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Chimo is a French writer who became famous in 1997 with the novel Lila dit ça (Lila Says), which became a bestseller and sparkled controversy.

The true identity of Chimo has never been revelead. The publisher's note in the book states that a manuscript was dropped off by a lawyer and they never had a chance to interact with the author. He was allegedly a poor and young man of Maghreb origins living in the banlieus of Paris. The book is supposedly an autobiographical narrative written in slang but some people suggested he may actually be a famous writer under pseudonym. Some others suggested he may actually be Olivier Orban, the original editor of the book, or his wife (CHI - Christine Orban - M ["aime", "loves"] - O[livier]).

“I was born with nothing and I still have nothing. And tomorrow is nothing.”
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“Hell's no proof of heaven.”
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