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Cherise Sinclair

A New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, she’s renowned for writing heart-wrenching romances with laugh-out-loud dialogue, alpha males, and absolutely sizzling sex.

I met my dearheart when vacationing in the Caribbean. Now I won’t say it was love at first sight. Actually since he stood over me, enjoying the view down my swimsuit top, I might have been a tad peeved—as well as attracted. But although we were together less than two days and lived on opposite sides of the country, love can’t be corralled by time or space.

We’ve now been married for many, many years. (And he still looks down my swimsuit tops.)

Nowadays, I live in the west with this obnoxious, beloved husband and a seventy-pound lap-puppy. I’m a gardener, and I love nurturing small plants until they’re big and healthy and productive…and ripping defenseless weeds out by the roots when I’m angry. I enjoy thunderstorms, collecting eggs from the chickens, and visiting the local brewery for the darkest, maltiest beer on tap. My favorite way to spend an evening is curled up on a couch next to the master of my heart, watching the fire, reading, and…well…if you’re reading my books, you obviously know what else happens in front of fires.

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“I’m a firm believer in equality at all times—”“At all times?” She glanced at the cuffs clipped to his leathers. “Why do I find that hard to believe?” And why the heck was she arguing with him. Mine, mine, mine.“At all times,” he repeated. “However, in the bedroom or in the club, I am a lot more equal than you.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“You know I still don’t like your…hobby.”“Didn’t ask your opinion.” Jake rubbed his aching ribs. “If you want mine: anyone using the missionary position twice in a row should serve time.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“So, so sorry. Really sorry. Master. Sir. Emperor of the world. God of the universe.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“He liked to touch, she realized. In bed, he kept his arms around her or a hand on her like now. The way he played with her breasts, or just touched her, or ran his hands over her body, made her feel beautiful, Desirable.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“the easiest way to keep a woman over your shoulder is with a hand on her ass, and the other between her legs.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Some man would come to her room. Maybe she would hesitate, and he'd grab her, pin her to the mattress, force her to cooperate.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“No matter what historians claimed, BC really stood for "Before Coffee.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“If the goddess—and that would be me, by the way—is displeased, you’ll get bats in your hair and mice in your boots.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Hey, I see people manacled to log walls all the time. You bet. It’s a popular sport in Bear Flat. Gonna replace fishing soon.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Dammit, why isn’t there a book with the answers in it?”
Cherise Sinclair
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“And since I am a man, I would appreciate it if you would cry for us both, gatita.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“God, you’re uptight. Did the aliens maybe forget to remove your anal probe?”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Toys? When a man—a dom—said toys, he didn’t mean stuffed animals or baseballs.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“You have a piercing.” “So I do.”“Didn’t that hurt?”“A bit.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“If you are with me long, I will begin to spell Master with two M’s.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“A good relationship is a two-way street, gatita. Submitting and serving is equaled by a master’s need to take control, to protect, to make someone happy.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Any ham-handed idiot can make a woman scream. I prefer to assess…responsiveness.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“You hae only one thing you may control tonight - whether to use your safe word or not. Otherwise all the decisions, all the choices, are mine. Everything is in my hands. (Jake to Kallie)”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Darlin’, I wasn’t just a Boy Scout, I was an Eagle Scout.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“What we have here is a failure to communicate.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“If you keep all those thoughts inside, your brain will explode.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Okay, you’re older. Not much, really. And considering you love staying in shape and I refuse to run, we’ll probably get all old and crippled at the same time. If not, then I’ll learn to use a cane, and I’ll get to beat on your ass for a change.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“She couldn’t take her eyes from the dancing flame. No, this was so wrong. Candles should be used for meditation…for romance. Or on a birthday cake at least.So where was the cake? The present? The song? As he stepped closer to her—as the damned flame got way too close—she started singing. “Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me…” Marcus paused, looking at her in disbelief. See. I knew he didn’t have a sense of humor. “Happy birthday, dear Gabi”—she lifted her head and blew out the candle—“happy birthday to me.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“An older dom snorted. “Atherton uses the word escort loosely. The last time someone messed with a trainee, he threw the guy across the bar. Strolled over, waited for the idiot to stand up, punched his lights out, and dragged him by his jacket collar out of the place. Escorted him, my ass. Didn’t even wrinkle that fancy suit.” He took a sip of his beer and added, “Atherton is invariably polite, but nobody in their right mind fucks with his trainees.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“You know how really big guys are always nicknamed Tiny?" She didn’t wait for any response, afraid she’d chicken out. "Guess that would make you Master Munchkin, huh?”
Cherise Sinclair
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“By the way, you have a fine ass. Sir.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“And he calls it playing? Like, whatever happened to chess? Or cards? Or tag?”
Cherise Sinclair
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“You mean you’re not God? Nooo, say it isn’t so!”
Cherise Sinclair
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“I felt sorry for myself since my wimpy dom can’t catch a snail crossing the sidewalk.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Oh lord and master. High muckety-muck.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“You dumb-ass ape, get your hand off me. What—are you the first in your family to be born without a tail?”
Cherise Sinclair
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“You want to count, Gabrielle? One! She sucked in a breath, mad enough the words slid right out. You asshole, one!”
Cherise Sinclair
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“You dickweed! Are you always stupid, or is today a special occasion?”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Pull up your big-girl panties, Gabi.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“She took a second look at him, at his fancy tailored suit. Dark gray with pinstripes. Oh please, like she’d really believe he was a dom at all? “Gabrielle Anderson. Are you sure you’re Master Marcus?”“Why would you think I’m not Master Marcus?” he asked. Well, good grief. She waved a hand at him and kept the duh from slipping out. Just in case he really was Master Marcus. Maybe he hadn’t changed yet or something. “The suit? Where are your leathers or latex or…biker jacket or vest? And black? Did you forget to wear black?”He stared for a second, as if she’d turned into a drooling idiot, and then simply roared. Deep, full laughter—amazing coming from someone who looked like he should have a stick up his ass.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“You are such a sleazeball, Rhodes—walking, talking proof of why siblings shouldn’t marry.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“New Englanders could be so brusque.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“The fun we’ll have tonight is called figging.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“I can do anything if i want it enough.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“the only thing men are fast at is sex.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Chocolate's better than sex any day.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“I'm not likely to forget someone slapping my butt with a big piece of wood.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“You little subs make me nervous. Being around you is too much like walking into a room filled with tiny kittens and trying not to step on one.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“I do like seeing you in chains, darlin'.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“A girl could get to hate Doms.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Awww, that's sweet. Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a well-made implement of pain.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Be brave, little rabbit. Take a chance.”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Feelings are feelings. They don't have dumb or smart labels,”
Cherise Sinclair
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“Who needs fireworks when I have you?”
Cherise Sinclair
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“You're allowed to look, sweetheart, he murmured, running a finger down her hot cheek. I enjoy having your eyes on me.”
Cherise Sinclair
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