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Chris Mawbey

I write speculative fiction (odd stuff). Mostly paranormal / supernatural psychological horror thrillers. That's why it's easier to say speculative fiction than list all the genres I dabble in. Please take a look at my website for an idea of what I write to see if it appeals.

I have two novels and a novella, DARKEST CORNERS OF THE MIND, THE DEAD HAVE NO SHADOWS and PASCAL on sale for Kindle and in print copy. I've also got two short story collections, SHADES OF IMAGINATION and WHO WILL I BE TODAY? available for Kindle.

My latest novel, BLIND JACK, was published in October 2015.

I also enjoy reading, eating, drinking and sleeping - not always in that order.

I'm from Derby, England.

“Growing old is the price you pay for living. Growing up is optional.Be true to yourself - don't let people turn you into something you're not.”
Chris Mawbey
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