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Corban Addison

“The sights and sounds of human depravity were too much to forget. Is this hell? She wondered fleetingly. If not, where is God?”
Corban Addison
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“There is light beyond the veil.”
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“Let not your heart be burdened with what is past and gone.”
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“On the other side of this darkness, a new day will slowly dawn.”
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“The mark of wisdom is to see the reality behind each appearance.”
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“Yield not to calamity, but face it boldly.”
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“Because love is a riddle, as is life itself.”
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“Hope may vanish, but can die not.”
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“Yet her father had taught her that failing to act in the face of human suffering is inhuman.”
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“The most dangerous thing is illusion.”
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“Healing, she found, required motion, intention, purpose - the reassurance that life was still worth living.”
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“Evil prevails where good people do nothing.”
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“If thou has not seen the devil, look at thine own self.”
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“Someone once asked Mother Teresa how she dealt with world poverty. Do you know what she said? 'You do the thing that's in front of you.”
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“To do nothing would be to die one day at a time.”
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“The dark places of the land are full of the habitations of violence.”
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“In places like this, it's hard to imagine that the world can be so ugly,' Thomas said. 'This is how it was meant to be,' Priya replied. 'The ugliness is our own fault.”
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“Traffickers will stop when men stop buying women”
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“Cynicism is the curse of the West. In India, we still have faith.”
Corban Addison
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