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Cyndi Lee

Cyndi Lee is the first female Western yoga teacher to fully integrate yoga asana and Tibetan Buddhism in her practice and teaching.  In 1998, she founded the OM yoga Center in NYC, which became a mecca for yogis worldwide.  One of the most influential teachers in the U.S., Cyndi is known for her dynamic and contemplative classes, creative, safe and sane sequencing, smart and soulful teachings -- all offered in a non-competitve environment of goodness.  Be prepared to move, to apply clarity to your alignment, to watch your mind, to sweat, to stay steady, to get bored and let go, to engage and be inspired.  

When she's not on the mat and cushion, Cyndi writes.  Her newest book is the The New York Times critically acclaimed May I Be Happy: A Memoir of Love, Yoga and Changing My Mind.  Other books include Yoga Body, Buddha Mind and OM yoga: A Guide to Daily Practice.  She writes regularly for Yoga Journal, Shambhala Sun, Yoga International and Tricycle Magazine.  Cyndi is a long time student of Gelek Rimpoche.

“Rather than allowing our response to an even affect our breathing, we can learn instead to let our breathing change our relationship to the event.”
Cyndi Lee
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