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Christian Bauman

Christian Bauman is the author of a critically acclaimed cycle of novels set in the 1990s (The Ice Beneath You, Voodoo Lounge, and In Hoboken) published between 2002 and 2008. He was a regular contributor to NPR’s Weekend All Things Considered for a few years. Bauman has been interviewed by Terry Gross on Fresh Air, Rachel Maddow and Chuck D on Air America, Vin Scelsa on Idiot’s Delight, and featured in the New York Times and CNN.

Much delayed by a decade-long bout of swirling gypsy mumps, Bauman's fourth novel is slouching toward completion. Maybe this year? Maybe next.

“I write for the same reason I read: because it's all there is for me.”
Christian Bauman
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“Reading was a joy, a desperately needed escape -- I didn't read to learn, I was reading to read.”
Christian Bauman
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“Writing is the only art form where a good number of the artists make a slice of their living criticizing one another in print, in public. ”
Christian Bauman
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“Harold Bloom weeps for me.”
Christian Bauman
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“Literature simply becomes richer after you've been fired, rejected, stranded, or had to change a few midnight diapers.”
Christian Bauman
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