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Chelsea M. Cameron

Chelsea M. Cameron is a New York Times/USA Today/Internationally Best Selling author from Maine who now lives and works in Boston. She's a red velvet cake enthusiast, obsessive tea drinker, former cheerleader, and world's worst video gamer. When not writing, she enjoys watching infomercials, eating brunch in bed, tweeting, and playing fetch with her cat, Sassenach. She has a degree in journalism from the University of Maine, Orono that she promptly abandoned to write about the people in her own head. More often than not, these people turn out to be just as weird as she is.

“I want you. Right now. If you said yes, I would kiss you. I would kiss you until we both forgot that lips were made for anything other than kissing. I'd take you out of that outfit, as cute as it is. I want to see what you look like with nothing on. I want to make you sigh like you did with the cake. I want to be with you. Right now.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“I can't promise not to make you mad. I can't promise that I won't hurt you. All I can promise is that I want you in my life, and I'll do anything to keep you there.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“I've never eaten here so I don't know what's good. Peanut butter and jelly is always good. You can't screw that up. Peanut butter and jelly has always been there for me and is one of the constants in my life. Peanut butter and jelly has never done me wrong. It's my favorite.""Should I leave you two alone when it gets here? Sounds like you don't need me.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“It's not your job to save me...but I want you around.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“It's none of his business.""You are my business. I made you my business. I want you to be my business.”
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“Hunter kissed me as if he was going to hell, and he had this one kiss left and he was going to make the most of it.”
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“I saw Hunter when I woke up. I saw Hunter as I ate a bowl of cereal. I saw him in human sexuality, where he seemed to be trying to break a record for most innuendos in one hour. I saw him at work where he assaulted my email. I saw him every night at dinner. I saw him go to and from the bathroom. I saw him at our stupid meditations, where were as pointless as socks with sandals.I. Saw. Him. EVERYWHERE.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“I had to leave my debit card at home when I went into a bookstore or else I would drain my account.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“Just to let you know, I talk in my sleep." He shifted on his bed and chucked something on the floor. It could only be one thing. "Also, I sleep naked.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“There must be a mistake," I said. He adjusted his bag on his shoulder. "That's a creative name. What do you shorten it to? Missy?”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“Te quiero. Ahora mismo. Si dices que sí, me gustaría besarte. Te besaría hasta que ambos nos olvidáramos que los labios se hicieron para otra cosa que besar. Te quitaría ese traje, tan lindo como es. Quiero ver cómo te ves sin nada encima. Quiero hacerte suspirar como lo hiciste con el pastel. Quiero estar contigo. Ahora mismo.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“You can ask whatever you want, doesn't mean I'm going to answer.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“—Espera. Juro que no te acose. Te lo dije, soy observador. Piensa en mi como Sherlock Holmes, solo que sin las malas habilidades sociales y el uso de cocaína.— ¿Holmes consumía cocaína?— ¿Si no como hacía para quedarse despierto toda la noche resolviendo crímenes?”
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“—Quiero llevarte a cenar. A algún lugar agradable donde pueda continuar arrastrándome y mostrándote que puedes confiar en mí. Quiero que confíes en mí. Lo necesito. Te necesito más que nada. Todo tiene sentido cuando estás cerca. Todo es mejor. Ni siquiera podía cocinar la cena de anoche, porque no estabas allí. Tuve una pesadilla, y no hubo nadie que me despertase de ella. No es tu trabajo salvarme, pero... te quiero cerca. —Yo también.”
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“No estoy diciendo que esto va a compensarte por ello. Voy a intentar, intentar realmente, para hacerte confiar en mí otra vez. Quiero que confíes en mí. Es que... no pude dormir anoche sin ti. Fue la cosa más extraña estar solo en el cuarto sin ti. No podía oír tu respiración, y tu risa se había ido. Te habías ido, y fue como si una parte de mi vida hubiera desaparecido. Una gran parte. Tropecé al ir al baño y me golpeé la cabeza. ¿Ves? —Señaló una preciosa herida en su frente—. Y luego me quemé la mano en el horno tostador. Después mi coche no arrancó. De nuevo. Nunca he tenido tanta mala suerte en mi vida.”
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“La idea de que había una persona perfecta destinada para cada uno de nosotros sonaba demasiado perfecta. Era un cuento de hadas, y no la realidad. No que no me gustara disfrutar del ocasional cuento de hadas de vez en cuando, sólo que sabía que tenía que volver a la realidad.”
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“No puedo prometer que no te volveré loca. No puedo prometer que no voy a hacerte daño. Todo lo que puedo prometer es que te quiero en mi vida, y voy a hacer cualquier cosa para mantenerte allí.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“— Dijiste que yo no te gustaba.— No me gustas. No me gusta la forma en que tu cabello huele, y cómo no puedo dejar de pensar en despertar y ver tu cara. Odio como mi cama se sentía vacía cuando te fuiste. No me gusta lo bien que estábamos con mi familia, especialmente con Harper, y cómo yo quería verte de nuevo con ellos, pero no sólo como invitada. Sino como miembro. Tienes razón. No me gustas en absoluto.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“-Escribí algo para ti,- dijo, agarrando su guitarra para nuestra noche de sexo música, como él la llamaba. La primera vez que escuche su voz cantando, me sorprendió. Su voz cuando hablaba era increíble, pero su canto era como si la miel y el humo se hubieran enganchado en la parte trasera de una camioneta en un concierto de rock y tuvieron un cariñoso hijo. Era suave y áspero al mismo tiempo.Te voy a contar una historia de una chica que conozco,Su nombre es Missy, y ella quiere hacérmelo,Quiero hablarte de mi chica Missy,Su cabello es castaño y sus labios son de color rosa,Sus ojos son de color verdoso o azulado creo,Ella lucha y coquetea conmigo todo el día,Es por eso que me decidí a escribir esta canción,Ella puede pensar que yo he cruzado la línea,Pero ella me dice que me odia todo el tiempo,Así que realmente no crean nada de lo que dice.Me gusta la forma en que se ve cuando ella está enojada conmigo,Me gusta la forma en que sonríe cuando piensa que nadie la ve,Puedes pensar que esta canción significa que me gusta,Pero ella estaría muy equivocada,Me aburría mucho, por lo que me decidí a escribir una canción,Hay dos cosas más sobre Missy que me gustan,¿Podría alguien entregarme un micrófono por favor?La forma en que se pone su aparato de dientes cuando lee obscenidades vampíricas,Y realmente, realmente me gusta su… Me guiña un ojo.…culo.Yo le tiro una almohada a él, pero eso no impidió que parara la canción. Se trataba de mí.Mi tonta, linda y sexy chica Missy… chica Missy… chica Missy.El toco el último acorde y la guitarra paro de sonar.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“Asunto: Estás totalmente imaginándome desnudo ahora mismoMissy,Entonces, ¿qué tal si tú y yo nos adentramos entre las pilas para hacer algo de "estantería"? Fulminó con la mirada el mensaje antes de golpear la respuesta.Asunto: Este es un entorno de trabajo y esto es acoso.Sr. Zaccadelli,Me dirijo a usted para informarle que su propuesta ha sido rechazada. Debido al hecho de que somos compañeros de trabajo, así como compañeros de cuarto, me parece inapropiado visitar las estanterías con usted. Voy a rechazar todas las nuevas ofertas en este momento. Si, en el futuro, me decido a entretener dicha oferta, le informaremos a través de correspondencia.Respetuosamente (no) tuya,Señorita Taylor CaldwellPD: Deja de enviarme jodidos correo electrónico.Vi sus ojos echarle una ojeada al mensaje y una sonrisa en su rostro. Me Miró fijamente a los ojos mientras escribía, nunca mirando el teclado.Golpeó la tecla enter con una leve inclinación de cabeza.Ping.Asunto: No es una casualidadMissy,Acepto el reto, y te recuerdo que si quieres que te deje en paz, esta esta pequeña apuesta que tenemos. Gánala, y me voy.Impacientemente (y descaradamente) tuyo,Sr. Hunter Aaron Zaccadelli, escudero.PD: DemuéstraloOh, él no estaba recibiendo la última palabra. Baje el volumen en mi computadora e hice un rápido barrido visual en la habitación para asegurarme de que no íbamos a quedar arrestados. Todo el mundo estaba absorto en lo que estaban haciendo.Asunto: Desafío aceptadoSr. Zaccadelli,Si sigues así, te voy a reportar a la línea directa de trabajo para el acoso. Ellos no tienen la amabilidad por los tatuajes, tocar la guitarra-amigos avanzando hacia las niñas dulces e inocentes. El Juego comienza.Atentamente,La chica que nunca tendrásPD: Escudero? Estás tan lleno de mierda.Escuché una risa ahogada del lado de Hunter en la mesa, pero mantuve mis ojos pegados a la pantalla del ordenador. Escaleras. Las precauciones de seguridad cuando trabaje con escaleras...Ping.Mire a la computadora con irritación. Supongo que no podía apagar el sonido.Asunto: Vuelve al trabajoMissy,Me estás distrayendo de los más importantes tópicos de seguridad en el trabajo. ¿Cómo te sentirías si yo subiera mal una escalera por no aprender el procedimiento adecuado y luego cayera a mi muerte?Siempre,El chico sobre el que sueñas.P.D: Yo también soy un príncipe perdido en una tierra lejana. ¿Qué quieres hacerme ahora?”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“— Oye, ¿ese es mi E-Reader. Definitivamente lo era.—Tal vez. Lo dejaste en tu escritorio.—¿Así que pensaste que podías usarlo? ¿Qué más de mis cosas has usado?—Sólo tu ropa interior —dijo, sus ojos todavía en la pantalla.—Entrégalo —dije, tendiéndole mi mano.—De ninguna manera, tengo que descubrir con quién termina ella. —Levantó el brazo, por lo que estaba fuera de mi alcance.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“Cuando regresé a casa, Hunter se había ido, pero había una nota en mi cama."Salí a deshumanizar a algunas mujeres. Puede que tenga sexo con algunas de ellas. Llegaré tarde. Por cierto, tu hermana es bienvenida de vuelta en cualquier momento”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“—Crees que eres el que hace mi vida difícil. Pero yo puedo hacerla mucho peor para ti —dije, sonriendo dulcemente. Sus ojos azules estabas escépticos.—¿Cómo?—¿Realmente quieres saberlo? Voy a invitar a un montón de chicas, veremos películas para chicas, y hablaremos de nuestros periodos y encenderemos todo tipo de velas aromáticas, y probablemente nos quedemos toda la noche despiertas riendo.—¿Cuándo comenzará la pelea de almohadas desnudas y los besuqueos?”
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“Eso es lo que dicen todos. Todos dicen que quieren conocerte, pero no lo hacen. Quieren saber las cosas bonitas, agradables. Nadie quiere conocer las partes feas, las partes que te mantienen despierto a la noche. Dicen que no tiene problema con ello, pero entonces se alejan, y no vuelves a verlos. He visto eso suceder demasiadas veces. Las chicas no quieren saber ese tipo de mierda.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“You're not just doing that to impress her, are you?""Everything I do is to impress her. It's my mission in life," he said with a completely serious face, while he squeezed my knee under the table. Mom burst out laughing. "I like him," she said."Me too. I think I'll keep him," I said, taking his hand and twisting my fingers with his. "Good," he said, giving my hand a squeeze.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“The problem isn't that I'm uncomfortable with it, the problem is that I want it!" I yelled. It was official; I'd lost it. Oh well, I wasn't known for having a long fuse. "Are you happy? Jesus. You say something like that and then expect me to just be whatever about it. That's like teasing someone with a giant red velvet cake and then putting it in one of those glass rotating desert thingies." I wasn't my most eloquent at the moment."Does this mean I'm the cake?""Shut up, it was a metaphor.""So you want me?"So much it hurt. "Yes," I whispered. "Right now?""Yes.""Oh." Now he was the one who sounded nervous. "It's just... a surprise.""I told you I would entertain the idea.""I know. I just didn't think you'd be so enthusiastic so soon.""Hunter, I'm a virgin. Not a nun."He didn't talk for a moment."That was the sexiest thing you've ever said. God, why do you do this to me?”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“I nearly had a cakegasm at the table. My eyes rolled back in my head, and I moaned. "Sweet Christ." I opened my eyes to find Hunter watching me with the strangest expression on his face."What? It's really good; you should try some," I said, pushing the plate at him. It was a testament of how embarrassed I was about the cakegasm that I was even sharing at all."I swear, if there weren't a table between us, I would be kissing you right now. And none too gently."I put my form down and swallowed so I wouldn't choke. "You didn't seem to mind about the recliner," I said. "True. But there wan't an audience, and that's a very ugly recliner. This is a very nice table. Also there is glass and sharp things I wouldn't want hurting you.""Good point. Please, have some.""If you're going to make that noise and that face again, I don't know if I can let you have any more.""I'll be good. I swear.""You're not good. That's the problem.""You're right. I'm not," I said, giving him my own smirk. "I do try, though.""Cruel. That's the word to describe you right now.""Just have some cake.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“So what now?" he said. "What do you mean?""What do we do now? We can't just be roommates.""You said you didn't like me.""I don't like you. I don't like how your hair smells, and how I can't stop thinking about waking up and seeing your face. I hate how my bed felt empty when you left. I don't like how good you were with my family, especially Harper, and how I wanted to see you with then again, but not just as a guest. As a member. You're right. I don't like you at all.""When did you change your mind?""My mind never changed. I've wanted you since the moment you opened the door and had that stunned look on your face. It just took me a while to admit it. Why deny it now? It is what it is and it's not going to change.""Oh.""This doesn't mean I'm going to be nice. I'm still going to be an ass. I'll just be an ass who apologizes and brings you flowers to say he's been a dick.""Chocolate," I said. "What?""I'd rather have chocolate when you apologize.""Chocolate it is." He smiled. "So does that mean what I think it means?""No. It just means that you get to bring me chocolate when you've been an ass. I'm going to weigh three hundred pounds." I focused my attention back on the peppers. I couldn't think about Hunter's declaration of... whatever it was. Footsteps didn't make me look up. "Taylor, look at me. Please." Damn. If only he didn't say please. "I can't promise to not make you mad. I can't promise that I won't hurt you. All I can promise is that I want you in my life, and I'll do anything to keep you there.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“Love is simple. You fall and that's it. You'll work the other stuff out. You just gotta let yourself fall and have faith that someone will be there to catch you."I didn't want to do any falling. Falling usually led to meeting a hard surface in an unpleasant way.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“Tawny shrugged. "I was overreacting. Typical big sister move. He explained why he did it, and it makes sense, in a slightly twisted way. He's not a bad guy. He's just a jerk. But a nice one.""That doesn't make any sense.""Men rarely do.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“You're serious?""As a heart attack."I set my bag down and leaned on the counter. Okay, Hunter Zaccadelli, you could make me dinner. "Stuffed French toast, sweet potato hash and strawberries and cream.""Breakfast for dinner? You rebel, you.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“I'm going to take a shower," I said and prepared for the comment I knew was coming. "You know what they say, conserve water and shower with a friend.”
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“You can stay on the porch. Like how you left me on the floor outside our room.""I didn't know what else to do. You found the check, and I panicked.""That isn't an excuse.""I know. And I'm not saying that this is going to make up for it. I'm going to try, really try, to make you trust me again. I want you to trust me. I just... I couldn't sleep last night without you. It was the strangest thing, being in the room alone without you. I couldn't hear you breathing, and your laughter was gone and you were gone, and it was like a part of my life was missing. A big part. I tripped going to the bathroom and banged my head. See?" He pointed to a lovely gash on his forehead."And then I burned my hand on the toaster oven. And then my car wouldn't start. Again. I've never had such bad luck in my life.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“Are you Darah, Renee or Taylor? You look like a Taylor to me," he said, looking me up and down. I wasn't at my best, considering I was dressed for moving heavy objects in a blue UMaine t-shirt and black soccer shorts, and I had my light brown hair in a haphazard bun against the back of my neck. His eyes raked up and down twice, and for some reason the way he assessed me made me blush and want to kick him in the balls at the same time. "There must be a mistake," I said. He adjusted his bag on his shoulder. "That's a creative name. What do you shorten it to? Missy?”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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“Loving you was the best mistake I ever made.”
Chelsea M. Cameron
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