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Charlotte McPherren

“I just helped with a birthing."Amber flames lit his angry dark eyes. "Women have no business doing that kind of work. It's not decent!"Thoroughly provoked by his unreasonable attitude, Willow completely forgot Miriam's presence. "Well, that's a lamebrain thing to say, considering it's us females who do the birthing. All men do is prime their-""Willow!" Miriam interjected. "That is quite enough!" Seemingly disgusted with both of them, Miriam waved Rider off dismissively. "Mr. Sinclair, you've seen for yourself she's quite all right so I suggest you take yourself elsewear.""Fine! It's a little too whiffy around here for me anyway." He jerked Sultan around and rode off in a monstrous huff.Willow was pricked by his disdain more than she cared to admit. "Did you hear what he said? He said I stink! You'd think I'd just climbed out of a pig sty! Hell, how would he know if I stink? He wasn't even close enough to sniff me."Miriam exhaled a deep sigh and wrinkled her nose. "Well, believe me, I'm close enough!"Miriam bristled but then recognized the teasing twinkle in Miriam's soft hazel eyes and broke into a grin."It'll never do to stick you in a tub," the landlady observed. "I'd kill myself, filling and dumping it before we got you clean. Stay here and don't move. I'll be right back." Miriam returned, loaded down with towels, soap, and clean clothes. "Lead the way to that swimming hole you were telling me about."The two women silently traipsed down the narrow path to the river, Willow brooding over Rider's sarcasm and Miriam wondering if Willow's clothes could be laundered or if she should just burn them.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Miriam and Willow both looked up when Rider cantered in on his big stallion. Unaware of Willow standing just inside the stable, he addressed Miriam. "I couldn't find that little hellion anywhere! Has she come back?"Willow pursed her lips and stepped out of the shadows."Holy shit!" he bellowed at first glimpse of her.Willow grinned and shrugged. "It's possible there's some of that, too, but I don't know how holy it is.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Get off your horse, Jack.""Why don't you just ride outta here, missy, and I'll forget this ever happened."Willow's voice trembled with fury. "Get off your horse," she repeated. "Slow and easy."Still grinning his contempt, he did as he asked."That's good. Now, real slow like, take your gunbelt off and toss it my way.""Like hell!" A shot rang out and nicked a chunk of leather from his boot. Cursing, he unbuckled his gun and tossed it at her mare's feet."Now,strip them britches off, underwear, too," she ordered."You little shi-" Bang! Jack's hat whizzed off his head. He dropped his pants in a puddle over his boots, trying his best to shelter his privates from her view."My,my,Jack." Willow laughed humorlessly. "Is that puny thing you're trying to hide the same thing you were threatening me with?"If looks could kill, Willow would have been dead and buried ten times over, then and there."Take them confounded boots off so's you can get your pants clear off," she ordered in mock exasperation.He wheeled around, gaining a modicum of privacy while he complied."You're puny all over, Jack. You got the boniest bee-hind I ever did see. You sure you ain't picked up a worm somewheres?""You're gonna pay for this,you little slut!""Shut your filthy mouth and pick them pants off the ground and toss 'em over here at my horse's feet. Then you can put your boots back on."He gave the pants a toss, put his boots on, and turned around to face her, cuping his privates in his hands."Okay,Jack, finish the job. You've been real generous but I'm a greedy cuss. Give me the shirt off your back, too."Cursing, he again turned around and obeyed."Oh,ah,Jack, you better reach behind you there,and get your hat. I'll let you keep it. We wouldn't want your bald spot to get sunburned."Scofield now stood in nothing but his boots, using his hat to shield his lower half. Humiliated, the gunslinger's eyes burned with bloody intent. Willow suddenly regretted her damnable quick temper and realized the folly of her reckless retaliation. No doubt,the heinous man would seek revenge. But the damage was done and the man was so mad that backing off now would be the same as signing her death warrant."Step away from your horse and start walking toward the ranch, Scofield.""You're out of your mind!""Maybe,but I bet you'll think twice before threatening to poke that puny thing at another lady.""You? A lady? Ha!"Willow's temper flared anew. "Walk, Jack. Real fast. Cuz if you don't, I'm gonna use your puny thing for target practice." Her bullet kicked up the dust at his feet and started him on his way.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Unless you're ready to mount a cloud 'n' learn harp music, you better let go of me!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Why of all the nerve! That settles it, young lady. Either you come back to town with me or I'm not budging from this house. And when your father gets backmhe's going to wish he'd kept right on going!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“The sun must have baked the man's brain.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“And a more crude lot was never born.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“And thank you for bringing me.""A pleasure." Bartel returned politely, and stole one last look at the incredible smiling Hairy.Rider stood. Though he was relieved to hear that she planned on staying for a while, he was glad for an excuse to escape his landlady's inquisition. "I'll give you a hand, Bartel." Just short of grabbing the older man's arm, he hustled him out the door.Once outside, bartel chortled jovially. "Ease up,son. She isn't coming after us."Rider exhaled deeply and grinned. "Who put the burr under the lady's saddle?" he asked as they approached the carriage."Don't know, but she came flying into my store saying she had to get out here and get out here now! I tried to tell her I was too busy to be gallivanting all over hell's half acre, but do you think she'd listen? Uh-uh. Kept ranting and raving something 'bout Miss Willow's welfare. The woman was in a real dither all the way here."Rider groaned.Bartel slapped his back. "I can commiserate with you,son. There isn't anything scarier than a virtuous woman on a crusade.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Well, ma'am, as I said, I found Willow lying ill down on the riverbank.""What was she doing there?"Rider swallowed. "Ah,well, she, ah, was kind of taking a bath.""A bath!" The landlady looked like she was going to be sick.They now had Bartel's full attention. A grin wrinkled the corner of this mouth."Oh,she was all done,of course," Rider rushed to explain. "Dressed,too," he lied. "Poor girl said she had a severe headache."Rider was sweating bullets. He'd rather face the whole Clanton gang than his formidable landlady. She had the uncanny ability to make him feel like a ten-year-old boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar. And it didn't take much to figure out what her reaction would be to his "headache treatment." Since there were definitely no benefits to be won for total honesty, he reasoned that what she didn't know woulnd't hurt him.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“He levered his body to take a seat, started, and blurted, "Jumping Jehoshaphat! Will you look at that?""That's Hairy," Miriam said, dismissing further questions with a wave of her hand and taking a seat.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“What are you doing here?" he questioned, noting her harried appearance. Wild strands of chestnut hair had escaped her sever chignon and her blue dress was gray with dust."What am I doing here? The question is, what are you doing here? And where's Willow? Was that her room you just came from?"Before he could answer, Miriam's eyes suddenly widened. "Good God, what is that?" She pointed at the grinning deer's head."That's just Hairy," Rider returned impatiently, "and,yes,that was Willow's room.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“I'm still not sure why you're risking your neck. You don't really even like me."Rider tugged her to an abrupt halt on the path and tilted her face up to his. "I like you plenty, lady.Maybe too much. But if you choose not to believe that, then maybe you can believe this. You're not using me any more than I'm using you. Right now,you need a strong man to protect you. I'm strong and I need the job. It's as simple as that."For a moment Willow stood stock still. Then she grinned. "You like me, huh?""Yeah." He chucked her under the chin. "I got this thing about poor helpless females.""Helpless!" She bristled. Then recognizing the teasing twinkle in his eye, she smiled. "Don't make me laugh, Rider. That makes my head hurt,too.""Tell you what. Doc Sinclair will attempt to work a special treatment that my father swore helped relieve my mother's headaches.""Right at this moment you could shoot me and I'd be forever grateful."He chuckled. "This treatment isn't anywhere near fatal.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“I'll turn my back, unless you think you need help getting dressed." Lord, he silently prayed, pleased don't test my chivalry that far!"I can manage, thank you very much!" she returned tightly. Turning his back, Rider grinned and lifted his eyes to heaven. "Thanks, big Fellah.""Did you say something?" Willow inquired.Rider kept a steady gaze on the trees. "Just talking to myself."He heard her mumble something about crazy people talking to themselves before she announced it safe for him to turn around. He did and was given an immediate jolt. She wore not her usual shirt and pants,but a clean nightshirt and wrapper. However,it wasn't her scanty attire that startled him as much as her pain-glazed eyes."My God,what is it?" Stunned, his hands automatically came up under both her elbows to steady her. "Are you in pain?" A thought came to him then. He hesitated, studying his boots. "Is it...I've got sisters, so don't be embarrassed.Is it your woman's time?" Rider's ears reddened, but it was nothing compared to Willow's high color.She jerked away from his touch, squeezed her eyes shut, and cradled her forehead in one hand. "And I wondered what else could go wrong," she muttered under her breath."What?""Dammit,Sinclair, men aren't suppose to talk to women about those things.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“I could use a nice bath down at the river tonight. Guess I'll just have to settle for a spit bath." She smiled good-naturedly and picked up the bucket. "Come on up to the house when you're finished and I'll show you to a room."As she turned to leave, Rider nonchalantly stretched out his arm and grabbed her belt, pulling her up short. "I could walk you to the swimming hole and stand guard if you like." His grin was devilish.Willow smiled and pried loose the long fingers on her waist. "I thank you for the offer, but I like my privacy.""Are you suggesting that I would be like the fox guarding the henhouse?" he teased, wiggling his brows up and down. "Don't forget, we are supposed to be lovers.""We're only playacting that we're lovers." She laughed and headed torward the door.His chair tipped over as Rider beat her there and stretched an arm across the doorway to block her passage. "All good plays are well-rehearsed,Willow." His deep baritone was tantalizing in its implication.Her cheeks pinked and she uttered a nervous little laugh. "Let me through, you big galoot."Instead,he leaned closer. He smelled of leather,outdoors, and a familiar male scent she now realized was his alone. The heady combination aroused her desire to be closer, to be touched. Warning bells went off.Willow tried stepping back, but his other arm came up behind her and cut off her retreat. Her hammering heart skipped a beat as his desire-laden eyes touched where his hands dared not."Let's rehearse, sweetheart.""Rehearse," she repeated in a dreamy whisper. She dropped the bucket, all thoughts of escape gone. Her body leaned into his of its own volition. What do I know of lovers? she asked herself. Practice, yes. I need practice. Hicks must be convinced. She tilted her head back for Rider's kiss. Rehearsal, that's all it is. Her lips met his.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Then I remembered what my brothers taught me and tried to knee his...Well, you know.""From firsthand experience," Rider replied with a nod.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“I'm a light sleeper, and if Hicks tries any shenanigans, I'll find him a permanent bed on Boot Hill.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“I'm sorry I grabbed you like that, but your stubbornness would drive a saint crazy.""Yeah, and we both know you ain't no saint!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Thanks for helping me clean up. Still can't understand a man willing to help out in the kitchen, though. You sure it wasn't just so you could question me?""I'm sure. Why do you find that so hard to believe?"He stood directly in front of her, so close Willow could feel his warm breath on her cheek. "I..." Her heart burst into a drumroll. A rush of hot blood spilled into all the places she'd always considered private. What was this magic? Without so much as a light caress, he stole her senses and left her trembling with an unnameable desire.She struggled against the sudden heightening of her senses. What was it I'd been about to say? Oh,yes. "Well," she began, "you're a man."Rider chuckled softly, the sound rippling down her spine. "You noticed that, did you?"She exhaled in exasperation. "Be quiet and let me finish. And stand back." She pushed against his chest, then yanked her hands away as if burnt. "I can't breathe with you caging me in like this."He arched a dark eyebrow but politely stepped to her side and leaned his shoulder against the house. "Better?""It'll do." He was still too close as far as Willow was concerned, but she'd be damned if she'd let him know how he affected her. "You got me off the subject, Sinclair.""I did?""Yes,you...Never mind.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“What are you doing?" she asked, staring across the table at him."It's late and you're as tired as the rest of us. I thought I'd give you a hand with these.""I'll be blamed," she exclaimed in bewilderment, "if you ain't the darnedest man I've ever had the misfortune to meet.""Guess you're just lucky then." The corner of his mouth quirked in an irritatingly attractive grin."You're also the most aggravating!" she fired back with a grin of her own. "There just ain't no figuring you."She picked up the heavy tray, but Rider came around the table and took it from her. "Lead the way,madame."Shaking her head, she headed down the hall to the back door then out to the cookhouse.Willow filled two basins with warm water from the stove. "You still insist on helping?""I do.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Above the rustic stone fireplace was a deer's head-but not an everyday deer's head. This mangy thing surveyed the room with a huge toothy grin. Either he had died with a smile on his face or the taxidermist had had a rare sense of humor. But the funniest thing was that, somehow, the ridiculous creature seemed to fit the room perfectly.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Lord,it's hot in here!" she exclaimed, waving a bedraggled towel in front of her face. "Wouldn't mind a swim myself." Paying him no mind, she unfastened a couple of buttons on her shirt, parted it, and blotted the swells of her breasts with the towel. As she bent down and reached into a cupboard, the shirt gaped.Paralysis afflicted Rider from his eyeballs down.Unaware of his stymied condition, Willow rummaged though the cupboard and asked, "Did Juan and Taylo get back yet?"No answer."Sinclair?" She found a chunk of soap and a towel and rose from her stooped position to find Rider's eyes glued to her breasts.The soap thunked Rider on his chest and broke his trance. He glanced up just in time to get a towel in his face but managed to catch it before it joined the soap on the floor. "I'm sorry. What did you say?""Never mind," She spun away to face the stove and to conceal her flaming face. Busily stirring with one hand, she nonchalantly rebuttoned her blouse with the other. "Don't tarry," she warned over her shoulder, "supper is almost ready."Tarry? Tarry? If he remained a minute longer, he was going to have dessert here and now and to hell with supper! He lowered his hat a few discreet inches to hide the evidence of his stirring desire. Then,with an ease he didn't feel, he picked up the soap. "I'll hurry, and thanks for the soap."He turned to leave, then stopped, a devilish glint in his eye. After the emotional turmoil she'd just put him through, she more than deserved a little teasing. "You're welcome to join me for a swim, if you like." His smile was wide and audacious. "I'm not shy."Willow turned to face him, fork in hand. "Let's you and me get something straight, Sinclair. I ain't shy and I don't shock easy neither. You see, I reckon you ain't got nothin' my brothers don't."Her bald remark shocked him as intended but Rider was not to be outdone. "Maybe I don't." He grinned rakishly. "But I've been told I have a rather...exceptional physique."Willow rolled her eyes. "Well, as you can see, I ain't got time to do any comparing. Now,go take your bath and get outta my hair!"Rider swung the towel over his shoulder and turned to leave again. Disappointed by his inability to rile her, he added, "Shucks, Freckles. I was kind of hoping you'd scrub my back. I've been told my back is a mighty fi-"She jabbed the air with the big fork, motioning to the door."I'm going! I'm going! This place is hazardous to a man's health." He ducked out the door,laughing."And stop calling me Freckles!" she yelled after him. Grinning and shaking her head, Willow directed her attention back to the stove. Rider Sinclair was an odd egg if ever she saw one. One minute the man was purely obnoxious, the next, teasing and charming.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Listen," he said still breathing hard, "I'm sorry. I have no right to lecture you." His voice warmed with a devastating smile and his voice lowered a sensual octave. Before he had a chance to stop them, his thoughts rolled off his tongue. "But, darlin', you're a mighty tempting sight in those pants. It does things to a man, things you're too innocent to know about."Willow swallowed hard, his hot look stealing her usual spontaneous wit. Dropping her gaze from his, she stammered, "I...It's getting late. We better go.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Rider's head snapped up at the sound of gravel crunching under Willow's boots. The sight of the girl in boy's garb birthed an oath. Beneath her cotton shirt, her breasts bounced freely with each step. And within the tight mannish pants, her hips swung in an unconscious rhythm, clearly proclaiming her all woman. Hell, she might as well be naked! His body's reaction was immediate.Cursing his lack of control, he turned sideways, facing her horse, and pretended to adjust the saddle straps.Willow took Sugar's reins and waited for Rider to move aside. He didn't budge an inch. Instead, he tipped his hat back on his head, revealing undisguised disapproval. "Is that the way you always dress?" he bit out.Willow stiffened, immediately defensive. Criticizing herself was one thing; putting up with Sinclair's disdain was another! "If you were expecting a dress, you're crazy!" she snapped. "It would be suicide in this country.""Haven't you ever heard of riding skirts?""Yes. I'm not as dumb as you seem to think. But fancy riding skirts cost money I don't have. 'Sides, pants are a hell of a lot more useful on the ranch than some damn riding skirt! Now, if you're done jawing about my clothes, I'd like to get a move on before dark.""Somebody ought to wash that barnyard mouth of yours,woman."Willow rested her hand on her gun. "You can try, if you dare."As if I'd draw on a woman, Rider cursed silently, stepping out of her way. As she hoisted herself into the saddle, he was perversely captivated by the way the faded demin stretched over her round bottom. He imagined her long slender legs wrapped around him and how her perfect heart-shaped buttocks would fill his hands and...Oh,hell, what was he doing standing here, gaping like some callow youth?Maybe the girl was right.Maybe he was crazy. One moment he was giving the little witch hell for wearing men's pants; the next he was ogling her in them. He started to turn away, then reached out and gave her booted ankle an angry jerk."Now what?" Icy turquoise eyes met his, dark and searing."Do you have any idea what you look like in that get-up? No self-respecting lady would dress like that. It's an open invitation to a man. And if you think that gun you're wearing is going to protect you, you're badly mistaken."Willow gritted her teeth in mounting ire. "So what's it to you, Sinclair? You ain't my pa and you ain't my brother. Hell,my clothes cover me just as good as yours cover you!" She slapped his hand from her ankle, jerked Sugar around, and spurred the mare into a brisk gallop.Before the fine red dust settled, Rider was on his horse, racing after her. Dammit, she's right.Why should I care how she dresses? Heaven knows it certainly has no bearing on my mission. No, agreed a little voice in his head, but it sure is distacting as hell!He'd always prided himself on his cool control; it had saved his backside more than once. But staying in any kind of control around Willow Vaughn was like trying to tame a whimsical March wind-impossible!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“He's a fine specimen of a man," Miriam said softly from behind her. "Be careful around him. I know how independent you think you are, but we still don't know much about Mr. Sinclair, and next to a man like that, you're a babe in the cradle."Willow shook off the shiver that Miriam's warning brought and chuckled self-consciously. "You worry too much."Miriam didn't laugh. "Just you mind what I said.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“That's all well and good,but my concern is for Willow. I think she's beginning to realize that she both needs and wants the respect and companionship of the women in this town. And frankly, a man with your reputation can only hurt her. Not that I think you'd deliberately cause her harm. I don't. But the girl already has several black marks against her and your attentions could very well add to her problems.Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?"Rider plowed his fingers through his jet hair. "Yes, you'd like me to stay clear of her. I understand,but I'm afraid I can't do that. Look, I know it's asking a lot,but you'll have to trust me where Willow Vaughn is concerned. I promise you that she'll come to no harm from me.""Trust,Mr. Sinclair,is something to be earned.""I know,and I hope you'll give me time to earn yours. But if you want me to pack up and find another place to stay, I'll understand."She considered that a moment. "No," she finally answered. "It would serve no purpose. This town has become a haven for every outlaw in the country and if every boarding house and hotel in Tombstone emptied out the disreputables, they'd soon go broke. I doubt I'll be held accountable for housing one more. Besides, at least this way,I can keep an eye on you."Rider smiled and stood, politely helping her to her feet. "Thanks. And by the way, for what it's worth, I'm not an outlaw.""If I truly believed you were, young man, you'd know it.""I'm very sorry for any trouble I might have caused you, Mrs. Brigham. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to change my clothes and saddle the horses."Rider walked to the parlor doors, glancing back over his shoulder as Miriam added, "You've asked me to trust you,Mr. Sinclair. Don't disappoint me or I guarantee you'll be sorry. I may be a woman, and not a young one at that, but I still have a few good tricks up my sleeve. If Willow suffers so much as a broken fingernail on your account, you'll have me to answer to."Rider inclined his head and opened the door to leave. "I'll do my best, ma'am, but much depends on the young lady." Knowing he'd already said more than he should, he turned and left.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Miriam really hates for me to ride to and from the ranch alone so your coming along should make her feel better. Right, Miriam?"Miriam cast her a don't-play-my-own-tricks-on-me look.For her benefactress's peace of mind, less than for Rider's knowledge, Willow added, "I've told Miriam she doesn't need to worry about me. I always carry a pistol."Rider's brows shot up. "You pack a gun?""Uh-huh, an old Colt .45. It was a present from Nick, my oldest brother.""And I bet you know how to shoot it, too." He smiled wryly."I ain't no quick draw, but I usually hit what I aim at.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Let's get out of here, Sinclair," Willow urged. "I reckon I've offended the God-fearing people of Tombstone enough for one day.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Hell and damnation! Is that your destiny?"Willow's eyes flew open as she shot out of the church pew. Her voluminous hymnal crashed to the floor like the slam of a door on an empty tomb.Silence.Oh,hell, she silently groaned. Trying her best to disappear, she hunkered down between her two companions. Her expression sheepish, she leaned toward Miriam and whispered, "I wasn't expecting the reverend to yell like that.""You weren't expecting anything," Miriam whispered back accusingly. "You were sleeping!"Soft tittering buzzed throughout the congregation, coloring Willow's cheeks a bright pink. Even Sinclair's shoulders shook will ill-repressed mirth. "Quit it," Willow hissed, elbowing his ribs. His muffled grunt earned them both Miriam's castigating frown."Shushhhh!" This came from a hawk-nosed old lady in the pew behind them. Willow flashed the woman a withering glance and straightened to face the front of the church.Her eyes immediately collided with Reverend Peabody's visage and to her surprise, his face was contorted in a comic attempt not to laugh. Willow ducked her head, grinning to herself. Well, she thought, at least the preacher has a sense of humor.With that in mind, she endeavored to remain attentive throughout the sermon, not an easy task considering the church felt like an airless box.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“You better keep your mouths shut if you know what's good for you."Rider strolled up to her, a punch glass in each hand. "What's going on here? You look ready to take on Geronimo."The girls giggled and moved off across the room. Rider frowned and glanced back at Willow. "Were they making fun of you?""Yes." Embarrased, she refrained from commenting on the topic of their taunts. "I'd like to slap their silly smiles off their silly faces," she hissed.She took a step forward and, for a moment, Rider thought she meant to carry out her threat. He caught her arm. "Whoa, there.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Scared?" he asked a few minutes later.Willow glanced up in surprise. "Scared of what?""Me.""Should I be?""You're an attractive woman practically alone with a man who's reputation is questionable." When she didn't repsond, he moved out of the shadows to stand over her. He restated his question. "Are you worried?"His stance and narrow-eyed expression were almost menacing. Was his move meant to intimidate her? The thought miffed her. She abruptly stood and moved closer, staring up at him defiantly. "I don't scare easy. 'Sides, I can take care of myself."His smile was rueful. "Against a man my size?""My brothers taught me tricks to make up for my smaller size-if you'll remember correctly."Rider scowled. "I was caught off guard that day. What you did wasn't a very ladylike thing to do, you know."Willow's ire flared. "You got a real thing about this ladylike stuff, don't you, mister?" She punctuated each word with a jab of her finger against his chest. "Well,let me tell you something. When a gentleman forgets to be a gentleman, I reckon a lady can forget to be a lady."Rider captured her finger in his hand, surprising her with his smile. "You know, you're absolutely right. I can't argue with the truth; it would't be gentlemanly. Shall we call a truce and agree to be friends?""Willow tried to tug her finger out of his grasp but he held it tight. "Well?" he prodded."We can call a truce, but I ain't ready to call you friend."He retained his hold on her finger. "Friendly acquaintances, perhaps?"His grin was infuriating, but her finger was going numb. "Maybe," she relented."Well,that's better than nothing, I suppose."He released her stiff finger, and she shook it behind her back to restore the circulation.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“I've never done this before," she confessed.He stopped and rounded them both into dance position. "You're so beautiful tonight, no one will notice if you misstep. And by the way,happy birthday.”
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“Her feet now safely planted on level flooring, Willow nervously smoothed her skirts before lifting her head.Turquoise eyes met deep brown.Willow's mouth dropped open in shock. "Lieutenant Numbskull?"Rider stiffened, but recovered quickly. "Freckles?" he pretended surprise. Backing up a step, his appreciative gaze raked her from head to toe. "My God! It is you!"Willow's cheecks burned beneath his conspicuous appraisal. The lieutenant's pleased grin fueled her simmering anger at Miriam's unwelcome matchmaking venture. "What are you doing here?" she huffed.Rider arched a dark brow in ironic amusement. "Is that any way to greet an old friend...Freckles?""You two know each other?" Miriam interjected, astonished."You might say that." Rider chuckled.Willow didn't know who she wanted to murder most, Miriam or the lieutenant. But standing here in all her ladylike spendor, she remembered his hurtful maligning of her femininity. For some inexplicable reason she felt compelled to prove that she could be every bit as feminine as any other woman.Despite her stormy emotions, her next words dripped off her lips like warm honey. "Unfortunately, Miriam"-she caressed Rider's coat sleeve and flapped her lashes outrageously-"we were never formally introduced."Rider eyed Willow's hand where it petted his arm, expecting claws to spring from her fingertips at any moment. Then he lifted his gaze to twin pools of mischief. One corner of his mouth crved in a wry grin. "What are you up to, Freckles?"His devastating smile was unnerving. Suddenly all too aware of her ineptitude at coquetry. Willow's confidence slipped a notch. Nevertheless, she was determined not to let him intimidate her. Casting him what she hoped would pass for a coy smile, she answered his question with an innocent shrug.Miriam blinked, agog at Willows antics. "Well,ah...let me properly introduce you two. Mr. Sinclair, this is Miss Willow Vaughn. Willow, this is Mr. Rider Sinclair."Willow inclined her head with forced politeness. Rider tossed her a sly wink.Befuddled by the stratified undercurrents, Miriam sputtered. "I...ah...I'm sorry to hurry the introductions, but we really are late. My carriage is waiting out front for us. Shall we go?""But of course." Rider held the door open, indicating they should proceed him. "Ladies..."Willow waited while he closed the door, then draped herself over his proferred arm. Miriam took his other arm and cast a warning glance at the younger woman. The girl smiled back angelically, deciding Miriam deserved to worry-just a little.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“I'm anxious for you to meet my new boarder," Miriam said as they headed down the street. "He's such a handsome, well-mannered young man. I think you would like each other."Willow stopped short. "Wait a minute . You aren't thinking of doing some matchmaking, are you? Criminey, all I need is another man to take care of. Listen, if I wanted a beau that bad, I could hook one easy all on my own.""Oh? Then why haven't you?""I just told you why. I don't need another man to do for. All a miner wants is a hard-working woman to slave for 'im while he chases dreams of gold and silver. Gamblers ain't much different, 'cept they're smoother talkers. They want a pretty mistress, one who don't mind working on her backside when her man's down on his luck."After a whole afternoon in Willow's company, Miriam was becoming shockproof. She merely raised a disapproving brow at this last statement. "I see your point, Willow, but has a real gentleman ever asked to court you?""I suppose that depends on your definition of a gentleman.""Humph! I thought as much." Miriam sashayed on down the boardwalk."You never did anwer my question," Willow reminded her, hurrying to catch up. "Are you matchmaking?""Oh,look, we're here at the ice-cream parlor already. What flavor are you going to have?”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Zer, I am finis.""'Bout time," Willow snarled.Mrs. Brigham's brow puckered in a frown. "Willow, mind your manners. Madeline is doing us a special favor so you can have this dress by tomorrow afternoon.""I can't help it. I feel like a guldanged pin cushion and I'm nigh onto dying for lack of air.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“You say it's this young woman's birthday?" he asked, hoping he didn't sound too eager."Yes." Mrs. Brigham practically sobbed into her lace hanky.Rider hid his smile at her histrionics behind a mask of concern. "Well, we can't disappoint the girl on her birthday, now can we, ma'am?""You changed your mind then?" she gushed happily. Rider offered his most charming smile, an attribute that had never failed to win a woman yet. "I'd be honored to take you and Miss Vaughn to the social.""Oh,thank you, Mr. Sinclair. I knew you were a true gentleman. Willow is such a dear young woman.So sweet and feminine."Rider choked on his coffee.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“I ain't wearing no dress. And even if I wanted to, Pa would skin me alive for spending his money on such frippery.""Nonsense. Of course you'll wear a dress. Good gracious, girl,I'm not asking you to rob a bank.""I'd rather rob the bank, thank you very much!”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Besides,I like working outdoors. Pa and the boys have always let me help with the ranch chores."This was received with a raised eyebrow. "Indeed. How kind of them. Willow,the men in your family treat you more like a slave than the young lady you are. It's a sin, I tell you, a deplorable sin!"Willow shrugged. ", ah, heck, I'd rather round up cows than be stuck in the house all day. Besides, there ain't much house work with Pa and the boys gone.""Humph! Too bad your pa didn't teach you more about the joys of being a lady."The girl bristled. "I am a lady! I may not wear those fancy, highfalutin clothes, or walk around looking helpless, but that ain't what really makes a lady, you know.""And what, pray tell, in your opinion, makes a lady, Willow?""A woman is a lady as long as she keeps her distance from horny critters of the opposite sex." She grinned proudly and declared, "I do.That makes me a lady!""Horny crit-" Shocked, Mrs. Brigham stared a moment, then nodded firmly. "My dear, someone needs to take you in hand, and I know my duty when I see it. Now listen to me, young lady-mind you, I use the term lightly. There's much more to being a lady than avoiding the opposite sex. For instance, ladies don't wear men's pants. Ladies don't herd cattle. And ladies don't smoke, curse, or sneak whiskey. I have it on good authority that you've done all those things and more. And, furthermore, ladies don't know the meaning of...horny!"Willow's lips pursed in annoyance. "Mrs. Brigham, I live with five men. They don't mince words just because I'm a woman.""Your father took the easy way out by raising you as another son. He's done you a terrible injustice.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Rider cursed, ducked another blow, threw one of his own, and then bent down, hoisting the scrappy little female, none too gently, over his shoulder. "This is no place for you, girl, even if this whole mess is your fault.""My fault!" screamed Willie, dangling upside down. "You're the one who had to go and open his big mouth!" She beat on his back as he dodged brawlers, and headed for safe ground. "Dammit, put me down, you overgrown ox. You're gonna make me miss the fight!"As she screeched and kicked in a most unladylike manner,her small feet barely missed his vunerable groin. Raising his hand to smack her bottom, Rider found it suddenly immobilized by a fierce grip. "Take your hands off my sister!"The lieutenant's head swiveled toward the owner of the surly voice, and met with a hard fist. He stumbled and bumped into another brawling twosome, slacking his grip on Willie's legs. Seizing the advantage,she aimed a well-placed kick,and this time connected with her intended target.Rider grabbed his crotch and lurched forward in pain, dropping the little hellion on top of her brother. Like cats, the girl and her sibling were on their feet,weaving a zigzag escape through the mayhem.Rider quickly regained his balance and swore, "Damn,I should have known the little rebel had a brother." Still cupping his privates and cursing the air blue, he watched brother and sister disappear. "Someday, freckle face, someday.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“Lieutenant Rider Sinclar stretched an arm upward, neatly catching the ball. He pivoted quickly, but missed tagging Willie by a hair as she ran by him. His mouth set in a line of grim determination, he charged after her. Launching himself forward and wrapping his arms around her, he slammed them both to the desert floor. A puff of dust filled his nostrils and settled on his sweat-dampened face.Winded, it was a moment before the unexpected softness filling Rider's left palm penetrated his senses. "What the..." Naw,couldn't be, he assured himself. But he queezed the soft globe in his hand, and there was no mistaking the pleasantly familiar roundness of a woman's breast."Lord Almighty! It's a woman!"Willie filled her deflated lungs and gasped angrily. "Now that you got that figured out,get off me! Can't you see that my fingers are touching the base? I'm safe, you damn fool.""Safe?" Rider repeated incredulously, still trying to grasp the fact that he'd just tackled a woman. "Hell, you're lucky that fall didn't break you in two.”
Charlotte McPherren
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“He could visualize his carefully nurtured bad-man image flying right out Mrs. Brigham's parlor window.”
Charlotte McPherren
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