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Charlotte Rogan

Charlotte Rogan spent 25 years as a closet writer before THE LIFEBOAT was published in 2012. The book was nominated for the Guardian first book award, the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, and the Goldsboro Books and Historical Writers Association debut historical fiction prize. It was included on The Huffington Post's 2015 list of "21 books from the last 5 years that every woman should read" and has been translated into 26 languages. Rogan's second novel, NOW AND AGAIN, was published in April, 2016.

“Writing is my attempt at reverence—for the natural world and for the thing in people that will sometimes do the right thing in spite of the consequences to themselves and in spite of the cacophony of voices claiming privileged insight into what the right thing is.”

“...and I wondered, not for the first time, if some of life's tragedy arose when people put themselves in situations they were not by nature suited for.”
Charlotte Rogan
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“It was not the sea that was cruel, but the people”
Charlotte Rogan
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“When we are babies...we need an authoritative figure to guide and take care of us. We ask no questions about that authority and imagine that the small circumference of family life is the limit of the universe...As we mature, our horizon expands and we begin to question. This continues until we either throw over our creators--our parents--for good and take their place as the creative force in our lives or find replacements for them because the terror and responsibility are too great. People go one way or the other, and this accounts for all of the great personal and political divides throughout history.”
Charlotte Rogan
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“I wondered if all a person could hope for was illusion and luck, for I was forced to conclude that the world was fundamentally and appallingly dangerous. It is a lesson I will never forget.”
Charlotte Rogan
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“I have lost patience with the idea of an insignificant human being standing up above the rest of us--whether he is called Reverend or Doctor or Judge--and shouting at us all about this thing or that. As soon as someone starts to pontificate in this way, I am apt to cut him off or leave the room, or, if this can't be done gracefully, I simply arrange that sweet vapid smile on my face that was so useful during the trial but that so infuriates Dr. Cole. After all, I have already taken the measure of my own insignificance, and I survived.”
Charlotte Rogan
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“God helps those who help themselves.”
Charlotte Rogan
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“I had been allowed to believe in man's innate goodness for the twenty-two years of my life, and I had hoped to carry the belief with me to my grave. I wanted to think that all people could have what they wanted, that there was no inherent conflict between competing interests, and that, if tragedies had to happen, they were not something mere human beings could control.”
Charlotte Rogan
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