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Christine Lemmon


Hurricane Ian caused devastation across the state of Florida. As a 15-year resident of Sanibel Island, it has been a heartbreaking experience to see what just happened to our Southwest Florida community.

In efforts to help, I will be releasing my novel Steps to the Beach one month early and all proceeds (until the end of 2022) will be donated to the Florida Disaster Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization. If you would like to donate or learn more about the fund visit

Here's the link to Steps to the Beach on Amazon.

CHRISTINE LEMMON grew up in Saugatuck, Michigan, in a house attached to her family’s ice-cream shop and bed & breakfast. From childhood on, she wrote feverishly in her diaries. After graduating from Hope College, she moved around the country writing for radio, newspaper, television, and magazines. She also worked as a publicist for a nonfiction publishing house in northern California.

As well as writing novels, she enjoys taking walks through nature preserves, and boating with friends and family along Florida’s Gulf Coast. Not only is Sanibel the setting for her novels, it was the setting for her life for nearly two decades, and she is incredibly thankful to have raised her family in the close-knit island community.

She speaks at events, including book clubs, and loves connecting with her readers. Visit her online at

“Thanks to the moon, the ground in front of me was well-lit, and I wondered if this were the reason God created and placed the moon up there in the first place, so girls like me could effortlessly sneak out in the midst of night, or maybe so their fathers might catch them. ...I prayed that God put the moon up there for the first reason and not the second.”
Christine Lemmon
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“It troubles me every time to think my fellow women were the ones who actually gave birth to men with attitudes as stringent as yours.”
Christine Lemmon
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“...I knew at times I have a loud chirp for such a petite bird, a chirp that some think is slanted, opinionated, and way too unladylike coming from a mouth as prim-looking as mine. Until I open it and the space between my two front teeth shoes. It's the space that everyone blames for my outspokenness, and although my parents don't really believe it, they use it, too. Whenever I say things that embarrass them, they're the first to tell people, 'It's that space between her two front teeth. Things just slip out of it, and she can't help it. We don't know what to do about it.”
Christine Lemmon
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“So many steps a woman takes in her life will not be remembered. And most of her tracks will be erased. But there will always be those certain steps she'll never regret, the ones she'd never forget - those glistening steps she took for herself.”
Christine Lemmon
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“I'm still young and therefore I don't know as much about the world as an adult, yet I'm no longer a child and not yet a lady, but lingering between the two, like in that state called purgatory, only for a young girl no longer a child and a woman, I call it a state of temporary frustration.”
Christine Lemmon
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“If only someone asked my opinion, I'd say the male species is disastrous to the development of womankind and they ought to be removed promptly”
Christine Lemmon
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“There is a time in every woman's life when pink is her favorite color, when anything is believable and the lines separating the possible and impossible are blurred.”
Christine Lemmon
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“There are those times when a woman fears she is on the brink of extinction or that the dreams and wants she had for her life are endangered. It is then she must declare herself a refuge and take whatever measures to preserve her natural elements."--Portion of the Sea”
Christine Lemmon
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“There is a beginning, middle and end to every woman's life. But once a woman arrives at what she thinks might be her end, all she must do is reach deep down into her innermost depths and there she will find a new beginning. A woman is hardy as a perennial flower and deep as the sea." --Whisper from the Ocean”
Christine Lemmon
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