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Chris Maxwell Rose

I am a sex educator with over 10 years experience teaching individuals and groups about sexual health and pleasure.

Together with my partner Charlotte, I co-founded in 2006, dedicated to sharing practical, down-to-earth information and techniques for more sexual pleasure.

As The Pleasure Mechanics we have spent over 6 years developing best-selling video guides, ebooks and other digital media to teach the techniques of sexual pleasure to men and women around the world. We have criss-crossed the nation teaching workshops on sex to audiences from 3 to 3,000.

Our videos work has reached individuals in over 60 countries.

I have been working as an independent sex educator since graduating Vassar College with honors in 2003. Truly, I’ve been a sex educator since my childhood, when I discovered myself camped out in the library’s sexuality section and answering all my friend’s questions on the playground. I try to maintain the wide eyed curiosity of my youth as I distill what I have learned in my decade of hands-on sex education leadership.

My highest commitment is helping to create a world where all men, women and couples have the information and tools to become sexually fulfilled. My work is dedicated to creating an end to the cycle of sexual violence and abuse. As a survivor of child sexual abuse and teenage sexual assault, I believe that the cycle of sexual violence is dependent on a culture of sexual shame, fear and silence. These toxic cycles can only be remedied by advocating for sexual wellness, freedom and pleasure. To this pleasurable end I have dedicated my creativity and leadership.

I’d love to hear from you! Be in touch!

“The human erotic imagination is a vast wilderness of sexual possibilities. We are each capable of enjoying a pleasurable, satisfying and potentially ecstatic sex life. Yet our culture encourages us to keep the window of possibility very narrow, limiting our erotic expression to a short list of approved activities and energies. To truly experience sexual freedom, you must reclaim your erotic imagination and allow yourself to make your sex life a work of art, your very own creation designed to fulfill your unique needs and desires.”
Chris Maxwell Rose
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