a gift really...just don't ask me to proofread or facebook without committing typos. If you feel the need to point out a typo, I will feel the need to defriend you immediately.

I am the voice and founder behind the international blog sensation, "Bitsy Bling Books."

I've written 3 genius books although not everyone seems to think so (those people are idiots) and have reviewed hundreds (and counting).

I currently reside in Seattle, Washington.

Amazon Vine book Reviewer.

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“How could I insist on equality when I was unwilling to do what life demanded to be equal?”
Charlie Courtland
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“I've found when a person does not have the luxury to weigh morality one does not ponder, but does what must be done.”
Charlie Courtland
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