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Christopher Velis

While earning a Masters degree in Psychology at Governors State University and the University of Chicago, I got to study at Duke University's renown F.R.N.M. (Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man) founded by famed researcher Dr. J.B. Rhine (who coined the term ESP). I was in heaven. Science and telepathy? Just great. There, I researched the psychological and physiological aspects of psychic phenomenon (precognition, telepathy and clairvoyance). I experimented and wrote numerous journal articles on the subject. I lectured on Para-psychological topics around the country. I was fascinated by science and things that go bump in the night. ESP and psychic phenomenon as well as why and how they exist. I still do if truth be told.

Later, I was a manager of a successful publicly held international Information Technology consulting firm where I wrote articles on evaluating talent acquisition for company resources, especially sales/marketing and recruiting IT personnel. I created developed and implemented tailor-fitted corporate seminars and trained people in becoming high producers in sales and recruiting in the highly competitive IT consulting industry. I was successful at that for a while but I longed for the aspects of other phases of the human experience.

The Immortals: Sophia was an outgrowth of putting science, physics, biology, parapsychology and our beliefs of aliens all in one series. Add a super hero, Sophia who's been in our ancient history, a Dark Knight-like hero with true uncomplicated old fashioned heroism and I thought she would resonate with folk. Through her life, some of my life's experiences emerge. And, with these experiences, I learned, and hopefully you'll learn, the four basic ingredients for which we all share in the human experience: faith, hope, love and friendship.

I believe to never surrender to your fears; never give up your hope. And, above all, to be good to each other. That's what we share with everyone regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, age. That's the Sophia themes. But, she wasn't always so benevolent. Her ancient history tells you that. She's been a warrior who's led men in battles. I'll let you discover that.

I live in a suburb of the windy city. And yes, folks we really do have 4 seasons: Winter, then June, July and Construction! Hell. we get snow flurries on opening day for baseball! For real!!! Let me know what you think!

“There's more geeks in this world than jocks. And, most of us are on line!”
Christopher Velis
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