Christien Gholson is an American born writer currently living in the United Kingdom.
His first published work was the critically-acclaimed book of poetry, On the Side of the Crow (Hanging Loose Press, 2006).
His stories, both literary and speculative, have appeared in many magazines and literary journals, including The Sun, Alaska Quarterly Review, Quarterly West, Cimarron Review and the influential speculative magazine Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet.
He has been a union organizer, bookseller, cartoonist, teacher, itinerant poet-musician and freelance editor. He grew up in a navy family, never settling in one place for very long, a pattern he has continued as an adult. His childhood years in Italy, the swamps of Florida, and in Belgium – where he spent weekends riding his bike through the alternating industrial and pastoral landscape – have deeply influenced his art. This is his first novel.
“There's more money spent on research to cure symptoms than search for causes. Diet, everyday living health issues, corporate dumping of toxins into drinking water - science isn't interested in that. It's interested in money.”