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Cyndi Tefft

“I’d never seen a guy in a kilt before but I had to admit I really liked it. My gaze traveled up his bare calves and over his back. His muscles flexed as he bent to arrange the twigs and limbs for the fire. The kilt covered his legs at one moment, then revealed them anew as he stood up…I suddenly remembered the saying that Scots don’t wear anything under their kilts and pushed back a crazy impulse to see for myself.”
Cyndi Tefft
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“Weel, hallo there,” he said in a thick accent… He threw his head back and laughed—a rich, joyous sound that bounced off the water… “Aye, that I am, indeed. Aiden MacRae of Eilean Donan. Very pleased to be meeting you.”
Cyndi Tefft
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“i will never leave you. There is nothing in this life or the next that could keep me from you.”
Cyndi Tefft
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“I turned my face to him and he kissed me, an unspoken need on his lips.”
Cyndi Tefft
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“I also told you when I made you my bride that I would not count the days if you would promise me the same. I don't intend to start now, love. You're my wife, yesterday, today, and forever. - Aiden MacRae”
Cyndi Tefft
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“I went to this beautiful place where the ground moved underneath me and the air was a part of me, and where time stopped. It was amazing and wonderful. But God sent me back, back to my body, back to you. - Lindsey Water”
Cyndi Tefft
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“It washed all over me and through me, into the floor and then it was gone. I never cried for my Da again after that, and God's presence has been with me ever since.” - Adien MacRae, BETWEEN”
Cyndi Tefft
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“And your green eyes are the color of the hills- the color of my home.' His voice dropped to a whisper. 'Aye, there's something about you, Lindsey Waters.”
Cyndi Tefft
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