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Christopher Pike

Christopher Pike is the pseudonym of Kevin McFadden. He is a bestselling author of young adult and children's fiction who specializes in the thriller genre.

McFadden was born in New York but grew up in California where he stills lives in today. A college drop-out, he did factory work, painted houses and programmed computers before becoming a recognized author. Initially unsuccessful when he set out to write science fiction and adult mystery, it was not until his work caught the attention of an editor who suggested he write a teen thriller that he became a hit. The result was Slumber Party (1985), a book about a group of teenagers who run into bizarre and violent events during a ski weekend. After that he wrote Weekend and Chain Letter. All three books went on to become bestsellers.

“Krishna was once asked what was the most miraculous thing in all creation, and he replied, "That a man should wake each morning and believe deep in his heart that he will live forever, even though he knows that he is doomed.”
Christopher Pike
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“‎When you point your finger at someone, anyone, it is often a moment of judgement. We point our fingers when we want to scold someone, point out what they have done wrong. But each time we point, we simultaneously point three fingers back at ourselves.”
Christopher Pike
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“You can never hate strongly unless you have loved strongly.”
Christopher Pike
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“That is the mysterious thing about tragedy- it often strikes at the happiest moment.”
Christopher Pike
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“The best art always comes unbidden.”
Christopher Pike
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“No religion is perfect, not after man gets through with it.”
Christopher Pike
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“How much modern civilization has lost, I think, when they lost the awareness of the billions of stars overhead.”
Christopher Pike
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“Yes. The opposite of love is not hate. It is indifference. That is why few people find God. They go to church and talk about him and that sort of thing. They may even go out and evangelize and try to win converts. But in their hearts, if they are honest with themselves, they are indifferent to him because they cannot see him. God is too abstract for people. God is a word without meaning. If Jesus came back today, nothing he said would make any sense to those who wait for him. They would be the first ones to kill him again.”
Christopher Pike
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“Dive deep into the ocean, Sita, and you will find that the greatest treasures you find are the illusions you leave behind.”
Christopher Pike
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“One question always leads to another question. Some things are better to wonder about.”
Christopher Pike
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“I am a vampire," I say softly. "And you have pissed me off.”
Christopher Pike
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“I'm Paige," I whispered.He was serious, for once. "Are you the first page, or the last?"I didn't answer, not right then.”
Christopher Pike
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“He was dead; I needed to let his memory go, too. That was the first step for me, before discrimination.Yet my love was the ghost of a young girl's dream. It walked alone in the abyss, stubbornly, where only illusions prospered on tears and regrets. My love had a life of its own; it was perverted but nevertheless still vital. For that reason, I wanted to return to deep space. Honestly, I would have preferred it if we had traveled forever and never stopped at another star system. To fall into endless blackness, that was my new fantasy.The young girl with the ancient dream wept. I could hear her; I even saw her tears on the glass of the observation deck. It made me feel old. I didn't want to know her name. I couldn't forget Tem but I needed to forget her.”
Christopher Pike
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“They are all I have left—the stars and the memory of the many times I wished upon them. But with all those wishes, I asked for only one thing.To see him again.But I will not see him again. I do not see him now.”
Christopher Pike
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“How do I explain a life that has lasted for billions of years? It is almost as if I must start with an apology for being alive when everyone I once knew is dead.”
Christopher Pike
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“My whole life had been an uninterrupted act of loving him.”
Christopher Pike
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“As to blood—ah, blood, the whole subject fascinates me. I do like that as well, warm and dripping, when I am thirsty. And I am often thirsty.”
Christopher Pike
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“Before I begin, may I ask how old you are?""You may ask.""How old are you?""It's none of your business”
Christopher Pike
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“Truly it it not the tragedies that destroy us, but the memories of them.”
Christopher Pike
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“All ends are temporary and all life is born from death.”
Christopher Pike
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“The desert surrounds your every step and you walk forever a thirsty man.”
Christopher Pike
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“People with power always take advantage of those without power.”
Christopher Pike
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“For feeling, not events, is to me the essence of history.”
Christopher Pike
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“Mortals have always exaggerated the difference between hate and love. Both come from the heart. You can never hate strongly unless you have loved strongly.”
Christopher Pike
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“Nothing is as it seems. Black can appear white when the light is blinding but white loses all luster at the faintest sign of darkness.”
Christopher Pike
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“Relationships are mysterious. We doubt the positive qualities in others, seldom the negative. You will say to your partner: do you really love me? Are you sure you love me? You will ask this a dozen times and drive the person nuts. But you never ask: are you really mad at me? Are you sure you’re angry? When someone is angry, you don’t doubt it for a moment. Yet the reverse should be true. We should doubt the negative in life, and have faith in the positive.”
Christopher Pike
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“Quant au sang, ah, le sang, le sujet entier me fascine. En plus, j'aime ça, quand ça coule tout chaud et que je suis assoiffée. Et je le suis souvent.”
Christopher Pike
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“This problem - it is age old. To do what is right and save the day without destroying the very thing the day is lived for.”
Christopher Pike
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“John: 'Have mercy. I don't want to die!'Sita: 'Then you should never have been born.”
Christopher Pike
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“When you were in love you knew no fear or hatred.”
Christopher Pike
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“I am a vampire, and that is the truth.”
Christopher Pike
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“It is a paradox. Life is that way. God designed it that way. I believe I met him once. He was full of mischief.”
Christopher Pike
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“Persistence is the key to solving most mysteries.”
Christopher Pike
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“The physics are simple in theory, but in practice they are filled with the possibility for limitless error.”
Christopher Pike
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“I wanted you to thank you for being my friend and letting me play a part in your story.”
Christopher Pike
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“I would look up at the moon and see that it was not the smooth orb we had all believed, but a pitted and scarred world with no air.”
Christopher Pike
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“The truth is always simpler than you can imagine.”
Christopher Pike
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“There would be a trial and there would be a judge. The only problem was, there could only be one sentence.”
Christopher Pike
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“The most content people are those who expect nothing, who have ceased to dream.”
Christopher Pike
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“There is no time for grief; there never is.”
Christopher Pike
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“Power, wealth and immortality--they don't bring happiness. You will never know what the word means.”
Christopher Pike
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“True courage, in the face of almost certain death, is the rarest quality on earth.”
Christopher Pike
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“In this world of gossip, a good listener is rarer than a great orator.”
Christopher Pike
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“Enjoy your life. No curse hangs over you, nor did it ever. No devil chases after your soul. Sing and dance and be merry.”
Christopher Pike
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“Most of all I grieve for my soul because even though I do, finally, believe there is a God, and that I have met him, I do not know if he has given me an immortal soul, but only one that was to last me as long as my body lasted. I do not know if when the last page of my book is closed, that will be the end of me.”
Christopher Pike
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“It doesn't matter. You are what you are. I am what I am. We are the same-when you take the time to remember me.”
Christopher Pike
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“Love me...I am not evil.”
Christopher Pike
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