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Chris Moore

Chris Moore is a graduate of Columbia University and the author and co-author of a dozen books, including Dorota Nigro's "Not Just a Number," which exposes the link between diesel fumes and cancer; and gun industry legend Wildey Moore's forthcoming "Wildey's Here: Survivor." He lives with his wife and three sons in Connecticut, and is a former resident of Breckenridge, Colorado where he discovered how much he loves the mountains and also how deeply rooted the hatred of America and the normal family is in many Americans. See more of his work at

“(Samson is talking to a bum on the street.) "A guy stops near here every morning with a truck-picks up guys to do yard work, but he only takes Mexicans. Says whites are too lazy....I'm not lazy," the bum said. "I earned a degree in philosophy." "I'll give you a dollar," Samson said "I'm having trouble finding work in my field." (The bum replied)”
Chris Moore
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