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Christina Haag

Christina Haag is an actress and the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir, COME TO THE EDGE, which chronicles her childhood friendship and five-year love affair with John Kennedy Jr. A People magazine and USA Today pick, her book "lyrically and precisely captures the frenetic ecstasy of early love."[Washington Post] COME TO THE EDGE was heralded by Publisher's Weekly as "a piercing portrait," and Entertainment Weekly called Ms. Haag, "a beautiful writer." She was featured on The Today Show, Entertainment Tonight, CBS Early Show, the Joy Behar Show and Hardball with Chris Matthews, and profiled in People magazine and the Los Angeles Times. Winner of the Ella Dickey Literacy Award, her writing has been published in The Wall Street Journal, Hamptons Magazine, and Vanity Fair, and she is a contributor to the anthology, The Brown Reader, along with Jeffrey Eugenides, Marilynne Robinson, Rick Moody, Edwidge Dandicat, Donald Antrim, and Meg Wolitzer.

Winner of the Dramalogue for Outstanding Actress, Christina continues to work in film, theater, and television, most recently on Law and Order:SVU and the new film, Half Brother. A graduate of Brown University and Juilliard, she lives in New York City and is currently working on a novel.

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“That's the thing about timing. It has nothing to do with love.”
Christina Haag
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“I did not know then that there are those you love no matter how much they hurt you, no matter how many years have passed since you felt them in the morning. I did not know how long it took to get over such a love, and that even when you did, when you loved again, you would always carry a sliver of it in your stitched-together heart. I did not know that you could love them in death, and that if one day they returned to you in a dream or half sleep, you might hold up your hand as she had done, because life and time had changed you.”
Christina Haag
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“God loves you just as you are. Pray from where you are.”
Christina Haag
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“What he aimed for, and succeeded some days in attaining was the remarkable equipoise of humility and confidence that is grace.”
Christina Haag
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“All will be well. Seventeen years later, I knew her meaning. You will find the courage to walk through whatever life gives you.”
Christina Haag
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“No matter how many times you fall in love, it always comes at you sideways. It always catches you by surprise.”
Christina Haag
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“Sin, in the Greek, means missing the mark. An archery term. That’s all it is. That which has kept you from God.”
Christina Haag
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