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Chelsea Fagan

Chelsea Fagan is the co-founder and CEO of The Financial Diet, the largest women's personal finance media company. She is the author of several books, including A PERFECT VINTAGE, her fiction debut, coming June 6, 2023.

Chelsea is an avid home cook and amateur city cyclist, and lives in Manhattan with her husband and dog.

“It’s a cliché because it is true. If you are not happy with yourself and willing to show yourself the same kind of love and respect you want to give to others, no relationship will magically fix you. And while it can certainly be tempting to jump from relationship to relationship, because the space in between them is scary and unknown, learning how to demonstrate that love and compassion for yourself is essential (and surprisingly fulfilling). Going on a solo vacation, or even spending a few days alone — leaving your laptop at home, if you can manage it — might seem like a strange way to feel loved, but if you can be happy with your own company, you can be happy with anything.”
Chelsea Fagan
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