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Christine Caine

Christine Caine is a speaker, author, and activist who has been serving the local church globally for over 30 years. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization, The A21 Campaign, which works at the local, domestic, and international level to end modern-day slavery. They also founded Equip & Empower, a ministry that is mobilizing people everywhere to live on mission for Jesus. Propel Women is an initiative of the ministry dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. The ministry has also planted three life-giving Zoe Churches in Europe that are not only bringing the Gospel to the region, but also serve the most vulnerable through humanitarian outreach during times of crisis.

Christine is the best-selling author of more than a dozen books and studies and you can tune into her weekly podcast or television program to be encouraged with the hope of Jesus wherever you are.

“Even when I cannot see him, I can hear the beautiful gallop of God's heartbeat for humanity.”
Christine Caine
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“The long series of disappointments you accumulate in a lifetime can stop you from moving forward into all the goodness God has planned for you – and that means they’ll be stopping not only you, but also all those God has destined you to reach along your life journey.”
Christine Caine
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“I also came to understand that our authenticity (or lack thereof) is made evident by the fruit that our life is bearing.”
Christine Caine
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“God is able to take the mess of our past and turn it into a message. He takes the trials and tests and turns them into a testimony.”
Christine Caine
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“Nothing about my birth - or yours - was random or accidental. I was born for this time - and so were you. We were each chosen for a particular, cosmically important task that can be done by no one else.”
Christine Caine
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“You need to return to the truth of God's Word that will last forever, not meditate on circumstance that will fade and change.It is this truth that enables us to go into the future undaunted.”
Christine Caine
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“I lifted my Bible in one hand and with my other scooped up all the papers on my adoption. Both hands held paper that contained words printed in black and white ink. Both contained facts. Yet only one held the truth. I had to choose which of these documents I would entrust with my life.”
Christine Caine
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“The truth you store up in silence comes back to you in the storm, and it lifts you away as on a life raft from the fears and disappointments that would otherwise pull you under. When you abide in his word, he abides in you.”
Christine Caine
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“Even as the underpinnings of my world had shifted radically, they were resettling in a more secure place. Even as things seemed to be falling apart, the truth of God's love was holding me together. And that truth was: I knew he loved me, unquestionably, unconditionally, whether I was adopted or not. The truth was: His love is relentless, unyielding, passionate, unfailing, perfect.”
Christine Caine
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“Even though I only just found out that I was adopted, God has always known, and he has always loved me. And since that has never changed, therefore nothing has essentially changed. I may not be who I thought I was, but I still am who he says I am. I am more. I am loved. I am his.”
Christine Caine
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“Why didn't you come sooner?I offered them no excuses that day, but I did know that there were reasons. Reasons that, when we hear God's call, when we feel that gentle (or not so gentle) urging of God's Spirit for us to make a bold step, take a risk, serve others, save a life, commit - we so often hold back.It's because we don't feel empowered.We don't feel qualified.We think we lack the courage, the strength, the wisdom, the money, the experience, the education, the organization, the backing.We feel like Moses...Not me, God. I'm afraid. Weak. Poor. Stupid.Unqualified.Daunted....It has never been my desire to be daunted, to be afraid, to be unable to respond to God's call.”
Christine Caine
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“It was my moment of wondering what, in my life, had been my golden pin like Schindler's, the thing so precious to me that it never occurred to me to use it to ransom the life of someone else.”
Christine Caine
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