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Christopher Healy

Christopher Healy is the author of the Hero's Guide trilogy (The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom, The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle, and The Hero's Guide to Being an Outlaw), the Perilous Journey of Danger & Mayhem trilogy (A Dastardly Plot, The Treacherous Seas, and The Final Gambit), and This Is Not That Kind of Book. His newest book, No One Leaves the Castle—a fantasy mystery standalone spinoff of the Hero's Guide novels—comes out in August 2023.

Chris lives in New Jersey with his wife, two children, and a dog named Winston Bean. Visit him at And visit the Hero's Guide/No One Leaves the Castle universe at

“No, Princes Charming," Duncan cheerfully corrected. "'Prince' is the noun; that's what gets pluralized. 'Charming' is an adjective; you can't add an S to it like that.”
Christopher Healy
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“Duncan,we're still in prison," Frederic said dryly. "You're not going to see anything except this cell. Which has spiders, by the way. Have you noticed the spiders?" "Indeed I have: Carmen, Zippy, and Dr. T," Duncan said.”
Christopher Healy
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“He was curious to know more about her. So he did something extremely rare. He sent her a note. Even more shocking, he suggested they meet. In person. Two people from different kingdoms - who are engaged to be married. Crazy, I know.”
Christopher Healy
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“Once you've been squashed by a giant, a troll doesn't even seem nearly as heavy.”
Christopher Healy
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“Frederic had imagined this moment - him running to Ella with open arms, calling her name - but being as winded as he was, doubled over with his hands on his knees, all he could do was nod in her general direction.”
Christopher Healy
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“On still another road, a green-haired man wobbled by on peppermint-stick stilts; a fiery-plumed bird of paradise perched on his shoulder. But he's not in this story, so don't pay any attention to him.”
Christopher Healy
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“Duncan, what are you?""Human!" Duncan cried, trembling with excitement."More specific," Liam said, still dramatically."A five-foot-two human!""I'm going for hero here," Liam hinted under his breath.”
Christopher Healy
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“Wild card, got it," Duncan said. "Just like in Crazy Eights. I can be a diamond; I can be a spade. Whatever you need me to be, I'm that thing. That is so me.”
Christopher Healy
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“Someone's having a pity party and didn't invite the rest of us.”
Christopher Healy
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“You're a way-getter-inner, I can tell.”
Christopher Healy
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“Please tell me he's not skipping.”
Christopher Healy
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“Can you believe the man rhymed 'Rumplestiltskin' with 'crumpled napkins'?”
Christopher Healy
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“I'm Liam of Erinthia. I'm here to rescue you ... And You are not Cinderella. You are a tree branch wrapped in a sheet”
Christopher Healy
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