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Christopher Peter Grey

Christopher Grey lives in London, England with his daughter. He is a Sagittarius. His motto is "Keep reading, keep striving, keep believing."

Christopher's new book, Hand of Silver, Hand of Gold, is now available on Amazon. It's a unique historical fantasy thriller set in the Italian Renaissance - the era of Leonardo da Vinci. A young man is compelled to solve the mystery of his father's death while trying to save his city from conspiracy and the resurrection of Black Magic. It's a tale of alchemy, armour, and ambition, but it is also about the choices a young man must make as the forces of right and wrong battle to win his heart and mind.

“The Duke has decreed that the Castle is not cold." The gentleman's lips are almost blue from this lack of cold. "And the Duke is right and correct in this as in all things."...some very beautiful tapestries line the walls, but many of them are also full of holes. Perhaps the Duke has decreed that there are no moths, either.”
Christopher Peter Grey
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“The Duke would not pay for the works. He says that the Castle can never be taken. That is called hubris, Giacomo, the belief that you are never wrong. Believing you are never wrong is an error that afflicts great men. I have learned that to be right you must first be wrong many times. Without making errors--and learning from them--a man cannot find the truth.”
Christopher Peter Grey
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