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Cliff Graham

“If your courage holds in the small battles, it will hold in the great ones.”
Cliff Graham
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“....I think that the warriors who have aided me are sent to us much like the covering is. Yahweh determines what we need and sends it in the day of war, sometimes even without our asking, thogh Ihave found that asking is what he wants from us.Benaiah was confused...But why the day of war?... Why not everyday?(David) Every day is the day of war.”
Cliff Graham
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“That night was the first time I understood the covering. The covering is the fire. It is the strength, courage, and power Yahweh equips us with. It girds a man's loins when he needs it and lets a man know that Yahweh forgives him when he fails. It snaps our legs when we need it. It speaks Yahweh's wise counsel... It comes only from Yahweh, who alone is the shepherd that we need.”
Cliff Graham
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“It is a comfort to know that, regardless of our mistakes, the God who loved, forgave, and empowered David does the same for us.”
Cliff Graham
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“I see no priestly garments on you. There is no ephod on your belt. You presume to speak for Yahweh? You speak his name aloud so lightly?”
Cliff Graham
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