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Claudia Gray

Claudia Gray is not my real name. I didn't choose a pseudonym because my real name is unpleasant (it isn't), because I'd always dreamed of calling myself this (I haven't) or even because I'm hiding from the remnants of that international diamond-smuggling cartel I smashed in 2003 (Interpol has taken care of them). In short, I took a pseudonym for no real reason whatsoever. Sometimes this is actually the best reason to do things.

I live in New Orleans. So far, in life, I've been a disc jockey, a lawyer, a journalist and an extremely bad waitress, just to name a few. I especially like to spend time traveling, hiking, reading and listening to music. More than anything else, I enjoy writing.

“He breathed out, not quite a laugh or a sob. "God, yes. Bianca, I love you so much. Even if I never see you again, even if we walk out of here into an ambush you set up with your parents, I am always going to love you.”
Claudia Gray
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“It saddens me to see girls proudly declaring they’re not like other girls – especially when it’s 41,000 girls saying it in a chorus, never recognizing the contradiction. It’s taking a form of contempt for women – even a hatred for women – and internalizing it by saying, Yes, those girls are awful, but I’m special, I’m not like that, instead of stepping back and saying, This is a lie.The real meaning of “I’m not like the other girls” is, I think, “I’m not the media’s image of what girls should be.” Well, very, very few of us are. Pop culture wants to tell us that we’re all shallow, backstabbing, appearance-obsessed shopaholics without a thought in our heads beyond cute boys and cuter handbags. It’s a lie – a flat-out lie – and we need to recognize it and say so instead of accepting that judgment as true for other girls, but not for you.”
Claudia Gray
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“As for she's concerned the world has two king of people in it: predators and prey.”
Claudia Gray
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“Mijail me agarra del pelo, y es tal el dolor que me saltan las lágrimas. Me arrastra por el pasillo mientras yo trato en vano de aferrarme a algo, lo que sea. Llegamos a una puerta la abre, y justo antes de empujarme dentro, reparo en el letrero: es el baño turco.Tropiezo por entre la oscuridad y el calor, y caigo de rodillas y manos contra un suelo de baldosas blancas y verdes. El vapor del baño todavía empaña el aire, y siento como si me hubieran arrojado a una nube de niebla. No puedo ver, no puedo respirar. La luz principal proviene del pasillo, y el cuerpo de Mijail se recorta contra ella cuando entra y cierra la puerta tras sí. Espero que me pegue, o me viole, o me mate.No espero el lobo.”
Claudia Gray
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“Alec y yo nos miramos, desolados. Me arrojo a su cuello y mientras me abraza susurro entrecortadamente:- Te quiero.- Y yo a ti.- Y yo estoy orgullosa de resistir a tu lado, pase lo que pase. -Con los ojos empañados, levanto el rostro hacia él. La ternura que veo en su mirada me conmueve.Toma mi cara entre sus manos mientras dice:- Tess, solo tú podrías ser lo bastante valiente para morir conmigo. Pero quiero que vivas por mí.Nos besamos con la misma desesperación que si estuviéramos ahogándonos.Cuando nuestros labios se separan, dice:- Perdóname.”
Claudia Gray
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“quand on est immortel l'amour est éternel (evernight)”
Claudia Gray
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“Sobre nuestras cabezas, el campo de estrellas, rutilante y sin una nube, parece burlarse de nosotros con su perfección y serenidad.”
Claudia Gray
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“Lucas," I repeated. "I know you can hear me. The guy I love is still in there. Come back to me." Once again longed for the release of tears."Death couldn't keep me from you. And it can't keep you from me, not if you don't let it.”
Claudia Gray
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“But you have nothing better to do with your time than harass us, do you? Go back to ruling the universe from Mount Olympus or whatever else it is you mongrels do.”
Claudia Gray
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“I wonder how much of the rest of his clothes I could convince him to take off, then wonder where that thought came from.Well I guess I know.”
Claudia Gray
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“What had seemed like love was betrayal”
Claudia Gray
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“But do you want this? It's not much of a life. Don't you see? It's the first life I've had in four hundred years. With you--in the only way that matters--I'm alive again.”
Claudia Gray
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“Skye, we can´t be anything more than friends""I heard you" Skye sent back, which seemed surprisingly reasonable - until the next line arrived. "But nobody said I had to make it easy for you”
Claudia Gray
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“I´m not your personal Coke machine”
Claudia Gray
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“As you can see, it´s More with one o, not two - pet peeve of mine"."More as in give me more". Madison´s crush was crearly in full swing”
Claudia Gray
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“Cover your face. I´m going to break through the external wallWith what? she looked around and he couldn´t resist a smileWith me”
Claudia Gray
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“Okay, so, how did you know to show up in the woods like that? Do you just go around finding people in trouble like...vampire Batman or something?”
Claudia Gray
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“His name escaped her lips as a whisper: Balthazar”
Claudia Gray
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“There is a place just past terror where it turns into calm...”
Claudia Gray
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“Either this guy really liked me, or I was inventing things in my head because I wanted him to like me. I was much too inexperienced to guess which.”
Claudia Gray
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“Even if that were true, it wouldn't be irony," Lucas pointed out. "Irony is the contrast between what's said and what happens.”
Claudia Gray
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“The library would've cheered me up, most days. I loved the heavy oaken tables, the high walls stacked with books to the ceiling, the musty smell of old pages and the heavy brass fixtures that had gone dark with age and wear.”
Claudia Gray
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“Balthazar was the kind of guy who used totally correct spelling and punctuation even when he was texting, which was sort of bizarrely hot. She was in serious trouble if commas could get her going.”
Claudia Gray
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“Donde tú vayas, yo voy”
Claudia Gray
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“Los buenos soldados no sacrifican la causa por amor"."Si la causa no es el amor, entonces no vale el sacrificio". Lucas y Bianca”
Claudia Gray
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“Lucas, tu eres lo más cerca a un hermano que nunca voy a tener. Prefiero estar equivocada liberándote que tener razón haciéndote daño.-Dana”
Claudia Gray
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“He frames my face with his hands as he says, "Tess. Only you could be brave enough to die with me. But I want you to live for me."We kiss, as desperate as though we were drowning. When our lips part, Alec says, "Forgive me.”
Claudia Gray
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“In my opinion, all boyfriends should turn out to be secretly wealthy.”
Claudia Gray
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“You’re strong enough to stand up to anyone. Smart enough to do anything you want. Don’t sell yourselfshort; don’t be afraid of what your new life is going to offer. Because I know—if there’s any justice in thisworld, good things are going to come to you. Better things than you ever dreamed.”
Claudia Gray
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“As far as I can see, in this world, you’re a fool for not using whatever giftsyou’re given. It’s not as though you lied or cheated or stole to get Howard Marlowe as your father. That’swho he is; that’s who you are. You got dealt a bad card when you were bitten—so use one of the bettercards you have in your hand to make up for it.”
Claudia Gray
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“It’s less as if he sees me and more as if . . . something happens to him.”
Claudia Gray
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“You should go." "I can't." "Because you want to stare at the monster?" Alec's green eyes blaze, but with a wholly human fire now. "Or because you pity me?" I couldn't guess which possibility he loathes more. I fold my arms. "I can't leave because the door's locked. Believe me, I would've gone hours ago if I could have." "Oh. Of course." Then he looks so abashed--so boyish, and so handsome--that I almost want to laugh.”
Claudia Gray
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“Nobody else will ever be able to save me if I’m not fighting as hard as I can to save myself.”
Claudia Gray
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“All of my best friends are dead people. Someday I've got to figure out how that happened.”
Claudia Gray
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“Hello, this school now comes complete with a walking buffet, and nobody gets to take abite?”
Claudia Gray
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“° “Not a ghost, but an angel.”
Claudia Gray
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“At first i thought you were one of the human students, when you'd told me about your parents i thought they'd killed your real parents and adopted you. I figured you didn't know what you really were”
Claudia Gray
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“Remember how I told you that the Vikings sacked my village and took me back with them?" Ranulf was speaking to Vic now; I'd never heard this story before. "All young men among the Vikings were taught to fight."Vic slowly said, "This is why you kick so much ass at World of Warcraft, isn't it?”
Claudia Gray
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“I hear your insults and plan to silence them with my victory.”
Claudia Gray
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“I didn’t tell him. He found out. Basically, he caught me coming inafter the last time you and I saw each other. But he won’t give us away,Lucas. He’s even willing to help us see each other, as long as we helphim with Charity.”“What, like, a fund-raiser or something?”I’d forgotten he didn’t know her name. “The vampire girl in Amherst.”“Wait—Charity? That’s her name? You were able to figure out whoshe is.” He smiled so proudly that all the tension of the moment instantlymelted. “I fell in love with a genius.”
Claudia Gray
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“Everyone is lonely," Ranulf said, but he smiled. "We have to remember that life is to be lived one day at a time. You cannot worry about past or future. Happiness is in the now."Raquel laughed. "Vic has totally brainwashed you.”
Claudia Gray
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“There's one way. Only one. Mine." Balthazar stepped closer, using every inch he had on Lucas, who was tall but not that tall. "Charity is a person. The same as you, the same as me.""You and me aren't the same."Balthazar cocked his head. "Then let's say the same as Bianca. Will that make you listen?""Bianca's no killer! She didn't have a choice about what she is.""Guys, don't do this," I pleaded, but they paid no attention."A choice? You think we all get a choice?" Although Balthazar spoke softly, there was a roughness to his voice I'd never heard before. It sent chills down my spine. "Try being hunted down in the night. Try running as far and as fast as you can and finding out their faster. Try coming to in a stable, with your parents' dead bodies on the ground in front of you, your hands roped above your head and a dozen hungry vampires arguing with each other about who gets you next. See how much choice you have then."Lucas just stared at him. Obviously he'd never imagined anything like that; neither had I.Even more quietly, Balthazar continued, "Try watching your baby sister die, and then tell me that you wouldn't spend the rest of eternity trying to make up for it. When you've done all that, Lucas, then you can talk to me about choices. Until that time, tell me what I need to know and then shut your mouth.”
Claudia Gray
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“I guess it's hard, being apart all the time.""It really is. If Lucas were still here, everything would be different." Vic's smile turned smug. "Yeah, I'd have a roommate who could beat me at chess instead of the other way around."Ranulf never looked up from the chessboard. "I hear your insults and plan to silence them with my victory.""Keep dreaming," Vic called.”
Claudia Gray
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“I could almost feel him near me, the way you can feel a fire's presence in a cold room.”
Claudia Gray
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“It wasn't badass. I don't really do badass.”
Claudia Gray
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“You'll live forever, and being remembered by is the only immortality I'll ever need. If i only live on as a part of you--Bianca, that's my idea of Heaven”
Claudia Gray
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“About time you grew up and became a vampire like the rest of us.”
Claudia Gray
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“ I need you to protect me from being lonely. Don't fight for me. Be with me.That's what I need."-Bianca to Lucas”
Claudia Gray
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“I’ll never die", he said. Before I could protest, Lucas put two fingers on my lips, his smile seemed to fill the room with lights and I realized he was telling a deeper kind of truth then I’d ever known before“You’ll live forever and being remembered by you is the only immortality I’ll ever need if I only live on as a part of you – Bianca, that’s my idea of heaven”
Claudia Gray
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“Bianca Olivier- Hear me out. Would you eat a hamburger if there was any chance it could punch you in the face? Lucas Ross- How is a hamburger supposed to punch me in the face?”
Claudia Gray
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