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Cherrie Lynn

Cherrie Lynn has been a CPS caseworker and a juvenile probation officer, but now that she has come to her senses, she writes contemporary and paranormal romance on the steamy side. It's *much* more fun. She's also an unabashed rock music enthusiast, and loves letting her passion for romance and metal collide on the page.

When she's not writing, you can find her reading, listening to music or playing with her favorite gadget of the moment. She's also fond of hitting the road with her husband to catch their favorite bands live.

Cherrie lives in East Texas with said husband and their two kids, all of whom are the source of much merriment, mischief and mayhem. You can reach her at [email protected], at the various social networking sites, or right here. She loves hearing from readers!

“She didn’t brighten the whole room for me when she walked in the door. She didn’t make my whole day better just by smiling at me, or make me ask myself what she would think of me when I said or did something shitty to somebody. She wasn’t the one who made me want to get off my ass and do more, be a better person. Only you’ve ever done that, sunshine.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“You always sound like you’re coping pretty well on the phone.”“Don’t be fooled. I have to maintain at least some shred of dignity. It’s all a front for you.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Without a conscious thought to do so, he went down on his knees in front of her, grasping both her hands. If she wouldn’t look up at him, she couldlook down at him. Her tiny, surprised intake of breath caught in the air between them. He lifted her knuckles to his lips, aching so hard to touchsome part of her. “Being away from you has been…hell. I could wax poetic and tell you it’s been like being torn away from my own soul, or missing ashard of my heart, but in the end it’s been absolute torment. I’m missing all those things if I’m not with you.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“That was the big cure-all with these people, wasn’t it? Girl got you down? Get laid. No money? Get laid. Armageddon ensuing? Get laid a lot.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Love is the most powerful healing force of all. But pastdemons have a way of ripping open old wounds, andthreatening the survival of even the strongest friendship…”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Where you trying to go, huh? Come on me, Macy. Come on me, or I’ll take you outside and make you scream right there on the front lawn for the whole fuckin’ neighborhood to hear.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“When he began to move, it wasn’t with the urgency she expected given their rushed beginnings. It was with a slow deliberation that would destroy her.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“That’s what you wanted me for,” he all but growled. His dick was going to cuss him for a bastard if he didn’t get inside her. But he’d just have to take it. This was about leaving her wanting more. “Wasn’t it? To get you dirty. That’s why you know you’re going to let me do it. After I leave and you cool down, you’ll tell yourself you won’t. But one day, you’ll beg me for it, because you know there’s more, and you know I can give it to you.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“You’ve been fucked before, huh?” he asked, angling her so that his piercing slid over her G-spot when he entered. “By the time I’m done, you’ll have reassessed your definition”
Cherrie Lynn
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“You want me?” he breathed. “You want my mouth on your pussy, sucking it until you scream, or my cock back inside it? Tell me how you need it, and I’ll give it to you.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“No, you goof. I meant are you decently attired such that we might go into public without getting arrested”
Cherrie Lynn
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“I want to bury myself so deep inside you, you’ll think you won’t ever get me out”
Cherrie Lynn
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“He's around six-two, heavily tattooed and fucks like a god.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“You are the best I've ever had. If all we do from now on is straight missionary sex at eight p.m. on Tuesday nights of months that start with J, you'll still be the best I've ever had.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Whatever's wrong, you know if it's worth fixing or not. If it is, then fix it. If not, leave it alone and move on. If I raised you to be strong, then that means I didn't teach you to sit around and wait on life and happiness to happen to you. You go after it, Macy.And if something is standing in your way, you go through it.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Still with me?" he asked, smoothing the hair back from her forehead."What the hell was that?"He laughed, propping his head up on his elbow. "The hottest fuck I think I've ever had.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Are you all right, Macy? You looked a little flushed"Just as Macy began to nod quickly, Ghost swigged his beer and jerked his head in her direction. "She looks that way because I have my hand up her skirt.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Head throbbing, check. Stomach not quite right, check. Truthfully, she felt like crap. Somehow still horny crap...”
Cherrie Lynn
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“He caught her wrist and pulled her until she was straddling him. His hand smoothed down the outside of her right thigh. "Thank you for wearing a skirt tonight. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“You gonna marry her? This is the one out of seven billion?""It is. And I am. I've got to. It's like...sometimes...""Speak.""Sometimes I think I'm not going to make it another day without getting a ring on that girl's finger and changing her fucking last name from theirs to mine. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her, and I want it to start yesterday.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“his dick throbbing now like a smashed thumb...”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Could he love this girl the way she deserved? He could love her with everything that he was, and still it wouldn't be enough. He would fuck up somehow, because that is what he did.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“She was so going to get it later. "Macy, queen of my universe, I beseechingly request you place your sweetest lips upon my manhood and make it your lollipop.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“I trust that I raised a strong enough woman to know who’s worthy of her and who isn’t. If this guy is good enough for you, and he’s the one who has you floating around on cloud nine and giving you back your spark, you can be damn sure he’s good enough for me.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“If you come near him like that again, I will go straight country bitch on you.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“He was so fucked, careening madly down the path to getting his heart splattered all over hell. And grinning like a buffoon the entire time.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“I don’t know what to say,” he breathed into her hair, squeezing the air from her. “Fuck. Just wait for me.”That was all he needed to say. “I will.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Whoever the guy was who taught her to suck c**k, he wanted to buy him a beer and punch his fucking lights out.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“I’m hitting the sack”“Are you twenty-nine or sixty-nine?”The devilish dimples appeared. “Twenty-nine with a sixty-nine waiting at home”
Cherrie Lynn
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“I’m turning over a new leaf.” He chuckled. The tip of his finger caught her under her chin, and it was enough to still all her movements. “Tell you what. If you need help with that, if you need someone to shut you up, or even if you just need to walk on the wild side every now and then… I’m your guy.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Let it go. That’s my philosophy: learn to not give a fuck, at least about petty shit. Life will be much simpler.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Ghost leaned across the table toward Candace and Brian. “Candace,” he said, and for a moment Macy thought he might actually say something sincere. No such luck. “I really advse against leaving him alone with me again. Two hours away from you and he was coming on to me.” Everyone else at the table broke up in laughter. It only egged him on. “I mean, I know he wants me. He’s made it clear. And I’m growing weak, I tell you. I missed him. If he does it again, I’m gonna give it to him.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Big enough that I should tie a bow around it and attach a little card that says ‘To: Macy. You’re welcome. Love, Seth.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Gus: "You look like shit bro!"Seth: "Look like shit, feel like shit, in a world of shit.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“I'll give you all the dates you want. But that cooling-off thing? I can't promise you that.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“I love how you tremble for me,” he whispered. “I love how you’re shy until you need me and then you aren’t ashamed to tel me what you want.” -Evan Ross”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Sweetie. Look at me.”She did, but it was difficult now, when she could never remember a time she hadn’t wanted to look at his beloved face. She blinked, trying to forcethe fresh torrent of tears back where they belonged. It just wasn’t possible. No, there was no emptiness now. She was bursting at the seams, overflowing.“Don’t cry,” he said gently, swiping her cheeks with his thumbs. “You cry and I want to break something. Or someone. What is it?”
Cherrie Lynn
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“*Brian talking about baby Alex* - "Just give him his bottle and sit watching metal videos with him until he goes back to sleep, right? How hard can it be?”
Cherrie Lynn
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“I love it when you look at me like that,' he murmured, his fingers kneading into the plump flesh of her cheeks, 'How am I looking at you?' she managed. 'Like you want to eat me alive, but you don't have a spoon.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Now that I know you're okay, what bothers me most is your irresponsibility. I have no idea what's gotten into you."I do, she wanted to say. He's around six-two, heavily tattooed and fucks like a god.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Gorgeous,” he murmured.She chuckled. “Think you’l say that in five months or so? When I waddle like a duck and you have to tie my shoes for me?”“I’l say it then and forever.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Wait until you see my socratic method, baby.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Evan …” she murmured, wrapping her soft arms around his neck. Their position had her lips near his ear. She’d lost her headband somewhere. He could smell the strawberry of her shampoo, feel the tickle of her sluggish breath stirring his hair. “Evan.”“Kelsey. Move over here, lie down.”She pulled back slightly, her bleary eyes trying to focus on his. The weight of her head still seemed too much for her neck to support and her hair flowed over his arm. “Evan, I always liked you.”“I always liked you, too, honey.” The way she kept saying his name in that intoxicated purr, savoring the v between her teeth and her bottom lip, was unnerving. Unnerving, hell. It had his dick twitching in his pants. “Come on, girl, you need to sleep it off.”“I mean I like liked you.”[…] Her hands caught his face, surprising him. He should have moved away from her long ago, before she could get her hands on him. As it was, he felt like a fly caught in the sticky gossamer of a spider’s den. “Always wanted to fuck you, y’know that? Even when I was a virgin.”He drew in a breath, exhaled it shakily. So much for prudish.Note to self: Kelsey now gets unbelievably horny when drunk.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Her mind was blank and her heart and body ruled. And those? They were his property.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“... and now I'm telling you that if you want me, get off your ass, because I love you, Evan, more than anything”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Who needs a fairytale? In the end, I only want to be happy with a guy I love, and who loves me just as much. That’s all I need.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“You have to predict and examine and understand every argument the other side is going to throw at you. It's not about being the one who's right. It's about showing them why they're wrong.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“I'd rather look back and regret something I did when I was young and crazy, than look back and regret something I never had the courage to do, and realize it's too late”
Cherrie Lynn
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“Books, books and more books. Her main indulgence.”
Cherrie Lynn
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“A phone number is like the combination to a safe, isn't it? I figured you gave me yours because you wanted me to crack it open, and it would be a shame to let it go to waste! (Brian to Candace)”
Cherrie Lynn
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