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Conor Kostick

Conor Kostick was a designer for the world's first live action role-playing game, Treasure Trap. He is the author of many historical, political and cultural articles. Epic was his first novel and was awarded a place on the International Board on Books for Young People Honours list for 2006 and on the Booklist Best Fantasy Books for Youth list for 2007. Set in a fantasy MMORPG, Epic can be considered an early example of LitRPG. The sequel to Epic, titled Saga, was first published in Ireland in 2006. Conor received a Special Merit Award from the Reading Association of Ireland in 2009.

In 2018, Conor joined Level Up as commissioning editor to publish LitRPG books.

“If it's bleeding then kill it, if it's not bleeding, then make it bleed and kill it”
Conor Kostick
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