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Chelsea Cain

Chelsea Cain is the New York Times bestselling author of the Archie Sheridan/Gretchen Lowell thrillers Heartsick, Sweetheart, Evil at Heart, The Night Season, Kill You Twice, and Let Me Go. Her next book One Kick (August, 2014) will be the first in her Kick Lannigan thriller series. Her book Heartsick was named one of the best 100 thrillers ever written by NPR, and Heartsick and Sweetheart were named among Stephen King's Top Ten Books of the Year. Her books have been featured on HBO's True Blood and on ABC's Castle. Cain lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and daughter.

“Something about the way she moved through the world did not lend itself to the care of fragile objects.”
Chelsea Cain
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“Great. First the anonymous call. Now letters. Body parts all over town. It was like a scavenger hunt for psychos. Running after clues with a half-deranged, serial-killer-obsessed, recovering-addict cop was not a good idea. Then again...”
Chelsea Cain
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“Her body was spattered with tiny bits of the reverend’s flesh and blood, like someone had combined shrimp and tomato soup and then forgot to put the lid on the blender.”
Chelsea Cain
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“Robbins had opened Gabby up. Her charred skin was peeled back, and her ribs were removed. She was pink inside, like steak that had been burned on a high heat but remained raw in the middle.”
Chelsea Cain
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“Ugly people kill people all the time. But when pretty people did, it got attention.”
Chelsea Cain
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“Our relationship is complicated by the fact that I am emotionally retarded.”
Chelsea Cain
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“There will be time to diet when people stopped killing one another.”
Chelsea Cain
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“You find that you have lot of time on your hands when you suddenly are not drinking because you are pregnant.”
Chelsea Cain
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“Something about the way she moves through the world does not lend itself to the care of fragile objects.”
Chelsea Cain
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