Born and raised in coastal New England, Christine Warren lived in the South and the Mid-Atlantic before hopping to the other side of the country to take up the life of a transplant in the Pacific Northwest. She completely bypassed those states in the middle due to her landlocking phobia. Hmm, need to research a scientific term for that...
When not scrambling frantically to complete her latest writing project, Christine spends most of her time as a crazy animal lady, hanging out with her dog Levi (he’s the one with the hair) and pretending to train him to have some manners. She also hangs out with her horse, Cal—a thoroughbred with a craving for strawberry licorice twists—her goddog, Merlin; and her best friend, fellow author Hannah Murray. In addition to playing with her pets, Christine’s hobbies include identifying dog breeds from photos of their underbellies, appreciating fine and not-so-fine wines, shopping for the perfect pair of Christian Louboutin shoes, and most of all reading things someone else had to agonize over.
She enjoys hearing from readers and can be reached via email sent to or by postal mail to Christine Warren, PO Box 871900, Vancouver, WA 98687-1900.
“Normally, I don't drink on the job," she said to Rafe, "but damned if that old bastard hasn't given me a reason to start."(Sam, Graham Winters secretary)”
“Watch it, buster. There's only room for one sarcastic malcontent in this relationship.”
“Christ on crackers, she'd barely gotten over finding out about the others: if she had to start believing aliens were real, too, she was finished. she'd stab herself in the heart with a blue pencil just see if she didn't."-Corinne D'Alessandro”
“she fought back an urge to curl her finger s into claws or slap a sign on luc's back reading, MINE! and just in case they missed seeing that one, she'd put another, permanent one someplace lower. but now that she had time to thin the second tattoo wouldn't be on his ass, and it wouldn't be made of chocolate, and - damn it-Corinne D'Alessandro”
“you're a fairy? sure, Tinker bell. pull the other leg while your at it.""you see? that's the problem with mortals. we leave your world for a couple of thousand years and everyone either forgets all about us, or they reduce us to little glowing balls of tutu clad cheer"-Corinne D'Alessandro &Luc MacanawNot your ordinary faerie tale”
“Sarcasm doesn't suit you, Melissa,' Graham growled. 'Really? I've always thought it brings out my eyes.”
“For God's sake" she panted. Glaring up at him with fury in those clear, yellow-green eyes. "Would you stop screwing around and fuck me already?”
“You are a vampire. That's big news in my world. I don't generally date the living dead.What sort of dead do you usually date?”
“I'm not sure whether to be relieved she didn't hurt you or diappointed. Now he's going to think he got away with that junk." -AbbyI wouldn't say that. He got a stern talking-to, but he already made great progress with his groveling lessons." -Sam""Ill show you exactly how much progress I've made the next time I get you in a shower." -Noah"I'm gonna kill him! Did you hear that? You have to let me kill him." -Graham"Stay right where you are. There will be no killing. I thought I made that clear to everyone last night. Don't make me go over it again!" -Missy”
“You're a big boy, No. You'll figure something out. Just make sure it includes the groveling." -AbbyIt come to all of us. Especially those of us foolish enough to fall in love with women who have minds of their own. If you will recall, your own sister had a few things she had to forgive me for before we could move on with our relationship." -RuleThere's a big difference between a little kidnapping and what he did." -Abby"You did not call it a 'little' anything at the time, sweet. You were furious with me. Believe me, the groveling does do wonders." -Rule”
“Didn't anyone tell you that size doesn't matter?""Yes, but I told him to put his pants back on and go home.”
“He went to her head like a shot of whiskey but tasted a whole lot better. He sent the same fire curling into the pit of her belly with none of the bitter acid on her tongue. Instead, he was smooth and rich and sweet like fine chocolate, and for once in her life, Abby didn't worry about the treat going straight to her thighs. She rather hoped he would.”
“Committing suicide essentially said to friends and loved ones and the world at large that you were the only thing that mattered, that your problems were hopeless that you deserved to escape from them and to hell with everyone else.Suicide was nothing more than a way to look in the eye of the people who loved you and say, "My pain is paramount and I want it to end. The pain you will feel when I am gone, and the guilt you will experience at not having been able to stop me, do not matter to me. I am willing for you to suffer for the rest of your life so that I can take the easy way out of mine.”
“You should probably know right now, Eli Pace, that I do not appreciate being treated like an imbecile, nor do I appreciate being ordered around like some kind of subservient human being. If you want me to do something because you're concerned for my safety, tell me you're concerned and then ask me to do what you believe is necessary for me to preserve that safety. Don't turn into a raving barbarian, because all that's going to do is piss me the hell off.”
“Now that I've met you and spoken to you and felt you and tasted you, I'm done. That's it. You're the end for me.”
“To hell with sweet nothings. Dirty little somethings are my choice any day of the week.”
“It might have felt easier if she'd been able to say that she moved across the room to him in a trance, as if he were a vampire exerting some kind of mind control. That would have been a cop-out, though. Not to mention a lie. She was exquisitely aware of every movement she made as she uncurled her legs, rose from her chair and walked slowly and carefully around the end of the coffee table towards him. She felt the wide hem of her yoga pants sway around her ankles, felt the nap of the blue-and-green area rug and then the cool smoothness of the wooden floorboards beneath her feet. She felt the way the thick sofa cushions gave beneath her as she sat beside him and the pull of gravity when his heavier weight made a deeper depression that her body rolled naturally into...And then she felt everything.”
“You ran away from an adorable Irishman who wanted to se you naked?”
“Fresh, sweet honeysuckle. Ripe and rich and ready to be fucked—PLUCKED, he corrected himself, ready to be plucked.”
“It called to him, a sweet heady beacon of femininity, fertility, and fuckability. His three favorite f-words.”
“Given the way his night had been going so far, he didn't have time to go to jail.”