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Cora Carmack

Cora Carmack is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of New Adult Romance and YA fantasy. Her books have been translated into more than a dozen languages around the world. Cora lives in Austin, TX, and on any given day you might find her typing away at her computer, flying to various cities around the world, or just watching Netflix with her kitty Katniss and her dog Sherlock. But she can always be found on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and her website

“Take notes, boys! The ladies always love a man who can play an instrument!” Lindsay snorted, “Your instrument doesn’t even like girls, Rusty!” “Doesn’t mean they don’t like it!”
Cora Carmack
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“No matter how close, you are always too far My eyes are drawn everywhere you are.I’m tired of the way we both pretend Tired of always wanting and never giving in I can feel it in my skin, see it in your grin We’re more. We always have been.Think of everything we’ve missed. Every touch and every kiss. Because we both insist. Resist.Hold your breath and close your eyes Distract yourself with other guysIt’s no surprise, your defeated sighs Aren’t you tired of the lies?Think of everything we’ve missed. Every touch and every kiss. Because we both insist. Resist.  No matter how close, you are always too far My eyes are drawn everywhere you are.I’m done. I won’t ignore. I won’t pretend or resist.I want more.”
Cora Carmack
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“Oh, I burned it with my straightener.”“You burned your leg with your straightener? How long is your leg hair?”
Cora Carmack
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“What was he doing in there? Was he just getting dressed reeeaaally slowly? Was he looking through my things? Was he trashing my place because I’d run out and left him there like the biggest jerk this side of Kanye West at the 2009 VMA’s?”
Cora Carmack
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“I was going to be so terrible at this… the worst he’d ever had probably. And then he’d never want to see me again (and I really wanted to see him again). I’d probably be traumatized and never want to have sex again, which meant every relationship for the rest of my life would fail, and I would end up alone and miserable with nine cats and a ferret.”
Cora Carmack
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“He stepped away from me to talk, and I leaned heavily against the wall beside his door. Clearly, I was not meant to have sex. This was God telling me that I was meant to be a nun. Get thee to a nunnery, and all that crap. I was so delirious I was confusing God and Shakespeare.”
Cora Carmack
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“You’re lucky this is a big night for you, Bliss. Normally, nobody gets between me and my tequila.”
Cora Carmack
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“SERIOUSLY? Is it because of Jesus? Are you, like, saving yourself for him?” Sex seemed simpler for Kelsey. She had the body of a Barbie and the sexually-charged brain of a teenage boy. “No, Kelsey,” I said. “It would be a little difficult to save myself for someone who died over two thousand years ago.”
Cora Carmack
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“Garrick was panting when he replied, “You’re not forcing me to do anything. I just want you to be sure. You can say stop at anytime.” His lips pulled wide. “You don’t need to make up a new pet.”
Cora Carmack
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“I had no one, but Hamlet. Who hated me with the fire of a thousand suns.”
Cora Carmack
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“On a scale of one to bitchy, how hung-over are you?”
Cora Carmack
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“Four. That’s the number of people who saw me hiding around the corner from my own apartment in just a skirt and a bra. Eleven. That’s the number of ant bites I got on my shoeless feet. Twenty-seven. That’s the number of times I was tempted to do myself physical harm because I am an IDIOT. One. That’s the number of times I tried not to cry, but failed.”
Cora Carmack
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“It wasn’t until I’d walked halfway across the parking lot that I realized: 1. I wasn’t wearing shoes. A. Or a shirt. 2. I didn’t bring my keys                       A. Or anything really. 3. I’d just left a complete stranger in my apartment.                       A. Naked.Whoever said one-night stands were supposed to be simple with no strings attached had clearly never met the disaster that was me.”
Cora Carmack
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“Are you waiting for an invitation?” I asked, eyeing him standing carefully outside my door. “Is this the part where you tell me you’re a vampire?” He chuckled. “No, I promise the paleness is only because I’m British.”
Cora Carmack
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“Shakespeare. No one reads Shakespeare in a bar unless it’s a ploy to pick up girls. All I’m saying is you might have better luck up front.”
Cora Carmack
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“What cat? Oh! MY CAT. The cat… that is mine. Oh, she’s... ” I had said it was a she, right? “She’s fine. All meowing and purring and other cat things.”
Cora Carmack
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“Stop! Cats! Stop…”
Cora Carmack
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“Sorry about that.""You didn't hear me complaining."I raised an eyebrow and said, "Forget about it. You will never see me in that skirt.""Never? Is that a challenge, love?""It's a promise.”
Cora Carmack
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“Sex.I was going to have sex.With a boy.A hot boy.A hot BRITISH boy.Or maybe I was going to throw up.What if I threw up on the hot British boy?What if I threw up on the hot British boy DURING SEX?”
Cora Carmack
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“Legs shaved?" I nodded"Other... things... shaved?""As much as they are ever going to be, yes, now move on." That was where I drew the line of this conversation.”
Cora Carmack
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“I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.I wanted to crawl into a hole at the bottom of a ravine, then be buried under an avalanche, and then die.I wanted... to cry.”
Cora Carmack
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“Let me get this straight… you didn’t have a cat? Did you get a cat just so that you wouldn’t have to tell me you were a virgin?”I pressed my lips together to keep them from trembling. I nodded. The look on his face was somewhere between shock and amusement. Hewas flabbergasted. That was the best word. His flabber had been thoroughly gasted.”
Cora Carmack
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“You don’t want to finish our drinks?”He took my hand, and pressed his lips against the inside of my wrist. “I’m alreadyintoxicated.”
Cora Carmack
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“—Yo sólo… entiendo lo que es querer algo, pero tratar y forzarte a realmente creer que no lo quieres. No significa que tenga que ser sobre el amor. Es sobre querer algo que no puedes tener o algo que no crees que te merezcas. Infierno, queremos los papeles que nuestros amigos tienen, aún cuando son nuestros amigos y deberíamos estar felices por ellos. Nos sentamos en el público y pensamos sobre cómo lo habríamos hecho. Queremos lo que no podemos tener. Es la naturaleza humana.”
Cora Carmack
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“El teatro es de una vez en la vida...cada vez”
Cora Carmack
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“Habló, y mis ojos se engancharon en sus labios. —Mi nombre es Garrick.¿Quién sabía que los nombres podían ser calientes también?”
Cora Carmack
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