Claude Roy photo

Claude Roy

Claude Roy, writer: born Paris 28 August 1915; twice married, secondly to Loleh Bellon (one son); died Paris 13 December 1997.

The son of the artiste-peintre Felicien Roy, Claude Roy was born with an eye for the unusual and colourful, and an ear for words so acute, he always seemed like a child learning to speak and read.

Several of his best known books are rhymes, poems and absurd tales for the young of all ages, illustrated by well-known artists, among whom he had many friends, including Picasso, Balthus, Zao Wou Ki and Zoran Music. Roy's last work was a book on his friend, Balthus (1996). His most enchanting children's books, two volumes of Enfantasques (1974 and 1978) are illustrated by his own witty collages. He wrote a delightful book about the art of painting, inspired by memories of watching his father at work, in L'Amour de la peinture (1955).

“Tristețea persista, dar durerea aproape că dispăruse, ca și cum s-ar fi evaporat. Atinsese acel prag unde durerea care sfâșie nu mai e decât o melancolie plutitoare ce mai curând umbrește decât rănește.”
Claude Roy
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“El însuși părea să-și fi luat, față de trecutul lui, distanța pe care o dă indiferența și, poate, ironia. Unele însemnări din carnetul său îl arăta sarcastic, fără rîcă și detașat de toate, cum știu să fie doar cei care într-adevăr au ajuns până departe.”
Claude Roy
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“Elle a toujours écrit en épurant de plus en plus : chaque fois un peu moins de mots et un peu plus de silences, un peu moins de cantabile et un peu plus de moderato. Elle a toujours vécu en ajoutant sans retrancher.»”
Claude Roy
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