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Chelsea Fine

“He smelled like leather and water. "I think," she said quietly, now that their mouths were close to each other, "that easy and clean love is not true. It is simply convenient. Messy love, though...that is something to revel in.”
Chelsea Fine
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“Scarlet shut the door behind her, leaning against it as she responded. "I came because you have been in great pain.""Yes. And because of my great pain you still live. It seems my isolation is good for your wellbeing.""The strength of my pulse has little to do with the health of my heart.”
Chelsea Fine
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“Scarlet: “But you’re bleedingpretty bad…and you’re probably in a lot of pain—“Tristan: “I’m fine."Scarlet raised a brow. “Fine. Bleed to death. Whatever.”
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“Is it okay if I love you?”“Only if it is okay that I love you back.”“Deal.”
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“You are not a samurai, Nate. You’re a medically-savvy immortal with Star Wars bed sheets.”
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“For all the glamour of living forever … immortality is really just a long curse. Finite life is precious; it’s fleeting and significant. But immortality… immortality isn’t living at all. It’s a permanent existence void of meaning.”
Chelsea Fine
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“I couldn’t stop loving you even if I tried. And I’ve tried.” He shook his head and laughed without humor, his hands balling into fists. “God, how I’ve tried. But I am completely lost to you. I am lost and empty and broken -”“My heart is broken too -” “My heart is not broken, Scar. My heart is dead!”
Chelsea Fine
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“I love you,” he said. “I want you more than life itself. Forever.” He brushed a hand across her cheek. “And I will take care of you always.”
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“In essence - we're all screwed”
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“I don’t care if I die a thousand more times ... I need you to live.”
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“I don’t think so, dude. Gabriel would kill me. And then Scarlet would kill me. And they could just keep on killing me over and over again because I don’t ever die. Do you know how much that would suck?”
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“Trust her gut? Her gut was currently telling her to run her hands through Tristan’s dark hair.She wasn’t so sure her gut was reliable.”
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“Who you were is never as important as who you are. So… who are you?”
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“Gabriel raised an eyebrow. “Are you seriously going out with a dagger strapped to your back? You might as well just wear a sign that says Look at me, I’m a killer!”
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“Tristan, dressed in all black with a long dagger in his hand, exited the den as Gabriel reached the main floor . Gabriel stopped whistling and paused. “Please tell me you’re going to a ninja convention.”
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“I’m baaaaaaaack!” Heather rushed up to Scarlet, completely unaware of Gabriel. “I came, I kissed, I conquered. No, let’s go find you a hot guy with a tasty mouth.”
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“Do you think it’s weird to kiss someone you barely know?” No, it’s perfectly normal and gives us a fantastic excuse to make out. Kiss me!“Totally weird,” she said, immediately wanting to slap herself. He nodded slowly. “Me too.” Scarlet’s heart sank a little. Gabriel flashed his dimples. “I guess now I’ve got a good reason to get to know you, don’t I?”Scarlet narrowed her eyes. “Who said I’d let you kiss me even if you got to know me?”He nodded his head with a smile. “Challenge accepted.”
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“So, tell me about yourself, Scarlet.” Gabriel said. “I already know about your love for coffee and sleeping in - which makes you awesome, by the way - but what else?”
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“The park was littered with couples kissing behind trees and making out on park benches. And paper stars were everywhere; in trees, on the ground, above heads, inside mouths… It was like Valentine’s Day.On crack.”
Chelsea Fine
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“a trained bus thrower like Gabriel, or Robin Hood wannabe like Scarlet, or a ninja assassin like Tristan”
Chelsea Fine
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“The curse had not tainted her, had not made her a tortured soul like Tristan, or a hopeless romantic like Gabriel, or a lonely heart like Nate. Heather still had a chance at being bright.”
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“Gabriel looked ou at the water for a moment. "Love is rare.""Yes" Scarlet looked at the lake as well. "But always worth pursuing."Gabriel nodded. "Always.”
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“The grassy park was lined with dozens of kissing booths. Twinkle lights draped back-and-forth between tall trees, making a canopy of stars above the red and pink tables below. People were lined up at each booth, applying lipstick and perfume as they readied for their purchased kisses. Behind the booths stood a large white gazebo housing a group of musicians. As a love song filled the air, couples intertwined their bodies and swayed to the melody.Here and there, children ran about wearing red hats and eating lip-shaped chocolates, while women waited impatiently for quickie makeovers under a flashy pink tent.The park was littered with couples kissing behind trees and making out on park benches. And paper stars were everywhere; in trees, on the ground, above heads, inside mouths….It was like Valentine’s Day. On crack.”
Chelsea Fine
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“Amor. No del tipo que ves en las películas o escuchas en la radio. Del tipo real. Del tipo que te derriba y te desangra, pero a pesar de todo persevera. Del tipo que tiene esperanza aun cuando la esperanza parece una tontería. Del tipo que perdona. Del tipo que cree en la curación. Del tipo que te puedes sentar en silencio y sentirte renovado. El tipo de amor real.”
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“Nunca he estado en el océano, mucho menos lo he respirado, pero en mi mente, el océano huele como Carter. Por lo tanto, amo el océano.”
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“El hace que mi corazón deje de latir, me hace respirar superficialmente, hace que me den ganas de cantar.Lo sé. Super cursi ¿Cierto?. Pero, Agh, es verdad.”
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“You remembered,” he said quietly.Lowering the bow, Scarlet kept her eyes on him. “I remembered.”
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“They needed a plan. And manpower.They needed Tristan”
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“I'm going to kill you." Gabriel pointed at Tristan."For what?" Tristan raised a brow at his twin. "It's not like I asked Scarlet to come lie on top of me. I woke up and she was just...there.”
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“Gabriel nodded. “Sometimes love makes hard decisions for the sake of what needs protecting.” “But love should fight.” He nodded slowly. “Yes, love should fight. But there is a difference between a valiant fight and a selfish fight. And love is not selfish.” She turned to look at him across the grass. “For someone who is cursed to be without love you are quite wise on matters of the heart.” Sorrow filled her eyes. “I’m sorry for your curse.” He shrugged. “It could be worse. I could be cursed to an eternity of pain or a life without chocolate.”
Chelsea Fine
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“The moon was full, shining enough light down for Scarlet to make out the hundreds of gravestones lined up in the wet grass and the dozens of standing tombs that rose up in various places throughout the yard.Giant trees swayed in the winter wind, throwing shadows across the grounds and making it look like the darkness was alive.Graveyards were much more frightening at night than they were during the day.An owl hooted.A wolf howled.A bat flapped across the night sky before her, wings silhouetted by the giant moon.Are you kidding me?It was like the graveyard knew Scarlet had entered and wanted to make it the creepiest experience ever.”
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“It was like the Secret Garden.Of dead people.”
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“How did you kill the Ashman in the forest last year?”“I shot him with an arrow.”“What kind of arrow?”“A sharp one.”Nate rolled his eyes. “Really, dude? A sharp one?”
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“Nate called out, “Team Meeting!” and pointed a finger in the air.When he had everyone’s attention, Nate cleared his throat. “There are a few Team Awesome things we need to discuss.”Tristan leaned over to Gabriel. “What’s Team Awesome?”“It’s our team name,” Heather smiled.“We’re not a team,” Gabriel said.“We are a team,” Nate corrected. “We’re Team Awesome and I’m team captain.” He looked at Tristan. “You can call me Captain. Or Captain America, if you’d like. I’m even willing to settle for Captain Jack.”Tristan crossed his arms. “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”Heather’s eyes lit up. “Ooh! Can we choose code names? Can I be Catwoman?”“We’re not choosing code names.” Gabriel looked incredibly annoyed and Tristan almost smiled.”
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“I hear you’re single now.” Aaron gave a white-toothed smile and tossed his hair.“Where did you hear that?” Scarlet cocked her head, hoping to find the leak.He pulled his stool over and sat down. “A little bird told me.”Why did people use that saying? Little birds didn’t talk. They chirped. And, unless Aaron spoke bird, he certainly wasn’t deciphering any bird chirpings.”
Chelsea Fine
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“Does this mean I get to be part of the team?” She clapped her hands again.“Yes,” Nate said.“No,” Gabriel said at the same time.“Duuuude,” Nate said to Gabriel between his teeth. “I really want to talk to this Mr. Brooks guy.”“Fine.” Gabriel sighed. “Let her help. I don’t care. But if you die,” Gabriel pointed at Heather, “or get cursed or something, that’s your fault.”Heather nodded merrily, still clapping. “Yay, I’m part of the team.”“We’re not a team,” Gabriel said through gritted teeth.Heather ignored him and looked at Nate. “I think we need a team name.”“Ooh! Good idea.” Nate pointed a finger into the air. “How about Team Awesome?”Heather wrinkled her nose. “Too vague. Team Super Secret Fountain Seekers?”“Too specific.” Nate shook his head. “Team Ash Guy Hunters?”“Ashman.” Heather shook her head. “Too hard to say.”Nate scoffed. “And ‘Super Secret Fountain Seekers’ is easy to say?”Gabriel huffed and started walking toward the door. “You guys can stay here and pick a name and a Team Captain or whatever, but I’m going to find Mr. Brooks.” He opened the door to leave, night falling on the forest around them.Heather said, “Mr. Brooks doesn’t open his door when it’s dark outside.” She shrugged. “So we’re going to have to wait until tomorrow after school.”Frustrated, Gabriel closed the cabin door on the setting sun. “Tomorrow then.”“Perfect.” Nate nodded, shifting his eyes from Scarlet, to Gabriel, and then to Heather.A moment passed.“I call dibs on Team Captain,” Nate said.Gabriel rolled his eyes.”
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“No, I’m surprised he didn’t say goodbye.”“Well, of course he didn’t say goodbye.” Heather put down her mug. “You would have convinced him to stay.”“That’s not true.”“Oh, please.” Heather rolled her eyes. “You would have been like Oh, Tristan, please don’t go. Stay with me so I can crush on you and giggle at everything you say.” Heather nodded. “That’s what it would have been like. In that high-pitched voice and everything.”
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“Okay.” Nate took a deep breath. “Now that we’re all caught up on the new no-no’s of the house, what do you say we find a tarp and some duct tape and MacGyver ourselves a new window in the living room? Just, you know, to keep out the wind…and the leaves…and any sharp-toothed woodland creatures prone to attacking people in their sleep.”Tristan raised a brow.“What?” Nate shrugged. “Death by dragon? Awesome. Death by rabid forest squirrel? Not cool, man. Not cool.”
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“How awesome would that be? You open a box of Trix and wham! Out pops a hot guy! I would so eat more cereal.”
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“Scarlet was in pain all night because she wouldn’t let me sleep with her.”
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“I never said I would be helpful. I said I would ask permission before stabbing you.”
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“He then eyed Tristan and took a step back, stumbling over his cloak. “You must be the earl’s twin brother. But your eyes…how are they so green?”“They were brown until your heathen of a cousin shot me through the heart,” Tristan said crossly.”
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“I get up and decide to sneak out of my house and tiptoe up to his window. I've seen this done on TV so I'm sure it's easy.”
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“Tristan was looking at him again."What are you looking at?" Gabriel snapped.Tristan was trying not to smile. "You tell me."Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Quit being a girl.”
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“And why is Heather wearing pink? Come on, people."Heather rolled her eyes and disappeared back inside the tent, reappearing a minute later with a dark gray T-shirt on."Better?" She cocked her head at tristan."Yes. You've just extended your life by at least an hour.”
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“You'd think I wouldn't even have to say that, but seeing as you two were halfway to Babytown when I walked in here-""Just shut up and go pack," Tristan said."Ooh, feisty." Nate shook his head at Scarlet. "Tristan doesn't like it when I talk about you guys having sex.""Neither do I. Geez." Scarelt was blushing as she shooed Nate from the room.Nate exited and Tristan and Scarlet spent the next half hour lacing arrowed in blood and not making eye contact.”
Chelsea Fine
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“So..." Heather nodded slowly. "We're still here.""Yep. I think your team of SWAT guys got lost. Probably looking for their shirts."She made a face at him. "You're effing hilarious.""I try.”
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“And on that note," Nate smiled at them, "I'm leaving. I think I've got everything I need from you two. Good luck with all your relationship drama. Glad to see you kids are finally working things out. And by 'working things out', I mean bickering like an old divorced couple. So fun.”
Chelsea Fine
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“So," Nate attempted conversation for the third time. He seemed to be in a better mood lately. "Do you guys maybe want to talk about how every uncomfortable this is?" He smiled tightly, looking first at Tristan, then at Scarlet. "Because I don't know about you, but I feel awkward. Let's hash it out, shall we? Tristan," Nate said brightly. "We'll start with you. How are you feeling?""Annoyed.""I like your honesty and openness." Nate turned to Scarlet. "What about you? How are you feeling?""Tired," she said. "Nine in the morning is too early for needles."Tristan said, "Maybe if you hadn't stayed out so late, you wouldn't be so tired."Scarlet said, "Look who's decided to speak again. Suddenly the silent and dark Tristan has an opinion on my life.""Oh, I have many opinions.""See?" Nate said, his smile tighter than before. "Isn't all this openness refreshing?”
Chelsea Fine
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“Why is he still here?" she asked, pointing to Tristan. A muscle flexed in his scruffy jaw. Why did he always have sexy scruff. Did the man not own a razor?”
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