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C.K. Mullinax

C.K. Mullinax (Cindy)...

Always in search of a new adventure, after graduating from college she began her next excursion into the shadowy unknown. The first book of epic fantasy Ember Series (Ember Rising Light) came to life in the summer of 2010. As the tale rapidly unfolded, five more thrilling books would evolve. New realms, supernatural abilities, clandestine cultures and unexpected twists were bravely discovered. An unknown battle against a shrouded, evil turns deadly...an epic war was on the darkening horizon...

C.K. Mullinax is an upcoming bestselling fantasy fiction author. She lives with her wonderful and supportive husband (best friend), Jason in the mountains of Western North Carolina. She has entertained a wide variety of people with her novels, poetry, articles and dramatic plays. Ever the adventurer, she welcomes fellow explorers to share in her creative experiences.

"Thank you for bravely venturing with me..."

-C.K. Mullinax, Author of the Ember Series

"There's no way to prepare...for this...

“Darkness will always be...its own master...”
C.K. Mullinax
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“There's really no way to prepare...for something like this...”
C.K. Mullinax
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