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Clifford A.L. Becker

Dr. Clifford A.L. Becker, now retired, taught chemistry at nine universities in six different countries, including the United States, living in countries like Iran, Lebanon, Bahrain, and Botswana during turbulent times. He lectured at undergraduate and graduate levels, conducted and supervised research, published numerous papers in international chemistry journals, and was promoted to full professorship at two universities, Head of Department at one. Besides devotion to academia, Dr. Becker enjoyed the adventure of travel, utilizing home-leave and other vacation opportunities to visit extensively in Europe, Central and South America, Middle East, Far East, and southern Africa, both independently and with tour groups. Thrice around the world, with Bangkok and Santo Domingo being favorite and frequently-visited destinations. Besides chemistry and travel, this physical scientist maintains keen interest in history and archeology, and in entomology, paleontology, and a love of animals in general. In mid-2010, Dr. Becker returned permanently to the United States, after an uninterrupted 25 year absence.

“Perception of friendliness differs from one culture to another. While it is true that people of one country may tend to be more spontaneously friendly to strangers than people of another country, I have found friendly people everywhere in the world, especially if I tried to make the first gesture.”
Clifford A.L. Becker
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