Christopher Paolini was born in Southern California and has lived most of his life in Paradise Valley, Montana. He published his first novel, Eragon, in 2003 at the age of nineteen, and quickly became a publishing phenomenon. His Inheritance Cycle—Eragon and its three sequels—have sold nearly 40 million copies worldwide.
To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
was his first adult novel.
Visit and for the latest news about this project and follow Christopher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.
“Change itself is neither good nor bad, but knowledge is always useful.”
“Clear your mind of such thoughts. They cannot be answered and will make you no happier.”
“Left weaponless, Roran was forced to retreat before the remaining soldier. He stumbled over a corpse, cutting his calf on a sword as he fell, and rolled to avoid a two-handed blow from the soldier, scrabbling frantically in the ankle-deep mud for something, anything he could use as a weapon. A hilt brushed his fingers, and he ripped it from the muck and slashed at the soldier's sword hand, severing his thumb. The man stared dumbly at the glistening stump, then said, "This is what comes from not shielding myself." "Aye," agreed Roran, and beheaded him.”
“I took a bunch of pictures. You can see 'em on my MySpace page, along with my favorite songs and movies and things that other people have created but that I use to express my individualism.”
“Do I look dead to you?!”
“A hatchling, that is what you are. A hatchling struggling into the world. I may be younger than you in years, but I am ancient in my thoughts. Do not worry about these things. Find peace in where and what you are. People often know what must be done. All you need to do is show them the way — that is wisdom.”
“Some miles to the North, a ring of mountains rose out of the clouds. The peaks were clad in snow and ice, and together they looked like an ancient, jagged crown resting atop the layers of mist. The eastward-facing scarps shone brilliantly in the light of the morning sun, while long blue shadows cloaked the western sides and stretched dwindling into the distance, tenebrous daggers upon the billowy, snow-white plain.”
“Better to see widely than to see too closely and allow some feature of place or situation to catch you unawares. Do you understand?”
“All great fighting is the same, Eragon, even as all great warriors are the same. Past a certain point, it does not matter whether you wield a sword, a claw, a tooth or a tail. It is true, you must be capable with your weapon, but anyone with the time, and the inclination can acquire technical proficiency. To achieve greatness, though, that requires artistry. That requires imagination and thoughtfulness, and it is those qualities that the best warriors share, even if, on the surface, they appear completely different.”
“mai intai nu lasati pe nimeni sa va porunceasca si ce sa faceti si ce sa ganditi.Aveti mare grija mai ales ca gandurile sa va ramana neincatusate .Chiar si un om liber poate ,uneori,sa fie legat mai strans decat un sclav.Ascultati-i pe oameni,dar nu va deschideti inima.Aratati-le respect stapanitorilor,dar nu-i urmati orbeste!Ganditi logic si cu bun simt ,dar nu comentati!Nu considerati pe nimeni mai presus de voi , oricare le-ar fi rangul si pozitia.Purtati-va corect cu toti,daca nu, o sa caute sa se razbune pe voi.Ramaneti credinciosi lucrurilor in care credeti si-i ve-ti face astfel pe ceilalti sa va asculte”
“Heart broken-he felt a deep ache in his chest, like that of a sore muscle, and each beat of his heart pained him”
“See this pebble?""Yes.""Take it." Eragon did and stared at the unremarkable lump. It was dull black, smooth, and as large as the end of his thumb. There were countless stones like it on the trail. "This is your training."Eragon looked back at him, confused. "I don't understand.""Of course you don't," said Brom impatiently. "That's why I'm teaching you and not the other way around. Now stop talking or we'll never get anywhere.”
“I agree that is it important to be of a virtuous nature, but I would also contend that if you had to choose between giving a man a noble disposition or teaching him to think clearly, you'd do better to teach him to think clearly. Too many problems in this world are cause by men with noble dispositions and clouded minds.”
“Buku seharusnya berada di tangan yang paling bisa menghargainya, dan tidak hanya diletakkan tanpa dibaca, mengumpulkan debu dalam lemari yang terlupakan.”
“besides, how can you cheat a cheater?”
“Do not feel bad because of it. It's impossible to go through life unscathed. Nor should you want to. By the hurts we accumulate, we measure both our follies and our accomplishment.”
“They were quiet for a while, eating, then Oromis asked, "Can you tell me, What is the most important mental tool a person can possess?"It was a serious question, and Eragon considered it for a reasonable span before he ventured to say, "Determination."Oromis tore the loaf in half with his long white fingers. "I can understand why you arrived at that conclusion-determination has served you well in your adventures-but no. I meant the tool most necessary to choose the best course of action in any given situation. Determination is as common among men who are dull and foolish as it is among those who are brilliant intellects. So, no, determination cannot be what we're looking for.”
“The whole of the world could be deduced from the smallest grain of sand, if one studied it closely enough.”
“Life is too short to fight every idiot along your way.”
“I refuse to repent, and I won't plague myself over what is done and past”
“Pay no heed to your enemies' laugh. They won't be able to once you lob off their heads.”
“De bedrieger, de raadselmaker, de bewaarder van het evenwicht, hij met de vele gezichten die leven vindt in dedood en die geen kwaad vreest; hij die door deuren loopt.”
“Not anymore. I'm afraid I've degenerated into a bibliophile.""A what?" asked Eragon."One who loves books," explained Jeod.”
“These books are my friends, my companions.”
“It’s better to be sworn to an honest fool than to a lying scholar”
“If any honor existed in war, it was in fighting to protect others from harm”
“Now I remember why I hate eating sheep. Horrible, fluffy things that give me hair balls and indigestion. ( Saphira from the Eragon Series)”
“Yes it is" Eragon said before his courage left him "just like you”
“Kvetha, Shur'tugalGreetings, Dragon Rider”
“Let go of your worries and focusonly on the task at hand. The future will be what it will, and fretting about it will only make your fears more likely to come true .I know,"--Glaedr”
“A negative outlook is more of a handicap than any physical injury.”
“It is better to be taught to think critically than to be told on what to believe.”
“A moment later, in an even fainter voice, he whispered, "Do not mourn me”
“No dejes que la desaprobación de los demás dicte tus actos.”
“Love, family, accomplishments - they are all torn away, leaving nothing. What is the worth of anything we do?Saphira: The worth is in the act. Your worth halts when you surrender the will to change and experience life.”
“To while away the day contemplating evils that might have been is to poison the happiness we already have.”
“Pain is pain. It needs no description.”
“What will happen will happen and I won't waste my time worrying.”
“A man rarely knows the day and hour when he will die. I could be killed any moment and there's not a blasted thing I can do about it.”
“I know what we do is right but right doesn't always mean easy.”
“It’s like trying to herd a flock of geese,” said Orik. “They’re always trying to go off on their own, they make an obnoxious noise, and they’ll bite your hand first chance they get.”
“Why does everything have to be so hard? [Eragon] wondered. Because, said Saphira, everyone wants to eat, but no one wants to be eaten.”
“Go slowly, so that you do not bite your tail by accident.”
“Who is it who decides that one man should live and another should die? My life wasn't worth any more than his, but he's the one who's buried, while I get to enjoy at least a few more hours above the ground. Is it chance, random and cruel, or is there some purpose or pattern to all this, even if it lies beyond our ken?”
“The debate raged on for so long, at last Saphira had interrupted with a roar that shook the walls of the command tent. Then she said, I am sore and tired, and Eragon is doing a poor job of explaining himself. We have better things to do than stand around yammering like jackdaws, no? ... Good now listen to me.It was reflected Eragon, hard to argue with a dragon.”
“Nothing out of the ordinary ever occurs to me when I'm by myself. But you attract duels, ambushes, immortal enemies, obscure creatures such as the Ra'zac, long-lost family members, and mysterious acts of magic as if they were were starving weasels and you were a rabbit that wandered into their den. Saphira”
“Do not become so attached to any one belief than you cannot see past it to another possibility.”
“Saber no tiene nada que ver con ser.”
“Es una tontería afligirse sin motivos.”
“En primer lugar, no dejéis que nadie gobierne vuestramente ni vuestro cuerpo y emplead especial atención para no poner límites a vuestrasideas, porque se puede ser un hombre libre a pesar de sufrir ataduras más fuertes quelas de un esclavo. Escuchad a los hombres, pero no os entreguéis a ellos en cuerpo yalma. Sed respetuosos con los que ostentan el poder, pero no los sigáis ciegamente.Juzgad con lógica y con razón, pero no hagáis comentarios.»No consideréis a nadie superior a vosotros, al margen del rango o de la posiciónque ocupen en la vida. Tratad a todos con justicia, porque si no intentaran vengarse devosotros. Cuidad vuestro dinero. Aferraos con fuerza a vuestras creencias, y los demásos escucharán —y añadió más despacio—: en cuanto a las cuestiones de amor... miúnico consejo es que seáis sinceros, pues la sinceridad es el arma más poderosa paraabrir el corazón o ganar el perdón.”