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Craig Podmore

Craig Podmore is from Manchester, UK. erbacce-Press published his first chapbook, I Am a Gun in 2009 and his second short collection entitled The Abattoir Heavens and The Holy Ghost back in mid 2010. He also has many full length poetry collections under his belt…Love Notes From A Soldier’s Diary (NeoPoiesis Press), The Hell in Me, the Hell in You (Oneiros Books), DO NOT CENSOR (Oneiros Books), an autopsy of the spleen (chapbook published by Bone Orchard Press), Entropic Elegies (Lapwing Publications), Pornocopia (Oneiros Books) , AMPHITHEATRE Or The Anatomy of Nowhere (Dynatox Ministries), Toilet Mouth (Antiseptic Press, his own literary platform/self-publishing outlet), In The Wake of Love (Antiseptic Press), Pedagogy of Violence (VoidFront Press, 2018) and most recently, Your Misery is For Entertainment Purposes Only (NihilismRevised, 2020). Craig has also had the delight of having his debut novel published, The Origin of Manias (Oneiros Books). Craig’s scathing poetry and prose targets the absurdity of the modern man whilst also examining the superfluity of morality and other paradoxes in humanity. His material and excerpts have appeared in some wonderful and strange magazines such as Horror, Sleaze, Trash, Gutter Eloquence, Sugar Mule, Meat songs, 1/25, Paraphilia Magazine, Bone Orchard Poetry, A New Ulster, Instant Pussy and Unlikely Stories. Craig is also a filmmaker and photographer.

“The only edition of The Symmetries of Pain available is a PDF file via my wordpress blog. Go here to download it for absolutely free! http://ammosexbarbiturates.wordpress....”
Craig Podmore
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