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Christie Golden

Award-winning author Christie Golden has written over thirty novels and several short stories in the fields of science fiction, fantasy and horror. She has over a million books in print.

2009 will see no fewer than three novels published. First out in late April will be a World of Warcraft novel, Athas: Rise of the Lich King. This is the first Warcraft novel to appear in hardcover. Fans of the young paladin who fell so far from grace will get to read his definitive story.

In June, Golden’s first Star Wars novel, also a hardcover, sees print. Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi—Omen is the second in a nine-book series she is co-authoring with Aaron Allston and Troy Denning. Also in June comes the conclusion of Golden’s StarCraft: The Dark Templar Saga with the release of Twlight, the third book in the series. The first two are Firstborn and Shadow Hunters.

2004 saw the launch of an original fantasy series called The Final Dance, from LUNA Books. The first novel in the series, On Fire's Wings, was published in July of that year. The second, In Stone’s Clasp , came out in September of 2005. With In Stone’s Clasp, Golden won the Colorado Author’s League Top Hand Award for Best Genre Novel for the second time. The third book, Under Sea’s Shadow, is available only as an e-book

Golden is also the author of two original fantasy novels from Ace Books, King's Man and Thief and Instrument of Fate, which made the 1996 Nebula Preliminary Ballot. Under the pen name of Jadrien Bell, she wrote a historical fantasy thriller entitled A.D. 999, which won the Colorado Author's League Top Hand Award for Best Genre Novel of 1999.

Golden launched the TSR Ravenloft line in 1991 with her first novel, the highly successful Vampire of the Mists , which introduced elven vampire Jander Sunstar. Golden followed up Vampire with Dance of the Dead and The Enemy Within . In September of 2006, fifteen years to the month, The Ravenloft Covenant: Vampire of the Mists enabled Jander Sunstar to reach a whole new audience.

Other projects include a slew of Star Trek novels, among them The Murdered Sun , Marooned , and Seven of Nine , and "The Dark Matters Trilogy," Cloak and Dagger , Ghost Dance and Shadow of Heaven .

The Voyager novel relaunch, which includes Homecoming and The Farther Shore , were bestsellers and were the fastest-selling Trek novels of 2003. Golden continued writing VOYAGER novels even though the show went off the air, and enjoyed exploring the creative freedom that gave her in the two-parter called Spirit Walk, which includes Old Wounds and Enemy of my Enemy .

Golden has also written the novelization of Steven Spielberg's Invasion America and an original "prequel," On The Run , both of which received high praise from producer Harve Bennett. On The Run, a combination medical thriller and science fiction adventure, even prompted Bennett to invite Golden to assist in crafting the second season of the show, if it was renewed.

Golden lives in Loveland, Colorado, with her artist husband and their two cats.

“I have no fear of killing those who deserve to die. I do not choose to kill those who do not.”
Christie Golden
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“But that is how one learns, is it not? By trying and failing?”
Christie Golden
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“There are always options. And a wise man always has more than one plan.”
Christie Golden
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“It may make him overconfident. He may make foolish errors.”
Christie Golden
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“Sometimes lessons take time to learn.”
Christie Golden
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“You can only act on what you do know. What your heart and your head and your gut tell you is right.”
Christie Golden
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“Not all who become leaders crave the power that goes with it.”
Christie Golden
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“We best teach what we ourselves have learned.”
Christie Golden
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“Simple' does not mean 'easy'. I have learned that the things that seem the simplest are often the most powerful of all.”
Christie Golden
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“Glory, battle, great momentsss, are where we give to the world. But we cannot give without receiving. We cannot share what we do not have inside. It is this quiet, the pause between breathsss, that makes us what we truly are. Gives us ssstrength for all our journeys.”
Christie Golden
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“Clarity is often found in stillness.”
Christie Golden
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“Humans are pathetically greedy and easy to manipulate.”
Christie Golden
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“I am who I am. Whether in joy or in pain. I am who I am.”
Christie Golden
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“You were given a gift. You were given the chance to see who you were, to learn from mistakes, and to change and grow. Few are granted such insight.”
Christie Golden
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“A risky plan, but what is life without risk, eh?”
Christie Golden
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“The wise man understands his weakness and seeks to find a lesson from it. The fool lets it control and destroy him.”
Christie Golden
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“How easily the mind can be turned to hate from a place of fear.”
Christie Golden
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“The eye cannot always be trusted. We think what we see is always real, that the light always reveals what is there the same way at all times. But light and shadow can be manipulated, directed, by those that understand it... And so your eye perceives something entirely different from what you thought was there.”
Christie Golden
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“... just because something had never been done before did not mean it could not be done.”
Christie Golden
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“False modesty is as bad as false pride. Know exactly what you are capable of at any moment, and act accordingly. Any other path is folly—and could be deadly in battle.”
Christie Golden
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“It is as much of a mistake to underestimate yourself as to overestimate yourself.”
Christie Golden
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“One can not always believe what one hears.”
Christie Golden
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“It is a fool who repeats the same actions expecting a different outcome.”
Christie Golden
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“My actions should depend on what I know, not what I suspect.”
Christie Golden
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“There are many paths open to us at all times, Jaina. As leaders of those who trust us, we owe it to them to examine every one.”
Christie Golden
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“One of the things you'll learn, Anduin, is that sometimes you can't always do what you'd like to do. Or even do what you think is the right thing—at least not right away.”
Christie Golden
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“Destruction is easy. But creating something that lasts is a challenge.”
Christie Golden
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“But it is the mark of a leader, to hold all possibilities, even the unpleasant—even the unthinkable.”
Christie Golden
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“I am not going to waste time on revenge when my energy is better spent toward rebuilding.”
Christie Golden
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“You can't say it's a fair way to determine right or wrong one day, and then say it's unfair the next because you don't like the outcome.”
Christie Golden
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“It is arrogance to believe you can know all things. Perhaps you are right. But perhaps you are not.”
Christie Golden
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“This was how one should be welcomed home. With the happy cries of children and family, with the blessings of the natural world.”
Christie Golden
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“He welcomed challenges; they kept him sharp, showed that he was approachable, and oftentimes made him explore avenues previously unthought-of.”
Christie Golden
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“We all are weak, in one way or another. It does not matter the species. Some times that weakness is a strength in dusguise. Sometimes it is our utter undoing. Some times it is both. A wise man seeks to find a lesson from it. A fool lets it control and destroy him.And sometimes the wise man is the fool.”
Christie Golden
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“Ner'zhul... Gul'dan. Two of the darkest names ever to sully the history of my people. And yet, Drek'thar tells me that once Ner'zhul was admired, even beloved, and truly cared for the people whos spiritual leader he was. It is hard to reconcile those words with what Ner'zhul has become, but I try. I try because I want to understand.And yet, try as I might... I do not.”
Christie Golden
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