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Christina OW

Christina OW loves reading novels that take her on a ride of wild emotions. Books have always been an escape for her, for a few hours she gets to live the lives of characters she grows to cherish and admire. She's always had an active imagination and because of it has lived in her head more than she has been in the outside world. She always imagined scenarios and wondered how they would turn out in the end, and what kind of emotions they would invoke. Thus began her writing career.

Besides her twin sister, her pajamas are her best friend. She'd rather curl up on the couch with a good book than join the night life. Raised by a selfless mother who put up with the twins playing pranks all the time, Christina feels she owes her mother a lot and strives to make her proud every day.

“I am the master of my destiny, the leader of my actions,the dictator of my world for the power lives in me and noone else.”
Christina OW
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