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Claire Farrell

“What kind of idiot laughs at somebody on a rampage?”
Claire Farrell
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“We sat in silence for so long that I wondered if Nathan had evil twin who kept charming me.”
Claire Farrell
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“I’d swap with Amelia if I was you. So she doesn’t have to sit beside him.”“What about you?”“Who would you rather he sat next to, me or your sister? Move.”“I’ve a better idea,” he whispered back. “How about I swap with you and make out like I have to tel Aaron something, and then you could cal Amelia over to you like you have something important to tel her. The lights wil go out, and Amelia won’t bother switching back.”“Evans, that is a fabulous idea.”“Rivers, I know.”
Claire Farrell
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“Bit of a hormone imbalance today, yeah?”
Claire Farrell
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“For some reason, Joey seemed to think that the entire male population of the town left Tammie and me alone because of his presence only.”
Claire Farrell
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“...I didn’t have the guts to start a conversation with him. Knowing me, my mouth would dry up, I’d stutter something nonsensical and probably trip and fal into a bin for good measure.”
Claire Farrell
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“Our history teacher had the most boring voice in the world and no teaching skils to speak of. Every single class, he read aloud in a monotonous tone. Yeah, fascinating. Double history on a Monday morning was a punishment from God.”
Claire Farrell
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