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Chloe Neill

Chloe Neill is the New York Times bestselling author of the Heirs of Chicagoland, Chicagoland Vampires Novels, Devil's Isle Novels, and Dark Elite novels. Chloe was born and raised in the South, but now makes her home in the Midwest. When she's not writing, she bakes, works, and scours the Internet for good recipes and great graphic design. Chloe also maintains her sanity by spending time with her boys--her husband and their dogs, Baxter and Scout.

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“As I'm not currently being chased, I see no need to run.”
Chloe Neill
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“My lashes shuddered, and I had to force my palm against the sword’s handle until cording bit into my skin, to force her back, to keep my mind clear.But later, I promised her, she’d feed.”
Chloe Neill
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“together—“like a moth to a flame, there’d be nothing left.”
Chloe Neill
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“They’ll respect deeds, Ethan, not words.”
Chloe Neill
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“I reject the notion I am capable of doing anything 'not well' ~ Ethan”
Chloe Neill
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“I arched an eyebrow at her.She made an awful sound. "God, you're already Mrs. Sullivan.”
Chloe Neill
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“I looked at Jonah. “I’m still learning who you are. And you’re my partner, so I appreciate that you’re willing to take a punch for me.” I walked to Ethan and glared up at him. “But you know better than this, Ethan Sullivan.”
Chloe Neill
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“Ethan could be frustrating at times. Infuriating at others. But there was no doubt he was a Master among men.”
Chloe Neill
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“Go get him, tiger, I silently told him. Shouldn’t you be working? he asked. Yes, I said frankly. But the world outside these walls is depressing, and I need the distraction. You may begin impressing me now.”
Chloe Neill
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“Merit. Have you finally decided to ditch the zero and get with the hero?” Ethan cleared his throat—loudly—while I bit back a smile. I didn’t see anything wrong with reminding Ethan that I had other options. Even if they were slightly goofy options I’d never actually take advantage of.”
Chloe Neill
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“What do zombies chant at a riot?”“Grrarphsnarg?” he asked, in a surprisingly well-done bit of mindless zombie imitating.“No, but that was really good. Disconcertingly good.”“I was deceased for a time.”“True. But anyway, the rioters get all riled up, and they chant: ‘What do we want? Brains! When do we want them? Brains!’” I fell into a wave of appropriately boisterous laughter; Ethan seemed less impressed.“I truly hope the stipend we pay you doesn’t get spent on the development of jokes like that.”
Chloe Neill
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“You are a universe,” he reverentially whispered, and then his game began. A game of pushing me to the brink, of building the anticipation... and leaving me stranded in the midst of it.”
Chloe Neill
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“Better if you don't. Suffice it to say '123kitty' does not a strong password make." - House Rules”
Chloe Neill
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“I looked at Ethan and smiled a little.“I love you,” he mouthed.“I love you, too,” I mouthed back.“And I’m nauseous,” Catcher grumbled. “Let’s get on with this. I am seriously in need of a beer and a Lifetime movie.”
Chloe Neill
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“The world isn’t perfect, and some days it wears you down. You can either accept that, and face it, and be a help to others instead of a hindrance. Or you can decide the rules are too tough and they shouldn’t apply to you, and you can ignore them and make things harder for everybody else. Sometimes life is about being sad and doing things anyway. Sometimes it’s about being hurt and doing things anyway. The point isn’t perfection. The point is doing it anyway.”
Chloe Neill
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“Let’s get on with this. I am seriously in need of a beer and a Lifetime movie.”
Chloe Neill
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“You are mine, Merit.”
Chloe Neill
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“Like an angel of justice taking them down with his giant sword of righteousness?” “That sounds like the tagline for a bad porn flick.”
Chloe Neill
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“You’ll be wearing nothing but your Cadogan medal and a smile, Sentinel.”“Is that a prediction?” “It’s a promise.”
Chloe Neill
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“For now, with his emerald eyes locked on mine, where I was going didn't seem so scary.”
Chloe Neill
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“I stood Sentinel of Cadogan House, by God. He was mine, and he knew it, and I would claim what was mine.”
Chloe Neill
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“Ethan chuckled. “And are you aware you keep looking over here like you’re nervous I’m going to disappear?”“It’s because you’re devastatingly handsome.”He grinned slyly. “I wasn’t questioning your good taste.”
Chloe Neill
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“Merit: “I am yours until you ban bacon, or otherwise as long as I can put up with you.”
Chloe Neill
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“You can’t yadda yadda yadda nearly biting a fairy”
Chloe Neill
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“Don’t let my youthful good looks confuse you. I now have two lifetimes of experience”
Chloe Neill
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“Girl, you’re the Sentinel of this House, and you’ve been trained by Catcher and Luc and Ethan. He’s in the training room right now. Get down there and kick his ass!”
Chloe Neill
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“He stepped forward to keep our bodies aligned, and took my chin in his hand. "I will have you. Body, mind, and soul. And I won't share you with anyone else.”
Chloe Neill
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“So you traded up?” I asked, walking toward the car and opening the door. “Do you treat your relationships in the same way?” “Yes,” Ethan gravely said. “And I spent four hundred years shopping before I met you.”
Chloe Neill
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“You're perfect- beautiful, intelligent, intractable in a kind of... attractive way. Headstrong, but a good strategist. An amazing fighter.""But that's not enough?""It's too much. You think I haven't thought about what it might be like to return to my rooms at the end of the night and find you there- to find you in my bed, to have your body and your laugh and your mind? To look across a room and know that you were mine- that *I'd* claimed you. *Me.* Ethan Sullivan. Not the four-hundred-year-old vampire, not the child of Balthasar or the Novitiate of Peter Cadogan. Me. Just me. Just you and me.”
Chloe Neill
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“Please stop calling me that. You’re still officially the Master.”“Oh, I know,” Malik said. “But much like Merit, I find it amusing to irritate you.”As Malik walked down the hallway and around the corner, Ethan turned his pointed gaze on me.I shrugged innocently. “I can’t help it if I’m a trendsetter.”
Chloe Neill
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“I'm taking fifteen, and we're moving this discussion upstairs.""You can have here! I will not listen.""You will listen," Mallory said, "and you'll tell your book club exactly what you heard.""But is like Twilight in real life!" Berna protested. "Sparkles!”
Chloe Neill
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“God Save me from boys”
Chloe Neill
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“Diamonds are forever. Magic not so much.”
Chloe Neill
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“Give me a break, I'm trying to Gratefully Condescend.”
Chloe Neill
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“We'll see if she can rise to the occasion, do what needs to be done.""We'll see if she can manage not to kill her Liege and Master, especially if he continues talking about her like she's not in the room.”
Chloe Neill
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“Sullivan, just pick it up.""My way is more genteel.""Your way is more tight ass.""Your respect for me, Sentinel, is astounding.""I'd respect you more if you took a bite of that dog.""You don't respect me any.""Like I said, I'd respect you more. More than none.”
Chloe Neill
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“If you weren't taken, I'd date you myself.""Which one of us were you talking to, hon?""I think she meant the [hot] dog.”
Chloe Neill
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“Don't they feed you at Navarre house?""They throw out some gruel between the indoctrination sessions and propaganda films. Then we're off marching around the grounds and the recitation of sonnets to Celina's loveliness.”
Chloe Neill
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“Anyone wanna dance?""I could dance I need to change, but I can dance.""Nice going, Gandalf. You'll rile her up, and I'll never get her tucked in. You wanna give her candy and caffeine while you're at it?”
Chloe Neill
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“It was a spell, thrown by Sebastian Born. Pretty fce, evil disposition.”
Chloe Neill
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“You do that Helen", Mallory dared. "And tell him we said to f*ck off while youre at it".”
Chloe Neill
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“Vampirliği nasıl buluyorsun?" "Eğer vampirlik bir ev olsaydı," dedim ciddi anlamda düşündükten sonra " tadilat gerektiriyor bu derdim.”
Chloe Neill
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“Burada ki gizem avcısı benim ama onlar ne yapıyorlar? Gidip senin gibi İngiliz Edebiyatıyla kafayı bozmuş anti-sosyal kişiliği vampire dönüştürüyorlar! Dizideki vampir avcısı Buffy'nin bile yüreği cız etmiştir.Gerçi..." deyip değerlendiren gözle beni süzdü. "Senden çok iyi araştırma malzemesi, olurdu.”
Chloe Neill
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“PAPER TOWERSThe library was on the second floor of the House, not far from my room. It had two floors—the first held the majority of the books and a balcony wrapped in a wrought-iron railing held another set. It was a cavalcade of tomes, all in immaculate rows, and with study carrels and tables thrown in for good measure. It was my home away from home(away from home.I walked inside and paused for a moment to breathe in the scent of paper and dust—the perfumes of knowledge. The library was empty of patrons as far as I could tell, but I could hear the rhythmic squeal of a library cart somewhere in the rows. I followed them down until I found the dark-haired vampire shelving books with mechanical precision. I knew him only as “the librarian.” He was a fount of information, and he had a penchant for leaving books outside my door.”
Chloe Neill
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“The world has a lot to offer. There’s a lot to explore. I like to take advantage of that.”
Chloe Neill
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“We all have days when we feel small. Really small. Completely inadequate but saddled with all this responsibility...I have to fight battles against people who shouldn't be my enemies - especially when there are allready plenty of enemies to go around. There are days when I would love to pull the cover over my head and say to hell with it.But I don't do that. And most people don't do that. Most people get up and do their jobs and work their asses off for no reward at all - but just so they can get up the next day and do the whole thing over again. World isn't perfect, and some days it wears you down. You can either accept that, and face it, and be a help to others instead of a hindrance. Or you can decide the rules are too tough and they shouldn't apply to you, and you can ignore them and make things harder for everybody else. Sometimes life is about being sad and doing things anyway. Sometimes it's about being hurt and doing things anyway. The point isn't perfection. The point is doing it anyway.”
Chloe Neill
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“Home is where the heart is... not necessariliy where you sleep.”
Chloe Neill
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“Ethan: You can run. You can keep running to the ends of the earth. But I won't be far behind you. No. I will never be far behind you.”
Chloe Neill
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“Aw, sad face. I came up with that totally off the cuff. No props for off the cuff?”
Chloe Neill
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“I'll have you in my bed again, Sentinel. And at my side. That is a promise.”
Chloe Neill
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