Cornelia "Connie D" DeDona photo

Cornelia "Connie D" DeDona

Cornelia DeDona is the recognized author of Letters to a Prisoner by Connie D. She is a co-editor and the creator of one Anthology, Saturdays with Lillian. Published from 2008-2013 in Rain Bird, award-winning Literary and Art journal of Windward Community College, Kaneohe, Hawaii; in 2010 her poem, Writing Retreat received Rain Bird's, Kolekolea Honorable Mention and in 2013, she won Rain Bird's coveted Kolekolea for her poem Speaking French.

Published online:, www.herenow/7beats, www.postcardshorts,,, www.bambooridge, www.hazardcat.blogspot, www.barrierislandsreview,

Published in print:, June 2011 issue of Hawaii Fishing News for her poem, “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” as well as the July 2nd, 2008 edition of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin for her poem: “Book Makeovers”, in honor of The Annual Book Sale sponsored by The Friends Of The Library. Chronogram December 2015 "Fine Wine" and March 2016 "We Plant Seeds". The Pen Woman April 2016 "We Plant Seeds".

Cornelia created, facilitated and hosted poetry events for local television and YouTube at Habilitat, a drug rehab in Kaneohe.

Cornelia is currently an Arts and Letters Member of the SW FL. National League of American Pen Women. In 2015, The National League Of American Pen Women awarded her third place in the multi-disciplinary category of the inaugural Vinnie Ream competition for her latest book, Hawaiian Time.

Cornelia contributes to Blueline’s House of Thirty Poetry Forum, where she is currently working on her 34th round of thirty.

“Imagine this:Ice is coming to YOUR house.Can you HEAR it knocking?Are you ready?What will YOU do?”
Cornelia "Connie D" DeDona
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“If practice makes you perfectshouldn't good behavior be addedto the curriculum”
Cornelia "Connie D" DeDona
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“Leftie loosely is the way to relax a set old screwas rightie tightly thinksnew bullshit to pursue”
Cornelia "Connie D" DeDona
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