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Chris Galford

Chris Galford spends his days as a freelance journalist and editor. Writing, in all its forms, has been his passion from a young age, but fantasy and science fiction are the sparks that give his nights purpose. A native of Michigan, in his spare time he can usually be found wandering the lake shore with a camera in one hand and a pen in the other.

The Hollow March was his first major work, based on a series of short stories he wrote in the summer of 2008, titled "The Company of the Eagles," and followed by the novels "At Faith's End" in 2013 and "As Feathers Fall" in 2015. Another short story set in the same world, “The Child's Cry,” has been published in the Twelfth issue of Mystic Signals magazine.

“That was magic, sweetest.” The witch flexed her fingers, wriggled them in front of her. “Did she think it a wave of the hands? A slip of the tongue?” A kiss upon her skin. She could see the woman reaching out and taking her in hand, kissing each finger as though they were her possessions. Then it was gone. Charlotte blinked. The woman had not stirred. “Not all things are so simple. I was he and he was me and I took your poison into myself, and made it his. All things join beneath the earth. I burned, then so did he. More will burn. Come hair or wool, more will burn.”
Chris Galford
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“That was one of the inherent flaws of faith. Belief without knowing. But worse yet: belief without action. It could be good in its own right. Beautiful, even, when embraced, but that had to be measured. Checked. Too many surrendered themselves to it. What they did not see was simple fact. Religion did not bring peace. It merely offered a means. It was up to man to create peace.”
Chris Galford
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“Man tames not vengeance; vengeance breaks the man.”
Chris Galford
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“Logic kills. Faith burns. Better to be the one with the torch than the one on the pyre.”
Chris Galford
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