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Craig Groeschel

Craig Groeschel is the founding and senior pastor of Life.Church, a multisite church with attenders at locations around the United States and globally at Life.Church Online.

Craig and Amy started Life.Church in a two-car garage in Edmond, Oklahoma in January 1996. While Life.Church has grown over the years, its mission remains the same: to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Today, the church is known for its innovative use of technology to spread the Gospel, launching the first fully digital church experience in 2006 and the most downloaded Bible app in history, YouVersion, in 2008.

As one of the most respected leaders in the Church, Craig speaks frequently at leadership events and conferences worldwide. He is a New York Times best-selling author with books about topics like dating and marriage, social media, purpose, direction, church leadership, and more. He also hosts the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast as a practical tool to spark new ideas and prompt innovative thinking in leaders at every level within any organization.

Craig and Amy married in 1991 and have six children. They live in Oklahoma where Life.Church began.

“If you don't know the purpose of something, all you can do is misuse it.”
Craig Groeschel
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“Becoming obsessed with what people think is the quickest way to forget about what God thinks.”
Craig Groeschel
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“If you want your ministry to have ‘it’, more important than anything else we’ve discussed, you must have ‘it’. When it has filtered through your heart - the rare combination of passion, integrity, focus, faith, expectation, drive, hunger, and God’s anointing - God tends to infuse your ministry with ‘it’. He blesses your work. People are changed. Leaders grow. Resources flow. The ministry seems to take on a life of its own.”
Craig Groeschel
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“Contrast toxic religion with the pure gospel. Religion is all about what I do. The gospel is all about what Jesus has done. Religion is about me. The gospel is about Jesus. Religion highlights my efforts to do what is right. The gospel highlights what Christ has already done. Religion lures me to believe that if I obey God, he will love me. But the gospel shows me that because God loves me, I get to obey him. Religion puts the burden on us. We have to do what is right. A relationship with Christ puts the burden on him. And because of what he did for us, we get to do what is right. Instead of an obligation, our right living is a response to his gift. Giving Christ our whole lives is the only reasonable response to such love. There nothing more we need to do. Nothing...”
Craig Groeschel
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“When happiness becomes our standard for judging truth, things that make us happy give us permission to do some things that otherwise would be considered wrong.”
Craig Groeschel
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“Belief overflows to behavior. First we need to change what we believe. when we truly change what we believe, we'll gladly change how we behave.”
Craig Groeschel
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“When we look at other people comparatively and competitively, we're not seeing them as our brothers and sisters. We're not loving them more than we love ourselves, and we we're definitely not seeing them as God sees them.”
Craig Groeschel
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“We would do well to remember that envy is clearly the flint that ignites evil in our hearts. It apparently signals "I'm available" to demons searching for a cheap date. Envy is as volatile as nitroglycerin, and we cannot carry it inside us without evil exploding.”
Craig Groeschel
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“Life is uncertain. Eternity is not. Unforgiveness cannot be allowed to last another day. Are you holding a grudge? You will never be more like God than when you forgive. Let it go. Kill the root of bitterness. Let the hurt go and set yourself free.”
Craig Groeschel
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“The problem is that many bitter people don't know they are bitter. since they are so convinced that they are right, they can't see their own wrong in the mirror. And the longer the root of bitterness grows, the more difficult it is to remove.”
Craig Groeschel
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“If you don't handle the hurt properly, their sin becomes a catalyst for your own.”
Craig Groeschel
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“Bitterness never draws us closer to God. Bitterness is a nonproductive, toxic emotion, usually resulting from resentment over unmet needs.”
Craig Groeschel
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“Being in the wrong place never helps you do the right thing”
Craig Groeschel
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“Our thoughts are either focused on what's eternal, life-changing, and true, or lost in the details of our temporary, selfish, false beliefs.”
Craig Groeschel
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“Most of life's battles are won or lost in the mind.”
Craig Groeschel
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“Just as we are what we eat physically, we are also what we consume spiritually.”
Craig Groeschel
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“Shame usually follows a pattern—a cycle of self-recrimination and lies that claims life after life. First, we experience an intensely painful event. Second, we believe the lie that our pain and failure is who we are—not just something we’ve done, or had done to us—and we experience shame. And finally, our feelings of shame trap us into thinking that we can never recover—that, in fact, we don’t even deserve to.”
Craig Groeschel
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“May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half truths, and superficial relationships, so that you may live deep within your heart.May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, and war, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and to turn their pain in to joy.And may God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done. To bring justice and kindness to all our children and the poor.Amen.”
Craig Groeschel
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“All people end up somewhere in life, but few end up there on purpose.”
Craig Groeschel
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“God doesn't want us to be happy when it causes us to do something wrong or unwise”
Craig Groeschel
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“Your prayer for someone may or may not change them, but it always changes YOU.”
Craig Groeschel
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