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Christina Meldrum

Christina Meldrum is the author of MADAPPLE, a finalist for the PEN USA Literary Award and the William C. Morris Award, an ALA Best Book, a Booklist Editor's Choice and a Kirkus Reviews Best Book. Her second novel, AMARYLLIS IN BLUEBERRY, is forthcoming in February 2011 from Gallery Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.

“Science describes the world; it doesn't explain it: it can describe the universe's formation, but it cannot explain why such an event would have occurred, how something can come from nothing.”
Christina Meldrum
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“And I realized: souls don't stand alone. What makes a soul a soul is the shared burden and pain, the shared joy: it's the connection between us that carries on.”
Christina Meldrum
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“The hurt she suffered has encircled her, it seems: it is the virgin's bower, that vine that cannot bear its own weight but lives by twining itself around another, making it's host unrecognizable.”
Christina Meldrum
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“Truth doesn't have a color. And it doesn't have a smell. It doesn't quiver or make noise. It doesn't shimmer. Yet it does - it does all these things, depending. Because truth is capricious. It may be hovering there all the while, but one moment you think you see it - it seems so clear, so well defined, as if you could catch it and hold it steady in your hand. But the next moment it's gone, or at least so fast moving it's a blur, at best. That's the thing Africa taught me about truth. You know it's truth because it's busy. Any seeming truth that's idle? Well, that's just not truth.”
Christina Meldrum
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“Words are like physical objects around us that appear to be continuous and whole but are in fact composed of particles too small for for the eye to see, for the brain to imagine. Words oversimplify reality. Break open a word, and it's like breaking a mold. The contents seep free, become something new.”
Christina Meldrum
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“Life was a revolving mystery, sometimes terrifying, sometimes maddening. But always provocative. Interesting. And although its meaning seemed beyond my grasp, it never seemed meaningless.”
Christina Meldrum
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“From within this chrysalis, the universe outside is the aberration; if I exit, the aberration will be me.”
Christina Meldrum
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