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C.Michelle Gonzalez

Michelle is a mother of two beautiful teenagers. She is the owner of Angelic Times with Michelle and Angelic Times' Children's Network. The list of services she provides include Spiritual and Life Coaching, Guided Meditations, custom meditations, Angelic Guidance messages (free)and numerology reports. She also works with victims of abuse through her Angelic Times' Children's Network to help in the healing process after or during abuse. Through this network she instructs parenting classes, teaches about the different types of abuse, neglect and bullying. She works with adults as well as children and provides resources needed to the victims. All services to children are free of charge.

“When there is nothing left to give somone in need, we give them what we do have. We give them Divine Love, faith, and friendship. This is always enough to see anyone through anything. This, my friends, is how we save the world. (pg.99 of A Journey In to Divine Love)”
C.Michelle Gonzalez
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“Divine Love is the key to all of existence. Without it, nothing can survive. Every one of us is only seeking one thing. Though it is called by many names (God, Alpha and Omega, Allah, etc..) it's ultimate name is Divine Love.”
C.Michelle Gonzalez
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